No nuance allowed. And ISAG.

Wide-ranging, insightful conversation between Gerry O’Neill and Irish ex-pat Ewan MacKenna – Journalist, author & broadcaster.

You will have yours, but two stand outs for me:

  1. Our culture now prevents nuanced perspectives and conversations. Ask a question, drop a hint and we are instantly categorised as either pro- or anti- … vax… lockdown… Putin… Ukraine… no middle ground allowed.
  2. In the current lull it’s easy to forget things. Like ISAG1the Independent Scientific Advocacy Group members deceiving politicians, scaremongering approach and desire to sort things with a good hurley and no witnesses.

Catch the interview on West’s Awake Substack


Newstalk interview (March 2021)2MacKenna starts about 6-7mins in. Note: the player does not allow skipping forward, and stopping means restarting from beginning.

Gript coverage of Newstalk taking down, then reinstating it.

ISAG leaked emails and more on

  • 1
    the Independent Scientific Advocacy Group
  • 2
    MacKenna starts about 6-7mins in. Note: the player does not allow skipping forward, and stopping means restarting from beginning.

CDC Lied about Vaccine Myocarditis Being Mild: 20% of Sudden Deaths Caused by Myocarditis

A better summary than mine of the Heidelberg autopsy study.

Our authorities claim that “myocarditis does not cause deaths” for only one reason: they refused to autopsy vaccine victims. As soon as autopsies of a representative sample of “sudden deaths” were finally done, as in the above Heidelberg study, it turned out that 20% of sudden deaths were myocarditis-related.

Igor Chudov

He also asks:

What Caused Other 80% of Deaths?

Here’s the list of “causes of death” for most of these subjects. Thanks to Brian Mowrey for pointing it out. A lot of them deserve their own substack post!!! Look at sudden-onset pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, thrombi etc…

Igor Chudov

Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination

Table 2 Case characteristics

Here, we describe the cardiac autopsy findings in five persons who have died unexpectedly within seven days following anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination, with vaccine-induced myocardial inflammation representing the likely or possible cause of death. Our findings establish the histological phenotype of lethal vaccination-associated myocarditis.

This a small study: 5 out of 25 people who died unexpectedly within 20 days of a COVID-19 injection. But hard to dismiss as coincidental given the mounting evidence1e.g this, this, this, all this and that the authors reported:

During the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital we did not observe comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration. This was validated by histological re-evaluation of age- and sex-matched cohorts from three independent periods, which did not reveal a single case showing a comparable cardiac pathology….

More extracts…

Continue reading Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination


Despite its first being dubbed effective, China is still locking down – and ‘Covid Logic’ may never see or admit the flaw1If lockdown worked, why is repeating it necessary?

Chinada2Reminding of a post I made in February.

Pro-freedom in Canada? You can have your accounts frozen and get trampled by police horses.3See last video here. Because ‘fringe’ minorities with ‘unacceptable views’ won’t be tolerated by a Prime Minister who has openly praised China’s ‘basic dictatorship’.

That same Prime Minister recently said Canada supports people expressing themselves through protests, will stand up for human rights and is watching China4Second last video here. – where, locked in to your apartment for Zero-Covid’s sake, you can die in a fire.

Especially when fire engine access is hampered by uncharged electric cars.5If I can relocate the source I will update here.

Chinese people are rising…

… (some videos here, here and here)…

… and…

  • mainstream media is reporting on the protests
  • some pro-lockdowners are now supporting the protestors
  • while Apple are helping the authorities…

… the lockdowns that Xi Jinping pioneered with the onset of Covid are horrific in terms of their scale, their duration, their depravity, and the new totalitarian surveillance measures to which they’ve led. Anyone who participates in a protest in China runs a risk of being subject to cruel and arbitrary punishment. For ordinary Chinese people to brave that risk in defiance of this new form of inhuman medical tyranny is an act of courage worthy of admiration.

There are notable exceptions to the otherwise widespread support the protesters have received. Apple has been silent about the protests, and had the gall to limit the protesters’ use of a communication service called AirDrop in compliance with the CCP’s demands, even as it threatens to remove Twitter from its app store over Elon Musk’s free speech policy. This comes even after Apple has long ignored requests by FCC officials to remove the Chinese-owned app TikTok from its app store over unprecedented national security concerns. So Apple complies with requests by the Chinese government, but not the United States government. Let that sink in…

Apple is, unfortunately, far from alone in its CCP apologism. Anthony Fauci told CNN that China’s totalitarian lockdowns would be fully justified so long as the purpose was to “get all the people vaccinated.”

Michael P. Senger6Some interesting receipts there

But why now are we seeing…

New York Times Decides Lockdowns are Actually Draconian and Economically Destructive when China Does Them?

Could it be because…

the final stage of changing jerseys is wiping out the evidence that you ever wore a different on?

they have not learned.

they are not abashed.

they are lying to themselves even more than they lie to us precisely to prevent such things.

the cognitive dissonance is re-writing memory so they recall being heroes not villains.


and in this sense letting them off the hook is, to my mind, unwise.

there needs to be a reputational penalty for having done this.

they need to be required to own it (because they will never do so on their own)

and the china uprisings are creating a wonderfully impossible fork for team lock down the west, especially given what they did so very recently.

here’s a fun example…

el gato malo7More receipts

Also: |

  • 1
    If lockdown worked, why is repeating it necessary?
  • 2
    Reminding of a post I made in February.
  • 3
    See last video here.
  • 4
    Second last video here.
  • 5
    If I can relocate the source I will update here.
  • 6
    Some interesting receipts there
  • 7
    More receipts

On the Covid Tyranny in New Zealand

Five Kiwis on their awakening, experiences of and responses to the COVID crazy.

We speak to a coalition of New Zealander voices leading the growing minority of dissidents speaking up against their government’s Covid mandate tyranny. First, unvaccinated filmmaking couple Leonie May and Jared Connon join us. Then we speak to Kirsten Murfitt, Founding Solicitor NZLSOS lobbying to defend civil liberties in New Zealand, and Dr Matt Shelton who is a GP & Founder of NZLSOS.1Possible typo? Nawaz may have meant NZDSOS: New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science Finally we wrap up the conversation with Marama Fox, an indigenous Maori representative and former co-leader of the Maori party.

Maajid Nawaz

Kirsten Murfitt’s “Open Letter To Parliament” | Dr. Matt Shelton

Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So Far

… Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci… stands accused1Eric Schmitt, the Attorney General of Missouri and now Senator-Elect, bought the suit along with the Attorney General of Louisiana, Jeff Landry. of colluding with Big Tech to suppress dissent in violation of the First Amendment. 

… we have no transcript (yet) and one senses a great skittishness even from those who were there to explain the fullness of what transpired. Major national media have shown no interest in getting the story. 

Nonetheless, we do have information thanks to some candid tweets and an article by one of the plaintiffs. The main takeaway is that Fauci has come down with a serious case of amnesia. Over seven hours, reported Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, he mostly stonewalled detailed questioning by answering that he has no clear memory of details that would shed light on his involvement in speech suppression. 

“Wow! It was amazing to spend 7 hours with Dr. Fauci. The man who single-handedly wrecked the U.S. economy based upon ‘the science.’ Only to discover that he can’t recall practically anything dealing with his Covid response!”

This is despite the hundreds of pages and many public statements that seem to confirm that the White House and many government agencies worked very closely with Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others, to control the narrative for the better part of two years. And these efforts are probably ongoing. 

[The article recounts some of Fauci’s tactics before concluding…]

Jenin Younes, attorney for the plaintiffs who works with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, wrote on Twitter: “One of my favorite quotes from Fauci’s deposition today: “I have a very busy day job running a six billion dollar institute. I don’t have time to worry about things like the Great Barrington Declaration.”

Keep in mind that we have full records of emails in which Fauci took credit for coming “out very strongly publicly against the Great Barrington Declaration.” 

In conclusion, we have here a revealing account of astonishing testimony from Fauci, which, to those of us who have followed this case closely from the very beginning, is only shocking because it confirms the fullness of the treachery we have long suspected was at the very heart of the US lockdown experience. We also have confirmed that the phrase “social distancing” really is nothing but a euphemism for a China-style full assault on everything we once called freedom in the West. 

Brownstone Institute

  • 1
    Eric Schmitt, the Attorney General of Missouri and now Senator-Elect, bought the suit along with the Attorney General of Louisiana, Jeff Landry.

Young Hearts 28

No Amnesty

Some Irish entries from 11:00. Vaccine poster-boy dies at 4 years (11:43).

Australian birth down 67%? (12:43)

Jessica Rose thought similarly. BUT…

…. within 24-hours her own peer-review process had informed her it could be a reporting lag. She analyses that possibility here, after saying:

It doesn’t help, but thank you for answering! It’s more than some ‘Bureaus’ do.

The point is that vital ABS1Australian Bureau of Statistics statistics are not up-to-date a full year following data capture.

This is not ok, especially in the face of many other countries reporting excessively low birth rates.2See here, for early examples.

Jessica Rose

  • 1
    Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • 2
    See here, for early examples.

It’s All About That Spike

Jessica Rose, Ph.D + Steven Pelech, Ph.D

Why the toilet paper? She needed a model (see 34:00).1The two guests never appeared side b side during the interview. This is a composite I created. Oisin.

The two highly-qualified, pro-vaxxers spoke with Bernadette Pajer about:

  • innate and adaptive systems of natural immunity2Pajer was involved in getting it officially recognised in the State of Tennessee. Mentioned: “Antibody Deception” with Pelech and Rose
  • ivermectin helping with RSV and more?3Pajer mentioned this clip from
  • wild spike protein (in the engineered virus)
  • modified spike protein (from the injections)
  • Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone system – RAAS4the Jessica Rose RAAS video on YouTube
  • VAERS5Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System – user-friendly summary of its data on – de-incentivised and under-reported
  • 6,000 deaths stopped vioxx – yet 32,200 deaths and mRNA is still going
  • redefining “vaccine” to protect makers of these genetic drugs from liability
  • auto-immune triggering
  • infectious DNA clones 6Rose cites (archive) and a talk with RFK J. Jay Couey, Ph.D., Robert Malone, M.D., Meryl Nass, M.D., Tess Lawrie, Ph.D. and Jessica Rose, Ph.D
  • impact on fertility7e.g. 40% of women experience menstrual changes
  • research projects they are working on
  • the loss of humanity, ugliness and need for civil discourse
  • forgiveness… we need to embrace it… for some.

Note: the 6-min break from 54:00 to 1:00:15 features clips from freedom rallies around the world.

This is a follow up to Dr. Rose’s “Antibody Deception” watercooler chat with Dr. Pelech on Oct 28 – covering antibodies, original antigenic sin, tolerance and SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Canadians as early as Sept 2019.

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