(My compatriots might like to note the Irish Covid-19 Ad-hoc Response Committee makes an appearance at 49:52)
Tag: Media
Young Hearts 22
Excess mortality skyrocketing – mainstream media silent
Excess mortality numbers are increasing at an astounding rate. Young people are dying of ‘unexplained’ illnesses. At any other time in history (and if the MSM wasn’t part of the charade), alarm bells would have gone off loudly and frantically. The mainstream media would have had showcased ‘excess mortality’ as their prime-time topic every day for the last 12 months and had countless experts weighing in on the possible causes. Journalists would have been on the front line of investigations. Yet there is not just no mention of what could be causing the excess deaths. There is no mention of excess deaths AT ALL.
The Fact-Checker Scam
… the Government and mainstream media fact-chechers actually have no problem with misinformation as long as it aligns with the adopted political agenda.
Jeremey R. Hammond

Starting with his own Linkedin experience 1Suspended for 1) resharing an old article on the 2009 Iranian Presidential election 2), correcting misinformation about ivermectin research 3), showing that the CDC’s own data falsified their claim that vaccine-induced immunity was superior to natural immunity. Jeremy Hammond joined Tom Woods to discuss the problem of mainstream “fact checkers” enforcing the establishment narrative.
He gave numerous examples of truthful information being suppressed including:
Continue reading The Fact-Checker Scam- 1Suspended for 1) resharing an old article on the 2009 Iranian Presidential election 2), correcting misinformation about ivermectin research 3), showing that the CDC’s own data falsified their claim that vaccine-induced immunity was superior to natural immunity.
Challenging the Covid-19 Narrative
In this interview with Brian Gerrish, former ITV and BSkyB Executive Mark Sharman challenges the official Covid-19 narrative, including flawed statistics, high-level media censorship, government financial ‘bribes’ of the media, lost trust in doctors, vilification of those warning of vaccine damage, and the very real harm suffered by individuals who accepted the government promoted vaccines.
… includes an excerpt [at 35:00] from the powerful and emotional documentary by Oracle Films, Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion, which shows the heartbreaking reality of vaccine damage to a young woman, Georgia Segal. Her courage in dealing with her post-vaccine harm, and in speaking out so that others can understand the real truth about vaccine side effects, is outstanding.
Toward the end the BBC’s “Unvaccinated” was mentioned. More about that here.
Aisling O’Loughlin with John Waters
I can’t leave my kids a world where they’re pin-cushions for somebody who wants to kill them.
Aisling O’Loughlin
The former TV3 presenter joins journalist John Waters to discuss what’s happened to journalism, family relationships, moral responsibility, people’s inability to see… and more
Aisling O’Loughlin on Telegram | Conversations With John Waters
The Truth About Ivermectin
In under 14 minutes.
Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin. We produced this short film to correct the narrative and to reveal the motive behind the smear campaign against one of the safest and most effective medicines of this era.
Mikki Willis. Father/Filmmaker.
Brilliantly Difficult
One of the good outcomes of the plandemic is the rise of (a few) creative people. Realizing the difficulty we are in they are risking much (while most of their peers stay silent).
Bob Moran is one of them.
His art has been shared here before. Because it conveys so much, so quickly.
Continue reading Brilliantly DifficultThe Trusted News Initiative
After recent posts on media lies and misdirection, it seems relevant to remember this BBC initiative exists, what it does and who is involved.
It is NOT a group of conspirators though.
It is merely a coincidental partnership between entities aligned around agreed goals.
Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone are two of many who have looked into it:
Continue reading The Trusted News InitiativeTrying to make you believe the virus came from nature.
It is 2.5 years later and two papers appear on the same day?!? Should you believe it? I do not. Neither does Robert Malone or Chris Martenson. Here’s why.
Steve Kirsch
Other: Robert Malone | Chris Martenson1“Media Lies About Origins Of Covid” – premiered on 16 Mar 2022 but still relevant… including the name Kristian Andersen. | BBC: lying by omission?
- 1“Media Lies About Origins Of Covid” – premiered on 16 Mar 2022 but still relevant… including the name Kristian Andersen.
33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago
All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”
… I’m a conservative talk show host who has warned LOUDLY of the dangers of the vaccine since day one. So, my friends are overwhelmingly conservative and unvaccinated too. Yet the few friends I know who did choose to vaccinate are almost all dead or ill.
Just think about those percentages. The ranks of my few vaccinated friends are decimated like a platoon of Marines shredded by an enemy ambush, who came home in body bags.
Wait, here’s the clincher. Among my friends and family who are unvaccinated, not one of them has died or been sick since my wedding eight months ago.
Wayne Allyn Root
His Twitter account is suspended at the moment. Probably just a coincidence though.