Wouter Aukema…

… is the source of that graph showing how relatively quickly that infamous Corman-Drosten PCR paper went through the Eurosurveillance peer review process.

(This is the same paper whose Version 1 had been submitted to the WHO on Jan 13th 2020 – “eight days prior to the date it was submitted to the medical journal Eurosurveillance…)

“To assess commonality in the review and acceptance process at eurosurveillance.org, the author collected and analysed meta-data for all 1,595 publications since 01-Jan-2015…

  • Of the 17 types of articles published since 2015, three types occur most frequently: Rapid Communication (385), Research (312) and Surveillance (193).
  • The average number of days between Acceptance and Reception of Research type articles is 172 (2019) and 97 (2020). 
  • In line with the Editorial Policy for Authors, the category ‘Rapid Communication’ publications appear to be reviewed and accepted more quickly (18 days average) than type ‘Research’ and ‘Surveillance.’
  • Except for this one Research article (on 22-jan-2020), no other article has ever been reviewed and accepted within a single day since 2015.
Wouter Aukema

Interactive version of graph | Instructions to replicate

True Science Can’t Lie…

… with Jonathan Jay Couey

Biological realities mean RNA can’t pandemic… and he too was tricked into asking the wrong questions about the (still on-going) pandemic illusion. Central to the illusion was PCR not using ‘nested primers’ – allowing it find signals that were likely there in the background all along.

He also talks about the pain of being let go by Children’s Health Defense, the guilt he feels for not speaking out earlier about the transfections and how we need to apologise to, and seek forgiveness from the young. Because it is they who will have to live with the consequences of our compliance as ‘the edge of knowledge’ is pushed forward by those driving the fracturing of humanity.

“The evidence is there but not broadcast on the mainstream. Dr Jay Couey was the science advisor to Robert F Kennedy and the Children’s Health Defence. What we discuss here today is information that you have not heard before and the explanations from Jay are incredible. we hope you share this information and allow others to see how big the lie is that we have been sold. We can only hope it allows others to step forward and speak the truth rather than carry the burden of living the lie to protect the narrative.

Atlantic Underground Podcast

JJ Couey: GigaohmBiological.com

Dr. Lisa Hutchinson, Ph.D.

In 2004, as its Chief Editor, she launched the journal Nature Reviews: Clinical Oncology.

During her 13 years there she witnessed scientific publication switching from being subscription based to being ‘Open Access Publishing’. As she recently told the HOPE Sussex Community, the changeover has not helped science but rather its funders and their agendas.

I wonder if she knows about the Broken Science Initiative?

Her article from The Light Paper (p23):

About Dr. Lisa Hutchinson: CancerWorld.net | Linkedin

Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

(26th March, since posting I’ve additionally learned oximeters might not only be unreliable, but can also give different results based on skin colour.)

Since COVID more and more people are measuring their blood-oxygen levels, watching for a threshold they’ve been told to worry about.

Interestingly, those thresholds are set by both mainstream and freedom oriented medics. For instance, the FLCCC say get to hospital if blood-oxygen saturation drops below 94%.


… Scott Schara sees oximeter use as pivotal in the lead up to the medical murder of his Down’s Syndrome daughter, Grace.

… Leslie Batts regrets using one too. Because it opened the door to the killing of her husband in hospital.

Knowledge misapplied or a psyop?

Most of us think oximeters are a useful tool. But…

Continue reading Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

Cars, trains and Scooby-Doo

How to summarise JJ Couey?

On Monday I was telling a friend about the impact finding JJ Couey has had on me.

My friend has been exploring the plandemic since 2020. Me since 2021. Yet he was still unaware of Couey while I only found Couey a few months ago. Two examples of how ‘the internet’ can leave us with limited perspectives despite our best efforts.

Couey might put that down to the cars we each ended up in. Cars whose passengers and drivers might be (wittingly or unwittingly) part of ‘The Scooby-Doo’ and affecting our perception of the train.

But there’s more to the ousted university research assistant professor than insightful analogies.

Biology as way out of the cave

Couey educates from a thorough understanding of biology and neuroscience – including in-depth knowledge and laboratory experience of transfection (which is what COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ do, and actually are).1Transfection is the insertion of foreign nucleic acids into a host’s eukaryotic cells (sources). Eukaryotic cells are those which contain “several membrane-bound structures, or organelles, which are specialized cellular subunits that carry out specific cellular functions.” (source also has a helpful graphic)

Because understanding the sacred biology of our world can expose the many myths underpinning COVID and other aspects of modern medicine – like the US childhood vaccination schedule. Also ‘the meddlers‘ keeping us distracted from important truths.

So, with his biology flashlight pointed forward he’s showing us a way out of the cave.2Plato’s Cave: “… describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world.”

For my friend. Maybe you too?

My friend wanted an introduction to Couey. Challenging, given the scope of Couey’s insights and prolific output.

I settled on his personal livestream of a January presentation to the Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International.

Because I find it both succinct and thorough.

I also offer the Q&A after the talk.

Because some interesting characters3If you want to see some of who were there, watch the Q&A on Rumble ask interesting questions which get Couey talking about many things – including virus/no-virus, vaccination, clones, genomes, an adversary, his own stupidity and more.

Plus, some of his humanity is captured at the end.

The talk

The Q&A

JJ Couey (GigaohmBiological.com) | My Couey archive

  • 1
    Transfection is the insertion of foreign nucleic acids into a host’s eukaryotic cells (sources). Eukaryotic cells are those which contain “several membrane-bound structures, or organelles, which are specialized cellular subunits that carry out specific cellular functions.” (source also has a helpful graphic)
  • 2
    Plato’s Cave: “… describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world.”
  • 3
    If you want to see some of who were there, watch the Q&A on Rumble

The Sickest I’ve Ever Been

An analogy for personal experience as evidence of novelty

“A couple of years ago, I boarded a deep sea fishing boat for 3-hour excursion.

Winds were moderate and the water rough.

Within the first 10 minutes, motion sickness set in. I knew the boat couldn’t turn around and that I’d made a huge mistake in a) drinking a lot of coffee beforehand, and b) not taking Dramamine.

It was the worst 3 hours of vomiting in my life—indeed, the worst 24 hours of illness I’ve ever experienced. I said, out loud, numerous times, “I am going to die.” When dolphins were leaping out of the water, I couldn’t even look

I puked in the car ride back to the beach house, at the house, and several times throughout the night. I feel nauseous right now just thinking about that day.

I wasn’t the only one who got sick on the trip. All but a few passengers – one a cadet at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and another my ten-year-old daughter – barfed at least once. The crew were fine (of course).

Needless to say, based on my then-new experience being on a vessel smaller than a cruise ship many miles from the coastline, I can’t recommend anyone go on deep sea fishing trip. Certainly not on a windy-ish day with choppy seas.

But, what if I said that there was something unique and unusual about the ocean waters that day? Or insisted the boat had a design that spiked the propensity of passengers to retch over the rails? Or argued that the captain must have been navigating in a negligent manner, or drunk, and needs his license taken away? All because I WAS THE SICKEST I’VE EVER BEEN AND OTHER PEOPLE WERE REALLY SICK TOO, DARN IT!

What would you say to me?

Continue reading The Sickest I’ve Ever Been

Actuarial and statistical problems around the Covid phenomen

Neuro-biologist JJ Couey, reviews Nick Hudson’s Oct 11th presentation to the Actuarial Society of South Africa. A plain version can be watched on Pandata.org

(Apologies for the text/chat replay on the screen. Nothing I can do about it.)


Copied from the Pandata substack. Contains an Addendum responding to some questions he was asked on the day…

Continue reading Actuarial and statistical problems around the Covid phenomen

Digesting JJ Couey

I’d been aware of him for a while. But, regrettably, no more so than any of the other scientists speaking out about the COVID scam.

Recently though, something about his interactions with Jessica Hockett and Denis Rancourt drew me back to explore his views more thoroughly.

It’s been painful. Slowly coming to realise, acknowledge and admit…

… I had been skilfully played and fallen for The Scooby-Doo myself and…

… that many who I hoped and believed were gonna save us, aren’t…

… because they are (probably unconsciously in many cases) fostering an illusion of consensus that protects and perpetuates The Faith. Like myself at times since my first article here in 2021.

It’s also been humbling. To realise that I wasn’t as awake as I considered myself – and acknowledge thinking myself superior to others who weren’t awake. Plus, to face the possibility that these latest learnings about this great awful deception might not be my last.

I’m not quite yet able to ‘elevator pitch’ these new understandings. But JJ Couey is honing his presentations all the time and I’m finding his analogies increasingly helpful.

Like the train mime…. (from c 27:00 in his recent talk with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International) 1Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble

GigaohmBiological.com | PubMed

  • 1
    Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble

Vaccine Experts Under Oath:

Shocking Revelations in the Fight for Transparency And Truth

Last Thursday’s Highwire episode features a presentation given by Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri at Freedom Fest in Memphis earlier this year.

If you have not yet seen Aaron Siri’s testimony to the Arizona Senate in May, this is a pretty good summary.

“… Everything you thought you knew about vaccines, is wrong. Listen to Del and Aaron take you through court depositions and cross examinations of the world’s leading vaccine experts. Listen to shocking admissions by these experts, in their own words, when they are compelled to tell the truth, under oath…”

The Highwire

TheHighwire.com | ICANdecide.org

Vaccinated Rat and Human Heart Cell Study Shows How Hearts Get Damaged

Mathematician Igor Chudov reviews a research letter submitted to The British Journal of Pharmacology by a German/Hungarian team of scientists.

“We already know, based on cardiac damage markers in humans, that COVID vaccines cause heart damage, sometimes hidden, that is far from rare…

What is not as clear is: what exactly does happen to the hearts that raises biomarkers of damage?

Since scientists cannot remove and slice the hearts of living humans, the mechanism of this damage remains mysterious…

To explore this issue they…

“… used cell cultures to conduct an experiment unaffected by the many complications of testing the hearts of living organisms. They had proper control groups – Petri dishes with heart cells that did not receive the mRNA injection.

… and found…

The heart cells… underwent deleterious changes after in-vitro “vaccination.” Compared to the control group, the vaccinated heart cells malfunctioned in various ways…

But not because the immune system was attacking heart cells

Much of the discussion of “myocarditis” involves hypotheses of the heart being damaged by our body’s immune rejection of heart cells.

The Schreckerberg study we are discussing purposely excluded such immune reactions because it used cell cultures without any immune cells. And yet, they detected deleterious effects on heart cells (cardiomyocytes). There are more causes of heart damage than immune reactions could explain, authors show by excluding any immune-related factor.

We must appreciate the authors’ intent to concentrate on one particular aspect of vaccination.

“Here’s the most amazing part…

“… rarely seen in peer-reviewed studies published in official journals. The authors do not mince words and say we must re-evaluate giving people mRNA vaccines due to their cardiotoxic effects!

Igor Chudov

Read Chudov’s review in full, with extracts from the letter, here.

Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86

What do you take from this August 23rd statement by the CDC?

Putting aside that this is an acknowledgement that the ‘vaccines’ are useless (so you’ll need a booster which we’ll license soon), doesn’t this amount to saying “pretty much everyone” ?

… BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines…

CDC1Archived. Archived.

The same release also says:

  • existing expensive pharmaceuticals “appear to be effective” against it
  • “this updated vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization” (nice bit of confident predicting there!)
  • and it is transmitting internationally because there are 9 cases across Denmark (3); South Africa (2); Israel (1); United States (2) and United Kingdom (1)..

Yes. 9 cases.

In the world.

The entire world.

Of c. 8,000,000,000 people.

But… in case you might be tempted to relax and not worry… they note reduced genome sequencing means “more variants may emerge and spread undetected for longer periods of time” … so they’ll keep an eye on everything and will update their assessment when they have more data.

Preprint: Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial

For those still inclined to Trust The ScienceTM

… found no significant difference between the number of deaths in the vaccinated versus placebo arms for the first 20 weeks of the trial, the placebo-controlled portion of the trial. After Week 20, as subjects in the Placebo were unblinded and vaccinated, deaths among this still unvaccinated cohort of this group slowed and eventually plateaued. Deaths in the BNT162b2 vaccinated subjects continued at the same rate. Our analysis revealed inconsistencies between the subject data listed in the 6-Month Interim Report and publications authored by Pfizer/BioNTech trial site administrators. Most importantly, we found evidence of an over 3.7-fold increase in number of deaths due to cardiovascular events in BNT162b2 vaccinated subjects compared to Placebo controls. This significant adverse event signal was not reported by Pfizer/BioNTech…

Of the 38 deaths reported in the 6-Month Interim Report… 14 subjects died from a cardiovascular event, over one-third of all deaths (36.8%). Of these 14, 11 were from the BNT162b2 vaccinated trial arm and 3 from the Placebo only trial arm. This represents a 3.7-fold increase in cardiovascular events in subjects who received the BNT162b2 vaccine. Thomas et al. [7] and Pfizer/BioNTech’s Summary Clinical Safety [11] do not identify or remark on this clear serious adverse event signal…

Michels, C.; Perrier, D.; Kunadhasan, J.; Clark, E.; Gehrett, J.; Gehrett, B.; Kwiatek, K.; Adams, S.; Chandler, R.; Stagno, L.; Damian, T.; Delph, E.; Flowers, C. Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial. Preprints 2023, 2023090131. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202309.0131.v1

Oh, and once the trial was unblinded, one participant had a Moderna injection after Pfizer Doses 1 and 2. His death a few weeks later was reported as an unvaccinated Placebo Death!

Continue reading Preprint: Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial