The Fact-Checker Scam

… the Government and mainstream media fact-chechers actually have no problem with misinformation as long as it aligns with the adopted political agenda.

Jeremey R. Hammond

Starting with his own Linkedin experience 1Suspended for 1) resharing an old article on the 2009 Iranian Presidential election 2), correcting misinformation about ivermectin research 3), showing that the CDC’s own data falsified their claim that vaccine-induced immunity was superior to natural immunity. Jeremy Hammond joined Tom Woods to discuss the problem of mainstream “fact checkers” enforcing the establishment narrative.

He gave numerous examples of truthful information being suppressed including:

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    Suspended for 1) resharing an old article on the 2009 Iranian Presidential election 2), correcting misinformation about ivermectin research 3), showing that the CDC’s own data falsified their claim that vaccine-induced immunity was superior to natural immunity.

Is vaccine science trustworthy?

If there has been shoddy science and intentional deception around previous vaccines why should we “trust the science” and public health officials this time with Covid injections?

Also, if there’s nothing amiss in the vaccine and public health world then there would be no need to ignore or cover up of harm, or attack those questioning things. Right?

So let’s start there… are there vaccine harms being downplayed or ignored, and are challengers being smeared, ostracized or otherwise censored?

If the sheer volume of childhood injections in that image (and the implication that kids are born with a horrendous vaccine deficiency!1Image from here) doesn’t give you cause for pause then I suggest you familiarize yourself with Dr. Paul Thomas.

A medical practitioner, Thomas committed to informing parents about the ups and downs of each vaccine. So some of his patients chose to follow the CDC vaccine schedule while others didn’t. No surprise there really.

But then he conducted a study comparing the overall health outcomes of his clinics vaccinated and unvaccinated patients.2If vaccines left us healthier you’d think the vaccine industry, the CDC and others would be doing loads of such studies to drive home the value of vaccination. But they’re not. Strange, huh? The study was published after peer review and showed the unvaccinated tended to be healthier. A few days later the Oregon Medical Board suspended Dr. Thomas license to practice.

Jeremy R Hammond has written about Dr. Thomas work and knows the details well.

Then there’s the story of Andrew Wakefield – also suffering because of his research on vaccines. As you’ll learn from his chat with Jerm, he did little more than dare to ask questions and suggest more research was needed.

He later learned of some deceptive vaccine science going on in the CDC and teamed up with Del to reveal it in the movie Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016). The movie also highlighted the legal and financial protections given vaccine producers.

Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth (2019) saw the addition of Dr Suzanne Humphries, other medical professions and families prepared to speak about their discoveries and experiences with vaccination… including the way in which vaccines are most likely undermining naturally-acquired herd immunity.

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    Image from here
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    If vaccines left us healthier you’d think the vaccine industry, the CDC and others would be doing loads of such studies to drive home the value of vaccination. But they’re not. Strange, huh?
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