Couey reviews Kaufman-Kirsch

He was not impressed. With either of them.

I’ve set the video to start just before my question comes up1For background, and why I can forgive the mispronunciation, see here. – which is also just before Couey’s confusion drives him to don his ‘thinking cap’. Despite that though he gives a good round up of the issues with the interview.

If you want the background to that confusion, skip the video back to 1:10:37 (which is when Couey starts the VSRF replay). Or start at the beginning for additional insight into some others who are also helping keep us trapped in a mythology which threatens to enslave our children forever.

Issues with the Odysee video? Try it on

Jonathan Jay Couey: | |

  • 1
    For background, and why I can forgive the mispronunciation, see here.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman answers my question

“… this iatrogenic problem… probably the major cause of that brief, short-lived mortality spike in the Spring of 2020”

He probably doesn’t know Irish, so I don’t blame Mr. Sanchez for mispronouncing Oisín while asking my question. (Phonetically it sounds like “usheen” – where the ‘ush’ sound is from the word usher and ‘een’ from the word sheen).

But it was worth it to hear a leading “no virus” proponent acknowledge iatrogenic killing of people was a major factor in the Spring 2020 surge of deaths. Because, in case you hadn’t noticed, they generally don’t go there.

Yes, they’ll boldly discuss how there being “no virus” has implications for virology, for medicine, for science. But somehow they avoid the glaringly obvious implication and consequent question: if there are no viruses then it can’t have been SARS-CoV-2 that killed all those people in Spring 2020 – and if it wasn’t a new virus that killed them, then what did?

From VSRF update June 13th, 2024 (video set to begin as my question is asked)

New York, Spring 2020

27,000 more deaths than normal

May 3rd, Jessica Hockett spoke with the Corona Investigative Committee about some of the issues with the official COVID story. Just some. For more, visit

Her work leads to many questions. One in particular is gaining a foothold in my circles recently.

If New York suffered the equivalent of greater than 9/11 levels of death non-stop for approximately six weeks, there surely must be some nurses, doctors, emergency responders, undertakers and others who were traumatised by the experience of witnessing so much death or handling all those bodies.

Why aren’t we hearing their stories?!

The Haslemere Happenstance

What are the chances?

At 21:00 on Thursday 22nd March 2018, the BBC aired Contagion: The BBC Four Pandemic – “a nationwide experiment to help plan for the next deadly flu pandemic, which could happen at any time.”1Programme outline archived here.

This ‘experiment’ made some glaring assumptions:

  • no one is immune to the virus
  • people infect each other with viruses2Yes, it’s an assumption. Repeated experiments have not conclusively proven viruses can be transmitted person-to-person. Test that yourself in your life history – ever spent time with someone who’s been diagnosed sick with a virus, been coughing and sneezing and yet not got sick yourself? Additionally there’s also the alternative view that what we describe as “viruses” are not simply external, potential invaders seeking to ‘hijack’ our cells, but might actually be something our cells already make for various purposes. Neurobiologist Jonathan Jay Couey sketched out this possibility in a recent stream.
  • proximity to a carrier, for X amount of time, means you will definitely (a) contract that virus and (b) pass it on
  • viruses retain their fidelity (do not change) as they replicate through thousands and millions of people over time oh, and…
  • viral transmission patterns are already understood well enough to assume that combining a mobile app and a mathematical model is a valid way to replicate and further study and learn about those patterns. 3To put it another way, how were the results of this experiment going to be assessed as valid and usefully predictive off real life?

It also presented quite a number of concepts to the public:

  • pandemics are inevitable
  • people without viral symptoms can spread a virus
  • spike proteins
  • antibodies mean immunity
  • super-spreaders
  • school closures
  • restricting people gathering
  • stay-at-home
  • vaccines are the only way out because antibiotics can’t treat viruses
  • vaccines need to be made faster
  • the numbers infected will be huge
  • more testing and surveillance always help4A logical fallacy. and are essential for public health…

The UK Government then used the data for 2020

The BBC aired the programme again on Tuesday 11th February and Saturday 14th March, 2020. Which would have been around the time the data gathered and modeled for the programme were being used to inform the UK Governments COVID response.

But, imagine if you can…

… that none of the above applied.


Put all those things aside.

Then ask yourself this question.

What are the chances that the very first instance of someone contracting COVID from someone else within the UK, just happened to occur in the very same town that the 2018 BBC programme had been set in: Haslemere?


Ask yourself…

… what are the chances?!

Because that IS what happened.

(Oddly, in contrast to such local headlines, the BBC themselves did not highlight the coincidence – despite their 2018 ‘experiment’ having been SO predictive).

Pighooey lays it all out

In case you want to see the original

More BBC coincidences on Pighooey’s Substack and this 5-part playlist. | Related: Maths Team report5Archive. Copy of PDF (1.1MB)

  • 1
  • 2
    Yes, it’s an assumption. Repeated experiments have not conclusively proven viruses can be transmitted person-to-person. Test that yourself in your life history – ever spent time with someone who’s been diagnosed sick with a virus, been coughing and sneezing and yet not got sick yourself? Additionally there’s also the alternative view that what we describe as “viruses” are not simply external, potential invaders seeking to ‘hijack’ our cells, but might actually be something our cells already make for various purposes. Neurobiologist Jonathan Jay Couey sketched out this possibility in a recent stream.
  • 3
    To put it another way, how were the results of this experiment going to be assessed as valid and usefully predictive off real life?
  • 4
    A logical fallacy.
  • 5

Byram Bridle: 1,000 days dangerous

Apparently to protect some of his colleagues, the University of Guelph have kept the viral immunologist1archives out of his laboratory and office for 1,000 days now.

But he’s free to go everywhere else on campus.

(It doesn’t have to make sense. Because it’s Covid Logic.)

Here’s his April 20th Substack article.

An Unwelcome Milestone

I have been locked out of my laboratory and office for 1,000 days

Continue reading Byram Bridle: 1,000 days dangerous

Eurostat excess mortality, February, 2024

Ireland: 3rd WORST in EU at 9.4%

You can use the Eurostat Interactive Tool to select and compare Ireland with the EU average. As you do I invite you to ask yourself two questions:

why don’t Irish excess deaths come down in the Summer like they used to?

– why aren’t politicians, public health and media kicking up a fuss like they did in 2020 (the year when deaths barely went up!)?

Wouter Aukema…

… is the source of that graph showing how relatively quickly that infamous Corman-Drosten PCR paper went through the Eurosurveillance peer review process.

(This is the same paper whose Version 1 had been submitted to the WHO on Jan 13th 2020 – “eight days prior to the date it was submitted to the medical journal Eurosurveillance…)

“To assess commonality in the review and acceptance process at, the author collected and analysed meta-data for all 1,595 publications since 01-Jan-2015…

  • Of the 17 types of articles published since 2015, three types occur most frequently: Rapid Communication (385), Research (312) and Surveillance (193).
  • The average number of days between Acceptance and Reception of Research type articles is 172 (2019) and 97 (2020). 
  • In line with the Editorial Policy for Authors, the category ‘Rapid Communication’ publications appear to be reviewed and accepted more quickly (18 days average) than type ‘Research’ and ‘Surveillance.’
  • Except for this one Research article (on 22-jan-2020), no other article has ever been reviewed and accepted within a single day since 2015.
Wouter Aukema

Interactive version of graph | Instructions to replicate

True Science Can’t Lie…

… with Jonathan Jay Couey

Biological realities mean RNA can’t pandemic… and he too was tricked into asking the wrong questions about the (still on-going) pandemic illusion. Central to the illusion was PCR not using ‘nested primers’ – allowing it find signals that were likely there in the background all along.

He also talks about the pain of being let go by Children’s Health Defense, the guilt he feels for not speaking out earlier about the transfections and how we need to apologise to, and seek forgiveness from the young. Because it is they who will have to live with the consequences of our compliance as ‘the edge of knowledge’ is pushed forward by those driving the fracturing of humanity.

“The evidence is there but not broadcast on the mainstream. Dr Jay Couey was the science advisor to Robert F Kennedy and the Children’s Health Defence. What we discuss here today is information that you have not heard before and the explanations from Jay are incredible. we hope you share this information and allow others to see how big the lie is that we have been sold. We can only hope it allows others to step forward and speak the truth rather than carry the burden of living the lie to protect the narrative.

Atlantic Underground Podcast

JJ Couey: