
Despite its first being dubbed effective, China is still locking down – and ‘Covid Logic’ may never see or admit the flaw1If lockdown worked, why is repeating it necessary?

Chinada2Reminding of a post I made in February.

Pro-freedom in Canada? You can have your accounts frozen and get trampled by police horses.3See last video here. Because ‘fringe’ minorities with ‘unacceptable views’ won’t be tolerated by a Prime Minister who has openly praised China’s ‘basic dictatorship’.

That same Prime Minister recently said Canada supports people expressing themselves through protests, will stand up for human rights and is watching China4Second last video here. – where, locked in to your apartment for Zero-Covid’s sake, you can die in a fire.

Especially when fire engine access is hampered by uncharged electric cars.5If I can relocate the source I will update here.

Chinese people are rising…

… (some videos here, here and here)…

… and…

  • mainstream media is reporting on the protests
  • some pro-lockdowners are now supporting the protestors
  • while Apple are helping the authorities…

… the lockdowns that Xi Jinping pioneered with the onset of Covid are horrific in terms of their scale, their duration, their depravity, and the new totalitarian surveillance measures to which they’ve led. Anyone who participates in a protest in China runs a risk of being subject to cruel and arbitrary punishment. For ordinary Chinese people to brave that risk in defiance of this new form of inhuman medical tyranny is an act of courage worthy of admiration.

There are notable exceptions to the otherwise widespread support the protesters have received. Apple has been silent about the protests, and had the gall to limit the protesters’ use of a communication service called AirDrop in compliance with the CCP’s demands, even as it threatens to remove Twitter from its app store over Elon Musk’s free speech policy. This comes even after Apple has long ignored requests by FCC officials to remove the Chinese-owned app TikTok from its app store over unprecedented national security concerns. So Apple complies with requests by the Chinese government, but not the United States government. Let that sink in…

Apple is, unfortunately, far from alone in its CCP apologism. Anthony Fauci told CNN that China’s totalitarian lockdowns would be fully justified so long as the purpose was to “get all the people vaccinated.”

Michael P. Senger6Some interesting receipts there

But why now are we seeing…

New York Times Decides Lockdowns are Actually Draconian and Economically Destructive when China Does Them?

Could it be because…

the final stage of changing jerseys is wiping out the evidence that you ever wore a different on?

they have not learned.

they are not abashed.

they are lying to themselves even more than they lie to us precisely to prevent such things.

the cognitive dissonance is re-writing memory so they recall being heroes not villains.


and in this sense letting them off the hook is, to my mind, unwise.

there needs to be a reputational penalty for having done this.

they need to be required to own it (because they will never do so on their own)

and the china uprisings are creating a wonderfully impossible fork for team lock down the west, especially given what they did so very recently.

here’s a fun example…

el gato malo7More receipts

Also: |

  • 1
    If lockdown worked, why is repeating it necessary?
  • 2
    Reminding of a post I made in February.
  • 3
    See last video here.
  • 4
    Second last video here.
  • 5
    If I can relocate the source I will update here.
  • 6
    Some interesting receipts there
  • 7
    More receipts

NY Supreme Court Orders Reinstatement of All Unvaccinated Employees with Back Pay

The ruling stems from a case brought by 16 employees at the Department of Sanitation who were fired for failing to comply with the mandate. The court ruled that the city owes the workers back pay from the time they were fired.

Judge Ralph Porzio wrote in his ruling that while the city’s health commissioner has the authority to issue public health mandates, he “cannot create a new condition of employment” or “terminate employees.”

Michael P. Senger

What judge? What mandate? What decision? Google wants us NOT TO KNOW

Mark Crispin Miller wasn’t impressed with the search engine’s indexing of the story.

But a Brave search using similar terms, run a few minutes ago1Archived here (in case you want to compare in future). features the story twice in the top three.

Fauci’s Red Guards

Lawsuit Reveals Vast Federal Censorship Army

… an astonishing new release of discovery documents in Missouri v. Biden—in which NCLA Legal is representing plaintiffs including Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Aaron Kheriaty against the Biden administration for violations of free speech during Covid—reveal a vast federal censorship army, with more than 50 federal officials across at least 11 federal agencies having secretly coordinated with social media companies to censor private speech.

Michael P. Senger

Why does it matter?

Quashing free speech enables (amongst other things) forced preference falsification – a process central to Mao Zedong’s regime and vehemently implemented by his Red Guards.

The parallels with today are profound. (Although I’d liken the federal officials to Generals and the agencies and Fact-checkers they use to units of their army).

Image by Jerm Warfare1The hammer & sickle are normally associated with Russian-flavoured communism. But in the context of communism on the verge of engulfing the whole world I hope you will agree the flavour doesn’t matter too much.

  • 1
    The hammer & sickle are normally associated with Russian-flavoured communism. But in the context of communism on the verge of engulfing the whole world I hope you will agree the flavour doesn’t matter too much.

Birx book beggars belief

Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator pushed America into lockdown in 2020. Then resigned from the Trumps team when caught breaking her own guidelines that Thanksgiving.

The revelations in her book 1and recent media appearances like this one are shocking… staggering… frightening… because they show how some at the top think.2Michael P. Senger’s account of how she got there from the CDC is equally worrisome.

Jeffrey A. Tucker’s review is replete with examples of her ‘ignorance, treachery, and deceit.’

Here is one of the milder examples. About her approach to science.

Continue reading Birx book beggars belief

Pfizer knew. So did the FDA.

Now China controls the injection technology.

Dr. Naomi Wolf sketches the bigger picture with Maajid Nawaz.

An interview with Michael Senger1attorney and author of “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World” is mentioned. Published May22nd, you can watch it here:

Continue reading Pfizer knew. So did the FDA.
  • 1
    attorney and author of “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World”

Truth is in trouble

So are those who seek it and speak it.

But if you’ve not looked beyond mainstream media.,Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook etc you wouldn’t know. Because they are deciding who – and what – you get to hear, see and understand.

This limits your ability to reach a sound conclusion or make an informed decision. Not just about lockdowns or Covid injections. But about anything. Anything. Past, present or future.

Continue reading Truth is in trouble