Three times. In three weeks.

NOV 12th: live-link to some German Parliamentarians

“… After I’d finished… The whole place was on its feet. They were clapping like mad. It went on for an embarrassing 2-3 minutes.

Gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them and ended the link.

I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public…

Dr. Mike Yeadon

DEC 1st: an event for Croatian Parliamentarians and journalists

“… For reasons I don’t yet fully understand, this recording was not played at the session in Croatia…

Continue reading Three times. In three weeks.

“… to a trusted campaigning friend, who is struggling to accept that what is happening is intentional.”

Pasted from the Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar Telegram channel: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A message written to a trusted campaigning friend, who is struggling to accept that what is happening is intentional. It is indeed a big step to move from justifiable criticism of presumed incompetent politicians and industrialists to putting the pieces together in such a way that they can point only to intentionality. See what you think.

Best wishes

Dear X,

I find that attempting to put all the information together in such a way as to allow for the whole even to be benign or at least not wholly malevolent is impossible.
That’s because, as you’ve no doubt heard me say, I believe it is malevolent!

I too struggled early on, arguing “surely they must have known this!?” Etc.
Once I allowed for the possibility that all the bad things were intentional, I find all the rest falls into place. Obviously that alone doesn’t prove that it was intentional.
Some early clues to intentionality are the coordinated responses of scores of governments to the alleged pandemic: lockdowns, masking, mass testing of the well, the misapplication of PCR-based techniques to bulk testing of clinical samples, selective business & school closures, border restrictions etc. Not a single country had any of this as a core part of their own pandemic preparedness plan.

Continue reading “… to a trusted campaigning friend, who is struggling to accept that what is happening is intentional.”

The only thing we need to fear – is fear itself

Common sense, science, psychology and philosophy meet

In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich analyzes the modus operandi of all responsible governments worldwide and in strange synchronicity of the beginning of the so-called Corona Pandemic with Meredith Miller, holistic coach, author and Dr. Mike Yeadon, scientist and former vice president of Pfizer and Joseph Molitorisz, philosopher.

They shed light on the psychological and inhumane methods used to panic, confuse and, with the help of the media, prevent the entire world population from using common sense to make a reality check. The viciousness of those in charge is evident not only in their own behavior during the pandemic, as they obviously had no qualms or fears about shamelessly breaking all the established rules of social distancing for their population themselves, but also in how they pretended to provide medical care for people supposedly infected with covid, leading to death for very many.

How to protect yourself from such psychological tricks and methods? Because the fear and panic-inducing narratives are not breaking even currently. Why, even after three years, people cannot let go of their fear of a virus, although there is so much information on the table that it is a matter of lies and deceptions? How will this greatest crime against humanity be dealt with and how and by whom can those responsible be held legally accountable? The most important thing in such situations is to remain calm and level-headed. Fear is the greatest enemy mankind has.

International Crimes Investigative Committee

Philanthropath Bill Gates Has Just Planned His Next Pandemic – “Catastrophic Contagion”

And he’s definitely after your kids this time.

In a tacit admission that COVID did not quite achieve his absolute goals, Bill Gates has just announced his next plandemic.

Joel Smalley
Smalley linked to the original site. I’d prefer not give them clicks. So if you’re ready to read the next phase of the menticide,1New to you? Here’s an intro. Suggested recovery programme here. here’s an archive version.

Mike Yeadon explains it’s impossible.

Especially the bit about the children.

They’re at it again. Planning a FAKE pandemic. Enabled by untrustworthy PCR.

A few remarks:

1. It’s FAKE. It’s immunologically impossible to have a pandemic of a severe respiratory illness. If you accept the disease model they’re using, then the more severe the illness, the more quickly the infected person, if they’re susceptible, becomes symptomatic. It’s only then that the person might transmit to other susceptible person, but by then, they’re sick & at home. Not mixing with others. Chain terminated. Drops R nought.2“R” is the statistical ‘rate of spread’.. R=1 means 1 person infects 1 person who infects 1 person etc. If R=2 then 1 person infects 2 who infect 2 more etc. R=0 means no spread.  

By contrast, common cold type illnesses can whizz around the world & nobody cares. 

Which in part explains why we’ve never had a pandemic of a severe respiratory illness. 

Covid was faked at worst (my opinion, supported by the deaths epidemiology) & at very least exaggerated. 

The 1918-19 “Spanish Flu” was also grossly exaggerated. The numbers who perished were far fewer than are now claimed. Contemporaneous documents just a few years later don’t even mention it. Not consistent with “the worst pandemic since medieval times”. 

2. I know of no conceivable respiratory pathogen that preferentially makes “young people” ill, not the frail elderly. Sure, there are some illnesses that are particularly cruel on tiny babies and frail tots. Young adults are like cockroaches where it comes to respiratory illnesses. I don’t believe the frail elderly could be spared & there are ALWAYS way more frail in the elderly population than in the young & fit (immunocompetent) population. 

The the entire scenario is FAKE. 

Continue reading Philanthropath Bill Gates Has Just Planned His Next Pandemic – “Catastrophic Contagion”
  • 1
    New to you? Here’s an intro. Suggested recovery programme here.
  • 2
    “R” is the statistical ‘rate of spread’.. R=1 means 1 person infects 1 person who infects 1 person etc. If R=2 then 1 person infects 2 who infect 2 more etc. R=0 means no spread.

“This is what it looks like…

… The real shit.

When a person is not obfuscating...

When you grasp the scope of the problem and you do not flinch and you are not protecting your station or your internal fiction that you tell yourself to make everything “fit” some story.

Thank you, Dr. Mike.1Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-President and Head of Respiratory Allergies of Pfizer

Thank you, Brave Michelle.2Whistleblower, Registered Nurse “Michelle from Fresno” (Michelle Gershman)

Thank you, Sasha

Thank you Dr. Bhakdi.3Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Sage Hana

  • 1
    Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-President and Head of Respiratory Allergies of Pfizer
  • 2
    Whistleblower, Registered Nurse “Michelle from Fresno” (Michelle Gershman)
  • 3
    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Is Not Science

… my dad… suffered a cardiac arrest and a sudden cardiac death at home…

… extra 14,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in 2021 versus 2020, so, post vaccine rollout…

… my own social circle, at least half-a-dozen people unexpectedly suffered sudden cardiac death within weeks to months of having the vaccine…

… the original Pfizer trial… there is a smoking gun… there were four cardiac arrests in the vaccine group versus one in the placebo…

… people aged between 16 and 39 there was a 25 per cent increase in either heart attacks or cardiac arrests.

… my duty is to patients and to scientific integrity, and to the truth.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

Debate me – or sue me!

That was Dr. Mike Yeadon’s message for Sir Patrick Vallance, Sir Chris Whitty, Sir Mene Pangalos, Dr. Mathai Mammen and Dr. James Merson – after he indicted them on Radical with Maajid Nawaz,1Scroll back to start for full context.

He also had a message for you:

… I don’t wanna be alive if we lose this… I’m in the same boat as you. But what would really annoy me is, if anyone hears this and doesn’t do something with it, well, stop watching.. Stop watching! It’s not entertainment! If you don’t go and do something with this, turn your computer off.

Dr. Mike Yeadon


Continue reading Debate me – or sue me!
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    Scroll back to start for full context.

An important message from Dr Mike Yeadon

“I believe Mike, not just because I’ve looked him straight in the eyes and trust his honesty, integrity and wisdom but because the vast amounts of data I have studied for myself fully support his rhetoric.” Joel Smalley

Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you & me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family. They are coming for you & your children. It is happening again. There’s ample evidence emerging of long term, patient planning. I’m so sorry. 

I recommend Joel Smalley’s republication because of Yeadon’s comment beneath it.

Alternatively, read the August 31st original pasted below:

Continue reading An important message from Dr Mike Yeadon