Déjà vu all over again!

John Waters read a report in The Independent1Alternative archive about “an application from three Irish citizens seeking to assert their constitutional rights to a legal hearing in order to challenge the unprecedented events of the past two years in the context of what are termed ‘Covid vaccines’… Sharon Browne, David Egan and Emmanual Lavery… “

The judge’s remarks and media coverage reminded him of his own legal proceedings.

One of the most frustrating things about the case brought by Gemma O’Doherty and me in April 2020 was that we had no effective way of getting into the public realm the actual detail of what we had submitted to the court, so that a pincer movement of judge and journaliar2His term for mainstream journalists was able utterly to misrepresent the nature and content of our case, and deprive the public of its right to know what was actually being asserted. For this reason, I wish to do what I can to put into the public domain the true facts of this case, so that people can at least make up their own minds. I urge those who have even an inkling of what is happening here to do what they can to ensure that the establishment is unable to pull the same trick a second time. I accordingly request that anyone reading this who has access to social media platforms and, yes, ‘blogs’ or ‘internet sites’, or any other way of circumventing the corrupt legacy media hegemony, might consider putting this article out with all possible expedition, so as to ensure that as many people as possible come to understand what is happening here. 

John Waters

You can read it on Substack or in full here, below (click “Continue reading”).

Continue reading Déjà vu all over again!
  • 1
    Alternative archive
  • 2
    His term for mainstream journalists

Aisling O’Loughlin with John Waters

I can’t leave my kids a world where they’re pin-cushions for somebody who wants to kill them.

Aisling O’Loughlin

The former TV3 presenter joins journalist John Waters to discuss what’s happened to journalism, family relationships, moral responsibility, people’s inability to see… and more

Aisling O’Loughlin on Telegram | Conversations With John Waters

Mattias Desmet with John Waters

Truth-speech in a Time of Industrialised Lies

Empathy as a useful tool for both apprehending science and exposing the dangers of seeing rational, technical knowledge as the only kind worthy of pursuit and living by.

Higher education increases vulnerability to mass formation.

The centre of gravity in totalitarianism lies in the minds of the masses: the ideology they believe. A return to human principles is the best resolution.

Speaking out is critical. Because history shows the true atrocities start once dissonant voices are silenced.