We Are Not Alone

August 19th, 2024: I began this list to record examples of dissenting voices to show doubting family and friends. While doing so, in all innocence, and also with my judgement clouded by desperation to have like-minded company in these troubling times, I was taking these people at face value.

Then, late 2023, I came across Jonathan Jay Couey and Mark Kulacz. It’s been painful learning from them that many on this list are not heroes after all. So I’m not quite sure what to do about this list now. Do I remove their names? Colour their names red? Do I say why they’re untrustworthy? Wipe the list and start over? I’m unsure.

But for now I’m leaving it as is. As a reminder to myself at least that I too was deceived by some of these people. An admission made easier by Couey’s frank acknowledgement of his own fallibility. (You can catch his full Red Pill Expo talk here).

This list is growing. It is not the only one.1For example.

Also, it is quite anglo-centric. So similar lists could easily be created for those speaking French, German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Swahili and other languages.

Who features?

Initially, those who exposed the masks and lockdowns. Then, those espousing early treatment, warning of linguistic deception2e.g. redefining ‘vaccine’ and “statistrics”3Typo intended! and vaccine harms.

But since late 2022 it also includes some going beyond the COVID con to expose other aspects of The Matrix. Like… programable money (aka CBDCs),4Central Bank Digital Currencies are “programable” because expiry dates can be set, conditions of use applied (e.g. won’t work outside your permitted travel zone, based on your social credit score, meat consumption, online activity, criticism of policies…) the climate change scam, the W.H.O. ‘pandemic treaty / accord’ and their amendments of the International Health Regulation…

Why are they on it?

They value truth, freedom and Human Rights.


Some may no longer be active because of de-platforming, censorship, intimidation, family, personal or other reasons – including death.5e.g. Dr. Zelenko RIP 2022

They may differ on why all this is happening, what the biggest danger is; how best to respond etc. This is healthy and not a valid reason to dismiss any, or all of their perspectives.

Their politics, religion, attitude, style etc are irrelevant. What matters is the veracity of their perspective and message.6Before dismissing something they say, please check you’re not being illogical.

Most of all, remember it only takes one black swan. Just one.

  1. Academy of Ideas
  2. Action 4 Canada
  3. AJ Roberts7Also MrAJRoberts.com
  4. Alexander, Dr. Paul8Also DrPaulAlexander.com
  5. Allen, Richie (podcasts)
  6. Alles Auf Den Tisch9‘Everything on the table’
  7. Alliance for Natural Health10Covid-19 vaccine leaflets available on this page
  8. All The Risks (Jonathan Weissman)
  9. Alltman, Dr. Philip
  10. American Association of Physicians and Surgeons
  11. American Freedom Alliance
  12. American Frontline Nurses
  13. America’s Frontline Doctors
  14. American Institute for Economic Research
  15. Amerling, Dr. Richard M.D.
  16. Anecdotals Movie
  17. Anna Alice, Margaret
  18. Annett, Kevin11Several projects, but Republic Of Kanata is a good place to start
  19. Anomic Age (John Age)
  20. Ardis, Dr. Brian
  21. Arkmedic’s Blog
  22. Arora, Rav
  23. Astin-Gregory, Dan (Pandemic Podcast)
  24. Atkinson, Graham (The Red Pill Revolution)
  25. Atlantic Underground Podcast
  26. Attkisson, Sharyl
  27. Attwood, Mark12Odysee channel.
  28. Aurelian13Aurelian.ro
  29. Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS)[F]Rumble[/F]
  30. Australian Vaccination-risks Network Inc
  31. Awaken With JP14Odysee channel.
  32. Azelbert, Dr Xavier
  33. Bailey, Dr. Samantha
  34. Ballan, Abir
  35. Baker, Steve (The Pragmatic Constitutionalist)15Locals. Twitter. Rumble
  36. Barak, Avi
  37. Barbari, Dr. Antoine
  38. Baudet, Thierry16With Jerm Warfare – includes his video warning about the three ‘mega-trends’ affecting our present and threatening our future..
  39. Beaudoin, John, Sr.17Substack | Norman Fenton interview re Massachusetts death certificates & fraud
  40. Belfield, Alex
  41. Berenson, Alex18Too hot for Twitter.
  42. Behrendt, Dr. Silvia
  43. Bhargava, Dr. Aditi
  44. Bhakdi, Dr. Sucharit
  45. Bhattacharya, Dr. Jay
  46. Big Brother Watch
  47. Bigtree, Del (The Highwire)19Rumble
  48. Binder, Dr. Thomas
  49. Bloom, Godfrey (former British Army officer, former UK MEP)20Jim Ferguson interview
  50. Bock, Dr. Randall
  51. Boden, Dr. Mary
  52. Borjesson, Kristina21Bitchute channel.
  53. Bosi, Riccardo
  54. Boyle, Professor Francis A.22Stew Peters Show, Feb 2023
  55. Bracken, Karen
  56. Brand, Russell
  57. Brees, Anna
  58. Breur, Jim23Someone Had To Say It. Jim Breuer’s “Conspiracy Theory” Bunker with Jimmy Shaka.
  59. Brewed24featured on Tom Woods podcast 15 Dec 2020
  60. Bridgen, Andrew MP
  61. Bridle, Dr. Byram W.
  62. Briggs, William
  63. Brighteon
  64. Bright Light News
  65. Broadbery, Dustin25With Jerm Warfare Dec 2021 (on cults), April 2021 (origins of the internet).
  66. Broken Truth (Epidemic Of Fraud movie)
  67. Broken Science Initiative
  68. Brown, Kelly
  69. Bruchet, Dr. Mel
  70. Bryant. Michael26Jerm Warfare interview. Archived article. Archived article.
  71. Buckland, Dr Christian
  72. Buttar, Dr. Rashid
  73. Buxton, Tonia
  74. C19Study 27collating studies on Vit d, Ivermectin…
  75. C19 Vax Reactions
  76. Cabrera Avivar, Dr. Mario
  77. Cadegiani, Dr. Flavio28Brazil
  78. Café Locked Out
  79. Cahill, Prof. Dolores
  80. California Parents Union
  81. Camell, Dr. Ben
  82. Campbell, Dr. John29Here’s why.
  83. Canada Health Alliance
  84. Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA)30Odysee
  85. Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine
  86. Care Not Cuts
  87. Carroll, Dr. Vincent
  88. Cartland, Dr. David31See also Tess Talks interview, August 2022 | DrCartland.com
  89. Casey, Prof. Gerard32With Sara Haboubi & Mattias Desmet (2nd video on page). Regular guest on Tom Woods
  90. Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Oxford)
  91. Chambers, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Pete33VSRF interview, May 2022
  92. Charles, Rebecca
  93. Channel Islands Integrative Health Alliance
  94. checkur6
  95. Chief Nerd
  96. Children’s Health Defense34CHD.tv |Rumble
  97. Christof, Jason35Presentation to PANDA, Nov 2023
  98. Chudov, Igor
  99. Citizens For Free Speech
  100. Citizens’ Hearing
  101. Clapton, Eric36See his June 2021 interview here.
  102. Clark, Dr. Teryn
  103. Cloud, Gina37Undivided Podcast
  104. Coffee And A Mike (Michael Farris)38Rumble
  105. CoffeeAndCovid.com39Jeff Childers, lawyer
  106. Cohen, Dan (Uncaptured.media)40Doc Malik interview
  107. Cole, Dr. Ryan
  108. Coleman, Dr. Vernon41aka An Old Man In A Chair
  109. Collateral Global
  110. Conscious Action for Truth (CAT Chats)
  111. Consttuional Sheriffs And Peace Officers Association
  112. Conrad, Debroah42Whistleblower
  113. Coppolino, Eric Francis
  114. Corbett, Dr. Kevin P.
  115. Corbett, James
  116. Corbishley, Nick43Author of “Scanned
  117. Corman Drosten Review group44Original website expired. View an archive of it.
  118. Corona Investigative Committee45Odysee
  119. Cornu-Labat, Dr. Gaston
  120. Couey, Jonathan Jay, PhD46YouTube | ResearchGate
  121. CovidBC
  122. Covid19 Assembly
  123. COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project
  124. CovidLawCast.com
  125. Covileaks
  126. Covid Legal USA47also their official blog: TheCovidBlog.com
  127. Covid Plan B
  128. Covid Recovery
  129. Cowan, Dr. Tom
  130. Cox, Bobbie Anne48Attorney
  131. Cox, Dr. Zac
  132. Craig, Dr. Clare
  133. Crawford, Mathew49Odysee | Rumble
  134. Crispin Miller, Mark
  135. Cuimmei, Melissa
  136. Cullen, Dave (Computing Forever)
  137. Cummins, Ivor (The Fat Emperor)
  138. Cuthbert Garcia, Tammy (Naturally Inspired Podcast)50Rumble
  139. Daily Clout51USA company, founded by Naomi Wolf, which is supporting citizens to “exercise their rights to directly weigh-in on issues and legislation so that their voices are heard at the local, state or federal level”.
  140. Danielle, Jalisa52Twitter
  141. Data-Analytica.org
  142. Delaney, Stephen J.
  143. Delingpole, James53Locals.com | Substack | Odysee
  144. de Matteo, Drea
  145. Denis, Dr. Johan
  146. DeSantis, Ron54Governor of Florida. Public Health Roundtable, 18th March 2021
  147. Desmet, Mattias
  148. Devlin, DJ Mark
  149. Disabled Rights Advocates
  150. DKS Consulting Group
  151. Doctor Dr McHonk-Honk
  152. Doctors for Covid Ethics 55100+ doctors and scientists from 30 countries
  153. Doctors for Patients UK
  154. Door To Freedom
  155. Dore, Jimmy
  156. Dowd, Edward
  157. Dryburgh, Lee S.
  158. Dubé, Dr. Sam56Aka “The Fifth Doctor”
  159. Duncan, Clifton57Clifton Duncan Podcast. Tom Woods Show, November 2021
  160. De Brun, Dr. Marcus
  161. De Klerk, Dr. Elke F.
  162. De Smet, Dr. Hilde
  163. Ealy, Dr. Henry
  164. Earth Newspaper
  165. Edeling, Dr. Herman
  166. Edmond, Dr. Mark58Interviewed by Dr. Sam Bailey, Sept. 2023
  167. Eisenstein, Charles
  168. Eli Klein Gallery59On Tom Woods show, January 13th 2021
  169. Elijah, Sonia
  170. Elliot, Christian
  171. Ellison, Dr. Tim60Physicist. Retired
  172. Elnaugh, Rachel61Odysee channel
  173. Engler, Dr. Jonathan
  174. Evans, Dr. Liz
  175. Evidence Not Fear
  176. Fallon Morell, Sally, MA
  177. Feds For Medical Freedom
  178. Fenton, Prof. Norman
  179. Ferguson, Jim62Twitter | Rumble
  180. Fernando, Ruckshan (The Real Ruckshan)63Interview with Children’s Health Defense, March 2023
  181. Field, Topher (BattlegroundMelbourne.com)
  182. Fierlafijn, Dr. Anne
  183. Finn, Patricia
  184. Five Times August (Brad Skistimas)
  185. Fleming, Dr. Richard
  186. France Soir
  187. Freedom Fighter Nation
  188. Freeman, James
  189. Free The People (Matt Kibbe)
  190. Frei, Rosemarie
  191. Fuellmich, Reiner 64lawyer who helped expose VW engine emissions test fraud
  192. Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)65Odysee
  193. Furey, Dr. Sheila66Interview with Alex Newman on The New American
  194. Gazda, Dr. Suzanne67Helping with neurological issues post Covid injection.
  195. Geopolitics & Empire68Odysee
  196. Gibbons, Anne
  197. Giesecke, Prof. Johan
  198. Gilberta St Rose, Dr. Mary
  199. Gill, Dr. Martin69South Africa
  200. Global Truth Network
  201. Gold, Dr. Simone
  202. Good Sciencing
  203. Grand Jury, The Court Of Public Opinion
  204. Great Barrington Declaration
  205. Gregson, Teryn (ShotDead.org)
  206. Griesz-Brisson, Dr. Margareta
  207. Gupta, Prof. Sunetra
  208. Habib, Liz
  209. Hal Turner Radio Show
  210. Hana, Sage
  211. Hammond, Jeremy R.
  212. Harper, Phil70His intro piece on ivermectin.
  213. HART71Health Advisory & Recovery Team
  214. Hart, Elizabeth (VaccinationIsPolitical.net)72Presentation to PANDA, April 2023 | Substack
  215. Haider, Dr. Syed73Odysee channel
  216. Hartley-Brewer, Julia74on Pandemic Podcast, July 28th, 2021
  217. Haviland, USAF Major (Ret.) Tom75Shannon Joy interview | Maria Zeee interview | Embalmer Clot Survey
  218. Hayen, Todd
  219. Health Freedom Defense Fund
  220. Health Freedom For Humanity
  221. Hearts of Oak76Rumble
  222. Heasman, Andy77Bitchute channel
  223. Hellström, Johan
  224. Henderson, Tracy
  225. Heneghan, Prof. Carl
  226. Henrion Caude, Dr. Alexandra78Geneticist and Director of Research at the French National Institute of Health
  227. Henriques, Tiago79Founded ‘Died Suddenly News’ group on Facebook
  228. Henry, Kayla
  229. Hibberd, Dr. Jennifer
  230. Hillier, Randy, MPP
  231. Hitchens, Peter
  232. Hobbs, Eddie80Twitter
  233. Hockett, Jessica81JJ Couey interview
  234. Hodkinson, Dr. Roger82Tommy’s Podcast  8th April 2021
  235. Hoffe, Dr. Charles
  236. Hom, Dr. Stanton
  237. HOPE Sussex Community
  238. Hopkins, CJ
  239. Hopkins, Katie83KatiesArms.com | Twitter | Gab
  240. Housatonic.Live (Mark Kulacz)84BitChute | Odysee | Rumble | Substack
  241. Hoy, Matt (ex UB40)85Daily Mail
  242. Huber, Dr. Colleen
  243. Hubmer-Mogg, Dr. Maria
  244. Hudson, Nick 86“The Ugly Truth About Lockdowns”, talk to a BizNews Investment Conference March 18th 2021
  245. Hughes, Monica
  246. Hugo Talks
  247. Hutchinson, Graham
  248. Hutchinson, Dr. Lisa Ph.D.87Hope Sussex presentation March 2024
  249. Hi-Rez88Twitter | Instagram
  250. Icke, David89speech at Worldwide Rally for Freedom London, July 24th, 2021
  251. Icke, Gareth90speech at Worldwide Rally for Freedom London, July 24th, 2021
  252. Igan, Max
  253. Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
  254. International Crimes Investigative Committee91Odysee | Telegram
  255. Ioannidis, Prof. John
  256. Ireland Excess Deaths
  257. Irish Freedom Party
  258. Iversen, Kim
  259. Jam For Freedom92Cambel McLaughlin interview with Tess Lawrie
  260. Jardine, Paula
  261. Jefferson, Prof. Tom
  262. Jensen, Dr. Scott
  263. Jerm Warfare (Jeremy Nell)
  264. Johnson, Senator Ron93Milwaukee News Conference, June 2021; Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates, Nov 2021; COVID-19: A Second Opinion, Jan 2022.
  265. Jones, Dr. Ros
  266. Journalists Against Censorship (Holding The Line)
  267. Kasner, Laura94Dr. Sansone interview
  268. Kaufman, Dr. Andrew 95his joint Statement On Virus Isolation well worth a look
  269. Kaur, Dr. Kulvinder MD
  270. Kendrick, Dr. Malcolm
  271. Kerr, Dr. Lucy96Brazil
  272. Kilian, Dr. Rochagné
  273. Kingston, Karen97Varitage.com
  274. Kirsch, Steve98Double-jabbed since March 2021. Highlighting the major issues with the injections, statistics, science, institutions and censorship. Also offering millions of dollars in challenges and ‘name your price’ support CDC or FDA staff prepared to whistleblow.
  275. Klein, Dr. Harvey (Heshie)
  276. Kory, Dr. Pierre
  277. Kunstler, James Howard
  278. Kroner, Dr. Shannon 99Author of “I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!”
  279. Laibow, Dr. Rima100Rumble channel. With Maria Zee, June 21, 2022.
  280. Law Or Fiction (UK)
  281. Lanka, Dr. Stefan
  282. Latypova, Alexandra (Sasha)101“Ex-pharma/biotech with 25 years of experience in clinical trials, clinical technologies and regulatory approvals. Owned and managed several contract research organizations and worked for 60+ pharma companies worldwide. Interacted with FDA as part of scientific industry consortium on improving cardiac safety assessments in clinical trials.” (TrialSite News) | Bitchute
  283. Le Tissier, Matt
  284. Leake, John102CourageToFaceCovid.com
  285. Lee, Dr. John
  286. Lee, Dr. Joseph103Some interviews: Rumble
  287. Legalise Freedom
  288. Less, Prof. Yoram
  289. Let Them Breathe
  290. Levitt, Prof. Michael
  291. Liberty Lockdown Podcast (Clint Russell) 104 Odysee |Twitter | Soundcloud
  292. Lilly, Evangeline
  293. Littel, Dr. John105Twitter
  294. Lockdown? What Lockdown?
  295. Logan, Lara106Jerm Warfare interview
  296. London Real (Brian Rose)
  297. Long, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa107Alaskan Medical Freedom Symposium, Sept 17, 2022
  298. Lotus Eaters108Their website isn’t searchable. Their Odysee channel is.
  299. Loupis, Dr. Anastasia Maria
  300. Lindley, Dr. Katarina109Also World Council for Health team member
  301. LSB Film Productions
  302. Lunoe, Sandy
  303. MacKenna, Ewan110Twitter
  304. Madej, Dr. Carrie
  305. Make Americans Free Again
  306. Makis, Dr. William111September 2022 interview with Odessa Orlewicz
  307. Maleika, Nina112Instagram
  308. Malhotra, Dr. Aseem113DoctorAseem.com | tagged on this site
  309. Malik, Dr. Ahmed (“Doc Malik”)114Rumble
  310. Malone, Dr. Robert W115Inventor of RNA technology. Double-jabbed.
  311. Malthouse, Dr. Stephen
  312. Martenson, Dr. Chris116Also PeakProsperity.com
  313. Masterjohn, Chris
  314. McAttee, Michelle117Pfizer whistleblower
  315. McCloskey, Dr. Anne
  316. McCullough, Dr. Peter 118https://rumble.com/vi2esn-dr-peter-mccullough-on-the-rush-to-vaccinate-the-entire-population..html
  317. McDonald, Dr. Mark119Psychiatrist, Los Angeles
  318. McGurk, Una120YouTube
  319. McKenna, Karen
  320. McLeod, Deanna
  321. Medical Freedom LA
  322. Mendenhall, Warner
  323. Mercola, Dr. Joseph121Bitchute
  324. Merritt, Dr. Lee
  325. Mickey Z
  326. Miller, Ian122In-depth articles and charts on Substack.
  327. Miller, Meredith123ICIC interview: The Media Is The Virus, also on Odysee
  328. Millions Against Medical Mandates
  329. Mina, Michael
  330. Miri AF124Substack
  331. Monotti, Robin125Telegram channel. Monottii Protocol for reopening society.
  332. Moran, Bob
  333. Morgan, Sean
  334. Molitorisz, Joseph126ICIC interview: A Million Mengeles?
  335. Morrisey, Dr. Pat
  336. Morrison, Van
  337. Morrow, Alison127AlisonMorrowMedia.com/
  338. Mounties For Freedom
  339. Mumper, Dr. Liz, M.D.
  340. My Free Doctor128Helping people source off-label treatment for Covid-19
  341. Nagase, Dr. Daniel
  342. Nass, Dr. Meryl129“…an internal medicine physician and a recognized expert in bioterrorism who famously uncovered the origin of the mysterious “Gulf War Syndrome” as a reaction to the US Army’s own anthrax vaccine” (James Howard Kunstler). Dr. Nass’ Substack
  343. National American Renaissance Movement (NationalARM)
  344. Nawaz, Maajid130Twitter. Substack. Gettr. Odysee. Rumble.
  345. Neary, Graham
  346. Nepute, Dr. Eric131Nov 2022: Stew Peters Show (first 13-mins)
  347. New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS)
  348. New Zealand Loyal 132Rumble: FreeNZ Media
  349. News Uncut
  350. NHS 100K
  351. Noem, Kristi133Governor, South Dakota; speech at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2021
  352. Not Our Future
  353. Nordfors, Dr. Mikael
  354. NTD News
  355. Nuremberg New Zealand
  356. Nurse Freedom Network
  357. Oakes Farms (Alfie Oakes)
  358. Ochelli Effect (Chuck Ochelli)134Conversation with Jessica Rose, Sept 2023 (Part 1)
  359. O’Bernicia, Michael
  360. O’Doherty, Gemma
  361. O’Loughlin, Aisling135 Telegram| interviewing Riccardo Bossi, One Party, Australia
  362. O’Neill, Gerry136Odysee
  363. Orlewicz, Odessa 137Twitter | Bitchute |Rumble
  364. Off-Guardian
  365. Oliver, Neil
  366. Olsson, Dr. James E.
  367. Open Source Truth
  368. Oracle Films138 Odysee | Rumble
  369. Our Voices Matter
  370. Palesa Mohamed, Shabnam139World Council for Health
  371. Palevsky, Dr. Lawrence (“Larry”)140Odysee channel
  372. PANDA (Pandemics – Data & Analytics)
  373. Parada, Pete141Jerm Warfare interview
  374. Pavlidis, Prof. Konstantin
  375. Peel, Jeffrey
  376. Pelech, Prof. Steven142Kinexus.ca also CanadianCovidCareAlliance.org
  377. PeterSweden
  378. Perrins, Laura
  379. Perro, Dr. Michelle143Interview with Steve Kirsch, Oct 2022
  380. Pieniazek, Norman J.144Rumble version
  381. Pighooey145Odysee
  382. Plummer, Joe
  383. Polly St. George (Amazing Polly)
  384. Ponesse, Dr. Julie
  385. Posobiec, Jack
  386. Popper, Pam
  387. Poulton, Sonia146BrandNewTube
  388. Pover, Caroline
  389. Power To The People UK
  390. Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency
  391. Prager, Jeff147World Council for Health, General Assembly, July 24th, 2023
  392. Prager University Foundation (“PragerU”)
  393. Principia Scientific
  394. Primary Doctor
  395. Prosecute Now
  396. Psychology Counts
  397. RAIR Foundation (Rise, Align, Ignite, Reclaim)148Rumble
  398. Rancourt, Denis Ph.D149research articles available here | Odysee channel
  399. Rapiti, Dr. EV
  400. Rappaport, Jon
  401. Rational Ground
  402. Reaching People
  403. Real Not Rare
  404. Rees, Hedley
  405. Reopen New Hampshire
  406. Reform UK
  407. Renz, Thomas
  408. Rich, John150Highwire interview, Sept 2023
  409. Right Said Fred151Twitter
  410. RIP Counties
  411. Roberts, Dr. Paul Craig
  412. Rockwell, Lew
  413. Rogers, Toby
  414. Roguski, James
  415. Rose, Jessica152Also on her own personal site.
  416. Roseingrave, Louise
  417. Rubas, Dr. Piotr
  418. Rubin, Ben (Also Pattern18)
  419. Ruby, Dr. Jane
  420. Ruechel, Julius
  421. Rushworth, MD Sebastian
  422. Russo, Maggie
  423. Ryland Media
  424. Safe Blood
  425. Safer To Wait
  426. Saleeby, Dr. Yusuf (JP), MD
  427. Sanity 4 Sweden (Bernard Valter)
  428. Sansone, Dr. Joseph153Rumble
  429. Santelmann, Dr. Heiko
  430. Save Our Rights UK
  431. Save Ohio University
  432. Schachtel, Jordan154In-depth writing and podcasts available on Substack.
  433. Schara, Scott155Father of Grace Schara. 21-minute interview here (from WSAU). Interview with Jonathan Jay Couey, Feb 2024.
  434. Schneider, Rob156Interviews: The Highwire, Vaccine Safety Research Foundation
  435. Scottish Vaccine Injury Group157Twitter
  436. Seibt, Naomi158Jerm Warfare: interviews Mar 2021, Jan 2023
  437. Sellner, Brittany159Odysee channel.
  438. Senger, Michael P.160Substack. Russell Brand interview, Dec 12, 2022
  439. Setty, Dr. Madhava
  440. Sey, Jennifer[f]Former Chief Marketing Officer of Levi’s | Twitter | Interview on The Highwire[/f]
  441. Shapiro, Per
  442. Sharav, Vera161Holocaust survivor
  443. Sharman, Mark162Former ITV and BSkyB Executive
  444. Sharp, Jennifer163AnecdotalsMovie.com | DailyClout interview
  445. SheepFarm.co.uk (Chris & Dom Waterson)
  446. Shemirani, Kate
  447. Sheridan, Thomas
  448. Sibanda, Sabelo164Advocate, South Africa.
  449. Sidley, Dr Gary
  450. Silent Majority Foundation
  451. Sloan, Derek
  452. Smalley, Joel
  453. Smit, Monica
  454. Sumption, Lord Jonathan
  455. Sundborn, Gerhard165epidemiologist, Uni of Auckland
  456. Sunfellow, David166Rumble channel
  457. Stand For Health Freedom
  458. Stoner, Virginia “Ginny”
  459. Stuckelberger, Dr. Astrid167 The Highwire, Oct 2021
  460. Students Against Mandates168YouTube
  461. Stevo, Allan
  462. Stiles, Michelle (SmartSheepe.com)169Dr. Mercola interview
  463. Stylman, Joshua170Tom Woods interview Dec, 2022
  464. Stone, Dr. Jackie171Zimbabwe
  465. Stop World Control
  466. Sutta, Jessica
  467. Swann, Ben
  468. Swiss Policy Research Group
  469. Talk Truth
  470. Tapper, Dr. Ben172On VSRF weekly call. Mar 10, 2022
  471. Tate, Andrew173Gettr
  472. Technocracy News & Trends
  473. Tengra, Yohan
  474. Tenpenny, Dr. Sherri
  475. Texans For Vaccine Choice
  476. The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD)174Odysee
  477. The Brumby
  478. The Burning Platform
  479. The Common Sense Show
  480. The Conservative Woman
  481. The Daily Expose
  482. The Daily Sceptic
  483. The David Knight Show
  484. The Defiant
  485. The Democracy Fund175Canada
  486. The Freedom Festival
  487. The Freedom Network
  488. Garcia, Dr. Emanuel E.176with Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International
  489. The Gavel Project
  490. The Gray Zone
  491. The Great Covid Panic177“The Great Covid Panic: What Happened, Why, And What To Do Next” A book by Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster and Michael Baker
  492. The Greater Reset
  493. The Irish Inquiry
  494. The Irish Ivermectin Group178Odysee
  495. The Karis Project179Twitter
  496. The Last American Vagabond 180e.g. interviews with Dr Peter McCullogh (July 8, 2021); Michael Yeadon (April 11, 2021);
  497. The Light Paper
  498. The Line Canada
  499. The Mel K Show
  500. The Mirror Project
  501. The People’s Health Alliance
  502. The Ripple Effect Podcast (Ricky Varadas)
  503. The Reese Report181Greg Reese: Substack, Bitchute, Telegram.
  504. The Shannon Joy Show182Rumble. Twitter.
  505. The Testimonies Project183Based in Israel, this platform is helping those affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines tell their stories.
  506. The Truth About Vaccines
  507. The UK CV Family
  508. The Unity Project
  509. The Unz Review
  510. The Vicki McKenna Show
  511. The Vigilant Fox184Gettr
  512. The Wellness Company
  513. The White Rose
  514. Thinking Coalition (Thinking Slow, Alex Kriel)185Rumble
  515. Thomas, Dr. Paul
  516. Thoughtcrime LIVE (Steve Douglas Whitener)
  517. Thunder, David 186interview with Dan Astin-Gregory, Pandemic Podcast, Mar 29 2021
  518. Timeline with Terry187Terry Gilberg
  519. Together Declaration
  520. Tommy’s Podcast
  521. Totality Of Evidence
  522. TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk
  523. Trial Site News
  524. Triggernometry188TriggerPod.co.uk
  525. Trozzi, Dr. Mark
  526. Truth For Health Foundation
  527. Truth In Plain Sight
  528. Trust The Science
  529. Turner, Dr. Michael, M.D.,189Featured by Steve Kirsch
  530. Tyson, Dr. Brian
  531. UK Column
  532. UK Medical Freedom Alliance
  533. UnHerd
  534. Unified Artists For Freedom (UK)
  535. United Health Professionals
  536. US Freedom Flyers
  537. US Right To Know
  538. USA Watchdog190Greg Hunter
  539. V Revealed
  540. Vance, David
  541. Vanden Bossche, Geert
  542. Vaccine Choice Canada
  543. Vaccine Impact
  544. Vaccine Injured & Bereaved Support – Northern Ireland (VIBS-NI)
  545. Vaccine Safety Research Foundation191Odysee
  546. Vax Control Group192Also ControlGroup.coop/
  547. Vaxx Choice
  548. Vernon, Carl
  549. Vicente, Dr. Vincent
  550. Vigano, Archbishop Carlo Maria193For example see interview snippets here and open letter here.
  551. Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance
  552. Viva Frei194Rumble
  553. Vleck, Cris
  554. Vobes, Richard
  555. Vollmer, Dr. Amandha195Atlantic Underground Podcast interview, Feb 2024
  556. Voices For Freedom196Here’s their Odysee channel
  557. Walsh, Patrick E.197Interview with Gerry O’Neill
  558. Wand, Kate198Odysee channel
  559. Wark, Chris
  560. Waters, John
  561. Watson, Paul Joseph199Summit.News | Twitter
  562. Webb, Whitney
  563. Weinstein, Bret
  564. Weiss, Yinon
  565. Welcome The Eagle (VAERSaware.com) 200 Odysee| Twitter
  566. Westall, Sarah
  567. We For Humanity201August 25th 2021, holocaust survivors and their relatives submitted an open letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Amsterdam. They accuse the authorities of failing to inform people about the risks and consequences of the novel Covid therapy.
  568. We The People 50
  569. What Is Going on?202Bitchute
  570. WhatsHerFace
  571. What’s Up Canada?
  572. White, Blaire203Twitter
  573. White, Dr. Sam
  574. Whitehead, David
  575. Will Do Freedom
  576. Williams, Alistair
  577. Williams, Dr. Aaron
  578. Willis, Mikki
  579. Witczak, Kim
  580. Wittkowski, Prof. Knut
  581. Wolf, Naomi204Also on Substack.
  582. Wood, Trish 205Trish Wood Is Critical podcast. Substack.
  583. Woodchips BBQ206featured on Tom Woods podcast 26th February 2021
  584. Woods, Tom207Odysee
  585. World Alternative Media
  586. World Council For Health208Odysee | Gettr
  587. World Freedom Alliance
  588. World Doctors Alliance
  589. Wright, Charles
  590. WTF Is Going On?
  591. Yeadon, Dr. Mike (Telegram | Substack)209interview with Dan Gregory April 6th  2021; interview with James Delingpole Mar 31st 2021; testifying (along with Dr. Clare Craig) to the Corona Committee, Nov 13th 2020; interview with Unlocked Nov 2020. Ziarco background story.
  592. YourClimate.ie
  593. YourVaccineSafety.ie
  594. Zeck Alec
  595. Zeee, Maria
  596. Ziegler, John
  597. Zelenko, Dr. Vladimir210Treated Donald Trump successfully in 2020.
  598. Zolna, Gabe (Gabor Ugron)
  599. Zuby
  600. Zywicki, Prof Todd 211On The Tom Woods Show, 26 April, 2022