The Haslemere Happenstance

What are the chances?

At 21:00 on Thursday 22nd March 2018, the BBC aired Contagion: The BBC Four Pandemic – “a nationwide experiment to help plan for the next deadly flu pandemic, which could happen at any time.”1Programme outline archived here.

This ‘experiment’ made some glaring assumptions:

  • no one is immune to the virus
  • people infect each other with viruses2Yes, it’s an assumption. Repeated experiments have not conclusively proven viruses can be transmitted person-to-person. Test that yourself in your life history – ever spent time with someone who’s been diagnosed sick with a virus, been coughing and sneezing and yet not got sick yourself? Additionally there’s also the alternative view that what we describe as “viruses” are not simply external, potential invaders seeking to ‘hijack’ our cells, but might actually be something our cells already make for various purposes. Neurobiologist Jonathan Jay Couey sketched out this possibility in a recent stream.
  • proximity to a carrier, for X amount of time, means you will definitely (a) contract that virus and (b) pass it on
  • viruses retain their fidelity (do not change) as they replicate through thousands and millions of people over time oh, and…
  • viral transmission patterns are already understood well enough to assume that combining a mobile app and a mathematical model is a valid way to replicate and further study and learn about those patterns. 3To put it another way, how were the results of this experiment going to be assessed as valid and usefully predictive off real life?

It also presented quite a number of concepts to the public:

  • pandemics are inevitable
  • people without viral symptoms can spread a virus
  • spike proteins
  • antibodies mean immunity
  • super-spreaders
  • school closures
  • restricting people gathering
  • stay-at-home
  • vaccines are the only way out because antibiotics can’t treat viruses
  • vaccines need to be made faster
  • the numbers infected will be huge
  • more testing and surveillance always help4A logical fallacy. and are essential for public health…

The UK Government then used the data for 2020

The BBC aired the programme again on Tuesday 11th February and Saturday 14th March, 2020. Which would have been around the time the data gathered and modeled for the programme were being used to inform the UK Governments COVID response.

But, imagine if you can…

… that none of the above applied.


Put all those things aside.

Then ask yourself this question.

What are the chances that the very first instance of someone contracting COVID from someone else within the UK, just happened to occur in the very same town that the 2018 BBC programme had been set in: Haslemere?


Ask yourself…

… what are the chances?!

Because that IS what happened.

(Oddly, in contrast to such local headlines, the BBC themselves did not highlight the coincidence – despite their 2018 ‘experiment’ having been SO predictive).

Pighooey lays it all out

In case you want to see the original

More BBC coincidences on Pighooey’s Substack and this 5-part playlist. | Related: Maths Team report5Archive. Copy of PDF (1.1MB)

  • 1
  • 2
    Yes, it’s an assumption. Repeated experiments have not conclusively proven viruses can be transmitted person-to-person. Test that yourself in your life history – ever spent time with someone who’s been diagnosed sick with a virus, been coughing and sneezing and yet not got sick yourself? Additionally there’s also the alternative view that what we describe as “viruses” are not simply external, potential invaders seeking to ‘hijack’ our cells, but might actually be something our cells already make for various purposes. Neurobiologist Jonathan Jay Couey sketched out this possibility in a recent stream.
  • 3
    To put it another way, how were the results of this experiment going to be assessed as valid and usefully predictive off real life?
  • 4
    A logical fallacy.
  • 5

Irish Central Statistics Office did not project this amount of death

“… a mortality projection produced by the CSO immediately after the 2016 census when they would have had the exact up to date age and sex profile of the population and relevant actuarial data…

The 2021 to 2023 figures (in red) are rounded estimates based on figures as per …

As you can see, the CSO pretty much nailed it for 2017 to 2020 (Scamdemic Year) but then things go horribly off kilter from 2021 onwards.

2021 just happens to be year the Covid 19 mRNA vaccines were rolled out…

Patrick E. Walsh

Ireland excess mortality @ 10.4% for November 2023

Phone or tablet? Tap the ‘hamburger’ menu. Desktop? Click the down arrow. Theo select Ireland to compare with EU average.

Tap on or near a dot to show that month’s info.

Young Hearts 47

Who are the real heroes?

“Who are still pushing the virus, pcr, early treatments etc.?
Who were talking up lockdowns, masks and the jabs to their audiences, when it mattered? and then came out against it after their audience had largely taken it?
Who never got cancelled nor missed a pay cheque?
Who won’t defend or even talk about those who were cancelled, villified and stripped of their livelihood, and petition for their reinstatement?
There are globalists pretending to be the good guys, jockeying themselves for positions at what could be the alternative to the WEF/UN, They even had the audacity to brand themselves as the dream team.


NOTE: if you are affected by horror movie / zombie images, it might be wise to stop watching after 16:00

Irish interest

  • @ 8:12 Derek O’Connor’s life saved by GAA rival


More on ambulances

I’ve previously highlighted some ambulance data. Now Dr. Pierre Kory has more to share.

“Recent FOIA-obtained data from the Department of Emergency Services in Westchester, NY reveal a shocking number of vaccine emergency calls as well as requests for ambulances to be “on standby.”

Dr. Pierre Kory

Yes, you read that last bit right.

Ambulance teams in some New York counties were called in advance of COVID injection clinics and asked to be on standby.

A prudent precaution, you say?

But why would such prudence be necessary? Because if the injections were ‘safe’ there should have been no increase in the number of people requiring emergency medical assistance on any given day, or in any particular time period, in those communities.

So, why would people administering the injections feel a need to ring emergency services ahead of time and warn them?!

Read Dr. Kory’s full article here.

Since May 20, 2023:

17 rock bassists have “died suddenly” worldwide

“This makes a total of 34 bassists reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022..

… full article here

13 drummers have “died suddenly” worldwide

“This makes a total of 30 drummers reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022…

… full article here