John Beaudoin – exposing death cert fraud and using terms like ‘kill’ and ‘murder’

“Systems Engineer & Analyst, John Beaudoin, Sr., delves into his recent testimony before the New Hampshire Senate where he shared the extensive data he has gathered from death certificates, revealing a concerning surge in blood and circulatory-related deaths aligning with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout… through cross referencing of data sets, Beaudoin was able to match death certificates to VAERS reports from those who died after a COVID-19 vaccine… exposing a disturbing trend of fraudulent coding on death certificates to conceal the true impact of vaccine-related fatalities.

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Vaccine Experts Under Oath:

Shocking Revelations in the Fight for Transparency And Truth

Last Thursday’s Highwire episode features a presentation given by Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri at Freedom Fest in Memphis earlier this year.

If you have not yet seen Aaron Siri’s testimony to the Arizona Senate in May, this is a pretty good summary.

“… Everything you thought you knew about vaccines, is wrong. Listen to Del and Aaron take you through court depositions and cross examinations of the world’s leading vaccine experts. Listen to shocking admissions by these experts, in their own words, when they are compelled to tell the truth, under oath…”

The Highwire |

John Rich, country music star, has started a bank!

Because… freedom.

Legendary country music superstar, John Rich, joins Del to discuss how speaking out against COVID-19 testing and vaccine mandates changed his career and how he managed to stay true to his convictions despite the overwhelming pressure to tow the line.

The Highwire

His song “Progress” shot to No. 1 in the iTunes charts in July 2022 after being released on Truth Social and Rumble.1According to the NY Post

The “I’m Offended” single was released last month.

Interestingly, while it touches on his activism on racism and trans issues, his Wikipedia entry does not yet mention his objections to US COVID-19 policies.2Alternative archive Wonder if that’ll change? |

Dying suddenly in sleep or from a run

Today Dr. Jessica Rose published a Substack outlining the role of adrenaline in triggering sudden deaths post-covid-injections.. Especially when it rises during:

– exercise or
– sleep (naturally, 3:00-6:00am).

Two punch knock-out: shot-induced heart scarring and adrenaline

The connection between the shots and the adrenals

As part of bio-distribution and accumulation studies, it was discovered that the LNPs1Lipid Nanoparticles traffic to and accumulate at high concentrations in the adrenal glands. They stopped measuring after 48 hours and it is unknown if the concentrations would have kept increasing…

So the question becomes, what are the effects of this? Could the adrenals become dysfunctional and produce undesirable adrenaline surges? … I can’t think of a reason why some kind of ‘disturbance’ to ‘normal functioning’ wouldn’t ensue. It would be like throwing a bunch of sand into a dough mixture, wouldn’t it? The bread wouldn’t work.

Dr. Jessica Rose

What is VAERS2Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System saying?

I looked in VAERS for ‘Adrenal insufficiency’, ‘Dysautonomia’, and ‘Autonomic nervous system imbalance’ and ‘Cortisol decreased’ found 3,332 reports.

… when the counts are normalized to shot administration number per age group, it is interesting how the 18-24 age group has the highest frequency of reports per 100,000 doses. And yes, I know. The numbers are tiny. But the pattern is there.

Dr. Jessica Rose
“AE” = Adverse Events. “CDC” = Center for Disease Control

Read in full on her Substack.

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    Lipid Nanoparticles
  • 2
    Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

Aaron Siri gives testimony to the Arizona State Senate

May 25th, the ICAN lawyer put the COVID-19 “vaccines” in context.1Speaking at The Arizona Novel COVID South Western Intergovernmental Committee hearings.

Do you know that…

… unlike any other consumer product producer, vaccine manufacturers are immune from liability for any harms their products might cause? (@ 10:25)

… some vaccines are deemed safe after just 3-5 days of safety studies? (@ 16:30)

… if a Pfizer trial investigator ‘feels’ Maddie de Garay’s paraplegia and other injuries are not related to her Covid injection, then that satisfies the FDA? (@ 1:16:40)

At around 23 minutes he brings us to the FDA website. To save you searching, here is the FDA’s Vaccines Licensed for Use in the United States page – and here is the package insert for the Hepatitis B Vaccine. Section 6.1 can be found on page 4.

Siri’s talk was part of a two-day event. As is to be expected these days, some media maligned the hearings and showed no interest in exploring any specific issues raised:

Here is the full 2-day event…

Continue reading Aaron Siri gives testimony to the Arizona State Senate

Levi’s executive challenges the woke mob

When former Levi’s Chief Marketing Officer, Jennifer Sey, spoke out against school closures on social media in 2020, she never imagined the firestorm it would start. Hear how it led to the end of her 20+ year career at the $6 billion company and why this isn’t her first time facing the woke cancel culture.

The Highwire

Substack | | Twitter

Debroah Conrad, whistleblower

The Physician’s Assistant was fired by her hospital after exposing the deliberate under-reporting of Covid-19 vaccine injuries to VAERS1Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systemdespite medical providers being legally required to.

Speaking at The Summit For Truth & Wellness she placed her whistleblowing in the context of medical tyranny – and emphasised the need to build a parallel health care system, free of governmental and pharmaceutical influence.

Like the Americans For Healthcare Alternatives group are.

Her appearance on The Highwire

A case study in the dangers of our modern health care system?

Continue reading Debroah Conrad, whistleblower
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    Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

Aaron Siri’s series on the V-Safe data

Observations from the lawyer who sued the CDC to get the data…

V-Safe Part 1: After 464 Days, CDC Finally Coughed up Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Data Showing 7.7% of People Reported Needing Medical Care§

V-Safe Part 2: Evidence the CDC Purposely Did Not Include Check-The-Box Selections for Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Seizures, Stroke, and…

V-Safe Part 3: Who Were the 10 Million V-Safe Users Reporting a 7.7% Rate of Seeking Medical Care After Covid-19-Vaccine? Anti-vaxxers…

V-Safe Part 4: CDC Designs V-Safe to Assure Harms Are Hidden in Free-Text Fields So It Can Control What Becomes Public, Including Limiting…

V-Safe Part 5: The Fight to Get the V-Safe Data!

V-Safe Part 6: A First Look at What the V-Safe Check-the-Box Data Reveals!

V-Safe Part 7: CDC Deceived the Public With Limited Release of V-Safe Check-the-Box Data Until Forced to Release it All

V-Safe Part 8: CDC Falsely Claims To Major Media Outlet That the 7.7% Medical Care Figure Was Wrong!

V-Safe Part 9: Watch a Video Breakdown of What You Have Read Thus Far!

Unfamiliar with V-Safe?

Here’s some background…

Continue reading Aaron Siri’s series on the V-Safe data

COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries

(video starts at 6:20)

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson hears testimony from world-renowned experts in Public Health, Science, Medicine, Law, and Journalism in a public forum… held in the U.S. Senate’s Hart Building, on Capitol Hill. He will also hear testimony from victims of Covid vaccine injury. Speakers Include Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Robert Malone, ICAN Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., OpenVAERS Founder, Liz Willner, Edward Dowd, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Ryan Cole, Journalist, Del Bigtree, and more.

The Highwire

Note: several contributors cite scientific papers and/or authors to support their statements. At times seemingly from memory.

Yet pro-mask/lockdown/vaccine politicians, journalists, public health personnel and others don’t seem to do that. How come? | v-safe data |

The Speed Of Science

One day it will gain such momentum that The ScienceTM will either vibrate itself to bits or crash, out of control into a wall made of its own hubris.

But how do we minimise the numbers it will hurt, maim or kill along the way?

Ordinarily I’d highlight specific parts of a Highwire episode. But there are too many important issues converging…

  • Paxlovid was found to cross react with common heart, statin and immunosuppressive medications
  • Boston University developed a more virulent SARS strain
  • Florida’s Surgeon General confirms greater risk of cardiac death for young men after an mRNA shot and recommends against mRNA injections for young men because of the increased risk of cardiac death and says there’s a “snowflake’s chance in hell” Florida would require COVID injections for schoolchildren
  • Joe Biden says “the pandemic is over” but his administration renews the state of emergency and the CDC’s ACIP committee voted 15:0 to pave the way to permanently protect manufacturers from liability for harms their COVID injections might cause recommend the COVID injections be added to the US childhood vaccination schedule.
  • a Pfizer executive laughed as she told the EU their COVID injection was never tested for transmission before release
  • there are signs the mRNA injections are triggering 15% more deaths than normal
  • some MEPs are calling for billions in refunds for these fake vaccines
  • The ScienceTM gets away with sophistry, word salads, lies and a coordinated, carefully-planned propaganda campaign while those calling them out are censored
  • … and some public figures who took part in that campaign have started back-pedalling. (More on that soon).1But let’s start with a question. If you disparaged those of us who knew all along that the shots were not tested for transmission and that we were all being misled about their effectiveness and harms, how credible do you think we’ll find it when you say you now believe The ScienceTM has changed?

Individual clips available on The Highwire Episode #290 page.

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    But let’s start with a question. If you disparaged those of us who knew all along that the shots were not tested for transmission and that we were all being misled about their effectiveness and harms, how credible do you think we’ll find it when you say you now believe The ScienceTM has changed?

The V-Safe Dashboard

Guided tour

Lawyer Aaron Siri outlines the kind of data gathered by the CDC v-safe app.1N.B. Data from the “other” field in the app has not yet been released Then he and Del Bigtree go through the ICAN v-safe dashboard.


Same video, earlier start – Siri describes how the CDC tried withholding the data…

Continue reading The V-Safe Dashboard
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    N.B. Data from the “other” field in the app has not yet been released

(Some of) the V-safe data is out

Over 10,000,000 people submitted health reports to the app after their Covid-19 vaccination.1From which the CDC only recently released some of the data when forced by court order (after “463 days and two law suits“).

From those 10million users:

  • 33% reported at least one adverse event
  • 25% needed time off work or school
  • 7.7% needed medical care
The ICAN V-safe dashboard, page 1

BUT… they were only shown…

… a measly 18 adverse events… as opposed to the over 25,000 MedDRA PT codes (25,592 to be precise) used in the VAERS context of which over 14,000 have been reported in the context of the COVID-19 injections… And just to be a bit facetious, as per Pfizer’s own list of adverse events of special interest that lists 1291 adverse events, this leaves 1,273 adverse event types unavailable for use.

Jessica Rose

… and…

The information captured in free-form fields has not yet been produced and ICAN is still litigating to obtain that information.

Informed Consent Action Network

So… v-safe has more to tell us.

As will today’s October 6th Highwire episode. Livestream or replay on Rumble.2Promo on Rumble.

ICAN | Mark Sharman3Former Sky News executive, Director of Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion | Dr. Jessica Rose

Safe And Effective: A Second Opinion – on The Highwire

Last Thursday Del Bigtree spoke with double-jabbed vaccine advocate Dr. Aseem Malhotra (5:00-45:00) about his realising the harms of the Covid injections and involvement in the documentary.

Then, after The Jaxen Report, he featured the former Sky News executive who directed the documentary – Mark Sharman (from 1:27:54), before playing the movie itself (from 1:41:15).

Skip to the part that interests you Or choose from a segment on the the episode’s page.

Doctor sues Oregon Medical Board for $35 million

The Highwire episode 2841The Fine Line, September 8, 2022. began with Dr. Drew realising new California legislation obliges doctors to keep medical truths from patients.

Great to see a famous doctor seeing the light. But even better…

Paediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas studied c 4,000 children born into his practice and found the more vaccinated seemed more prone to chronic illnesses.

So the Oregon Medical Board revoked his licence. Of course.

He fought to get it back… and is now on the offensive. Go Paul!2More on: and

The episode continues from 23:05 with The Jaxen Report.

Then from 52:23 Del goes deep with Mattias Desmet about mass formation – and the self-defense mechanisms under-pinning it. Worth a listen. Especially if interested in psychology or spirituality.

There’s also an uncomfortable truth for those who believe conspiracy is the only reason all this is happening.