Jason Christoff: Mind Control

How it was done. Why it continues. How we get out.

“Jason Christoff runs an international overcoming self sabotage and psychological reprogramming institute where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and psychological manipulation. Jason’s students then use their knowledge in these areas to help reprogram their clients or patients into better versions of themselves on all levels. Jason believes that the social decay we openly see in our world today has only come about because key players in our society are using this manipulative psychology against most of humanity. If we are to survive and thrive in the upcoming years Jason believes that each citizen must understand these processes, so as to protect themselves from future psychological operations.

Charles Kovess

JJ Couey: The Pyramid of Nonsense (Bret Weinstein on Tucker Carlson)

Probably too long for a newbie, but the first 59 minutes are a good synopsis of JJ Couey’s perspective. After which he discusses yet more ‘dissident’ figures (in this case Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch) who:

  • are broadcasting subtle pro Scooby-Doo / pro-train, messages1“Scooby-Doo” and “Train” mean nothing to you? Watch the 7 mins from 15:20 to 22:30
  • do not discuss glaringly obvious issues
  • get widely promoted2Unlike those who called the bullshit early. Such as Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof. Knut Wittkowski,
  • seem unable to reach certain conclusions – conclusions which seem inevitable if one has the humility and integrity to admit they had fallen for the train mime.

Yes, arguably some he talks about might simply be slower at catching on than others. But these highly educated, intelligent people are doing these things FOUR YEARS after the COVID story broke. That’s a long time. Is it any wonder he’d doubt them?

The Jessica mentioned at 01:03:55 is Jessica Hockett who is exploring the strange case of New York’s “mass casualty event” which demonstrates (amongst other things) there were no signs of ‘spread’. Her work can be found on Woodhouse76.com

JJ Couey playlist | GigaohmBiological.com

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    “Scooby-Doo” and “Train” mean nothing to you? Watch the 7 mins from 15:20 to 22:30
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    Unlike those who called the bullshit early. Such as Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof. Knut Wittkowski,

“January 2020… I challenge anybody… look at a timeline of those events…

… and then look me in the eye, and tell me that that was anything other than bullshit”

Those 4 minutes are an extract from a conversation between Nick Hudson and Doc Malik in which the touch on a range of topics: centralisation vs individualism, psychology, censorship, propaganda… and more. Here it is in full.

Nick Hudson | Pandata.org | DocMalik.com

Digesting JJ Couey

I’d been aware of him for a while. But, regrettably, no more so than any of the other scientists speaking out about the COVID scam.

Recently though, something about his interactions with Jessica Hockett and Denis Rancourt drew me back to explore his views more thoroughly.

It’s been painful. Slowly coming to realise, acknowledge and admit…

… I had been skilfully played and fallen for The Scooby-Doo myself and…

… that many who I hoped and believed were gonna save us, aren’t…

… because they are (probably unconsciously in many cases) fostering an illusion of consensus that protects and perpetuates The Faith. Like myself at times since my first article here in 2021.

It’s also been humbling. To realise that I wasn’t as awake as I considered myself – and acknowledge thinking myself superior to others who weren’t awake. Plus, to face the possibility that these latest learnings about this great awful deception might not be my last.

I’m not quite yet able to ‘elevator pitch’ these new understandings. But JJ Couey is honing his presentations all the time and I’m finding his analogies increasingly helpful.

Like the train mime…. (from c 27:00 in his recent talk with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International) 1Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble

GigaohmBiological.com | PubMed

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    Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble

“Millions Of Lives Saved”

Denis Rancourt PhD, live with JJ Couey

Denis Rancourt is interviewed by JJCouey about his paper which evaluates whether the Nobel-Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine has actually saved millions of lives.

Looks like it comes down to the assumptions made when inputting data into the model… and the credulity of those accepting the models answers as real.

If you really want to dive in, helpfully Rancourt has provided links to some resources mentioned.

GigaohmBiological.com | DenisRancourt.ca

One Nation Under Mind Control

“Mind control is much more simple than one could ever imagine and unfortunately it’s also much more effective than one would ever imagine as well. Once you know how the mind control magician does his tricks, the magic show fails to impress. Jason’s goal is to make mind control easy to understand for the general public, so that more and more people can sidestep the psychological manipulations that are destroying their lives.

Continue reading One Nation Under Mind Control

“It’s like a bomb went off… then it goes away”

Thanks to the cryptic Sage Hana for bringing Jessica Hockett to my attention. Her recent chat with JJ Couey is littered with pertinent questions. Sage highlighted a few…

If the novel respiratory virus is killing people like crazy, shouldn’t it have been preceded by the ER1Emergency Room death numbers?

… Where were all the bodies?

27,000? Huh? The freezer trucks were not full, no matter what Donald2Donald Trump said. The hospitals were not full.

Why didn’t the same pathogen wipe out people in other cities at the same “smart bomb” rate. 247% increase across all ages?


Sage Hana

Issues with embedded video? Watch on Rumble.

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    Emergency Room
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    Donald Trump

29th July is ‘World Ivermectin Day’

So I thought I’d share some of its recent history as recounted by Dr. Meryl Nass. It is a dark and disturbing story which…

“… requires people to take a huge leap in order to understand the world we live in.  Many don’t have the fortitude to dissect their world view and rebuild it in accord with the facts that have spilled out over the last two years… It might require a stiff drink, or perhaps some chocolate.  Whatever it takes, read on, as it might save your life or someone else’s….” Dr. Meryl Nass.

First came the Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine suppression

In 2020, I compiled a list of over 50 ways authorities and pharma companies in multiple countries stopped the use of the chloroquine drugs for COVID…

… here’s the kicker:  the authorities knew all about chloroquine and other treatments for COVID before there was a COVID… because they had figured it out for the 2003 SARS epidemic and the 2012 MERS epidemic, both caused by related coronaviruses.  But they hushed it up.

Then Ivermectin appeared on the horizon

… some people knew it was likely to work in early 2020, because the French MedInCell company, supported by Bill Gates, was working on an injectable version of ivermectin for COVID, which could be patented. The company issued a press release about this on April 6, 2020 and an informational paper on April 23, 2020. There was a brief run on the veterinary drug at this time in the US… But there was not a lot of buzz and sales did not take off at that time…

Continue reading 29th July is ‘World Ivermectin Day’

Dr Pierre Kory: How Big Pharma Run the Game

At this year’s Better Way Conference, Dan Astin-Gregory caught up with Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC1Frontline Covid Critical Care) Alliance

Dr Pierre Kory recently published ‘The War on Ivermectin’ which documents his crusade to recommend a safe, inexpensive, generic medicine as the key to ending the pandemic.

In this interview recorded at the recent Better Way Conference in Bath, we explore personal attacks, professional setbacks, and nefarious efforts of the world’s major health agencies and medical journals to dismiss and deny the efficacy of various repurposed drugs, whilst looking forward to what can be done to restore open science over the next decade.

Dan Astin-Gregory

Dr. Pierre Kory on Substack | Dan Astin-Gregory

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    Frontline Covid Critical Care) Alliance

Reverse Engineering Propaganda

In case you weren’t paranoid enough…

In this interview, Michelle Stiles reviews some of the basic tools of propaganda, which is the topic of her book, “One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda.” It’s a pertinent and apt topic in light of what’s been going on over the last few years, as we attempt to understand how we’ve been manipulated and brainwashed.

We fight against a truly unprecedented disinformation campaign, where the liars are claiming that everyone else is giving out misinformation, basically turning truth on its head.

While propaganda takes many forms, mainstream media play a crucial role. The good news is that people are starting to catch on, and trust in mainstream media has dropped to an all-time low.

By the early 1900s — literally a century ago — journalists like Upton Sinclair and George Seldes were discussing the corruption of the media, how they were owned by big business with a profit agenda, and how they were not dealing squarely with investigative reporters.

For propaganda to be effective, there needs to be central coordination of narratives, and that’s where public relations agencies come in. Few appreciate the power that these companies have. Two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms, so most of the so-called “news” is actually brainwashing propaganda.

Other common PR tools include “public protests,” which are actually made up of people hired by the PR company, and media will of course be sent there to cover it, and front groups, which are paid by industry to promote a particular view that benefits that industry.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

SmartSheepe.com | video transcript (PDF) | Mercola article (PDF)

The Greatest Lie Told During Covid

Former advisor to the US President and a Senior Fellow in health policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Dr. Scott W. Atlas, has just been published in Newsweek. His brief opinion piece “America’ COVID Response Was Based on Lies1Archive. Archive. is worth a read…

Here are the 10 biggest falsehoods—known for years to be false, not recently learned or proven to be so—promoted by America’s public health leaders, elected and unelected officials, and now-discredited academics:

Scott W. Atlas

But what if there is perhaps one more lie?

what if embedded in all of this is perhaps one more lie?

the greatest lie.

the one lie to rule them all.

this is the one that will come back to haunt us over and over if we do not call it out by name and lay plain its resounding lack of basis in fact.

it’s the lie they have been trying to sell of for decades and failing (or at least having only moderate success and thus wreaking only moderate havoc).

it’s the one lie to rule them all. the one lie to rule us all. the truly big lie constituting a forest that has been lost for the trees and perversely therefore winds up being reinforced by the very debate about the little lies.

and that lie is this:

pandemics are dangerous to modern societies...

el gato malo

You can read their case here.

The Distraction Files and Leaks

Recently The Twitter Files revealed US officials were pressing Twitter to censor on their behalf. Then the US Dept. of Energy endorsed the lab leak story, followed by Woody Harrelson being allowed describe1Mathew Crawford wrote a follow up to his first take the insanity on the Saturday Night Live TV show.2More perspectives: Mark Crispin Miller, Kate Wand, Gerry O’Neill, Dr. Peter McCullough, Alex Berenson

Now The Lockdown Files leak shows UK officials orchestrating public fear and more. Dr. John Campbell feels disappointed about the revelations. while Dr. Byram Bridle cautions that verification is needed and el gato malo finds them astonishingly unastonishing

… all neatly distracting from…

… falling birth rates, excess deaths and…

the WHO’s power grab.3See also StopTheWHO.com

What The WHO Is Actually Proposing