True Science Can’t Lie…

… with Jonathan Jay Couey

Biological realities mean RNA can’t pandemic… and he too was tricked into asking the wrong questions about the (still on-going) pandemic illusion. Central to the illusion was PCR not using ‘nested primers’ – allowing it find signals that were likely there in the background all along.

He also talks about the pain of being let go by Children’s Health Defense, the guilt he feels for not speaking out earlier about the transfections and how we need to apologise to, and seek forgiveness from the young. Because it is they who will have to live with the consequences of our compliance as ‘the edge of knowledge’ is pushed forward by those driving the fracturing of humanity.

“The evidence is there but not broadcast on the mainstream. Dr Jay Couey was the science advisor to Robert F Kennedy and the Children’s Health Defence. What we discuss here today is information that you have not heard before and the explanations from Jay are incredible. we hope you share this information and allow others to see how big the lie is that we have been sold. We can only hope it allows others to step forward and speak the truth rather than carry the burden of living the lie to protect the narrative.

Atlantic Underground Podcast

JJ Couey:

Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

(26th March, since posting I’ve additionally learned oximeters might not only be unreliable, but can also give different results based on skin colour.)

Since COVID more and more people are measuring their blood-oxygen levels, watching for a threshold they’ve been told to worry about.

Interestingly, those thresholds are set by both mainstream and freedom oriented medics. For instance, the FLCCC say get to hospital if blood-oxygen saturation drops below 94%.


… Scott Schara sees oximeter use as pivotal in the lead up to the medical murder of his Down’s Syndrome daughter, Grace.

… Leslie Batts regrets using one too. Because it opened the door to the killing of her husband in hospital.

Knowledge misapplied or a psyop?

Most of us think oximeters are a useful tool. But…

Continue reading Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

Steve Kirsch: the single most important interview I’ve ever done

Former Kaiser nurse Gail Macrae talks about…

  • hospital protocols killing people (yes the ‘killing’ word is used)
  • vaccines transfection injuries and being told not to report them1‘Transfection’ is a more accurate description of this new medical product. Mark Kulacz explains.
  • being fired for refusing the transfection
  • her excessive menstrual bleeding after time with transfected people
  • systemic mislabelling of patients as ‘unvaccinated’
  • doctors & nurses going along for fear of being fired
  • why, unlike her colleagues, she noticed and spoke out…

SteveKirsch’s Substack

Is this new?

Continue reading Steve Kirsch: the single most important interview I’ve ever done
  • 1
    ‘Transfection’ is a more accurate description of this new medical product. Mark Kulacz explains.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo on the Sad State of American Medicine

Joseph Ladapo, surgeon general of Florida, holds his MD from Harvard Medical School and his Ph.D. in health policy from Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. In 2019 he was entirely within the so-called mainstream of medicine, but the way Covid was handled opened his eyes to some grim truths about his field.

Tom Woods

29th July is ‘World Ivermectin Day’

So I thought I’d share some of its recent history as recounted by Dr. Meryl Nass. It is a dark and disturbing story which…

“… requires people to take a huge leap in order to understand the world we live in.  Many don’t have the fortitude to dissect their world view and rebuild it in accord with the facts that have spilled out over the last two years… It might require a stiff drink, or perhaps some chocolate.  Whatever it takes, read on, as it might save your life or someone else’s….” Dr. Meryl Nass.

First came the Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine suppression

In 2020, I compiled a list of over 50 ways authorities and pharma companies in multiple countries stopped the use of the chloroquine drugs for COVID…

… here’s the kicker:  the authorities knew all about chloroquine and other treatments for COVID before there was a COVID… because they had figured it out for the 2003 SARS epidemic and the 2012 MERS epidemic, both caused by related coronaviruses.  But they hushed it up.

Then Ivermectin appeared on the horizon

… some people knew it was likely to work in early 2020, because the French MedInCell company, supported by Bill Gates, was working on an injectable version of ivermectin for COVID, which could be patented. The company issued a press release about this on April 6, 2020 and an informational paper on April 23, 2020. There was a brief run on the veterinary drug at this time in the US… But there was not a lot of buzz and sales did not take off at that time…

Continue reading 29th July is ‘World Ivermectin Day’

COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Ireland Reports

They were being issued weekly until Week 07 2023 (week ending Sunday 19th February 2023). Then there was no report at all in March, and ..

As of April 2023, the frequency of HPSC reporting on COVID-19 vaccination uptake will change to monthly.

Health Protection Surveillance Centre1Archived: July 16th, March 31st

But two-and-a-half months later (mid-July), there are no subsequent reports. Despite data being available the most recent report is for Week 16 (week ending Sunday 23rd April 2023).

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Gross Negligence With Nurse Whistleblower Nicole Sirotek

Speaking with fellow nurse Stephanie Loccricchio, Nicole Sirotek shares what she witnessed in the hospital system while working during the COVID pandemic – and what happened when she spoke out.

References (courtesy of The People’s Testament): Nicole Sirotek’s Story | Senator Ron Johnson& Nurse Nicole Sirotek | American Frontline Nurses (Projects) | Protocol Kills


From the Belly of the Beast…

I attended the 23rd World Vaccine Congress in Washington DC. This is what I saw and heard…

Dr. Madhava Setty

His article is a revealing read. Or listen to he and Dr. Liz Mumper recount their experience of attending in this Friday Roundtable episode with Children’s Health Defense.

Embed not working? Watch on Children’s Health Defense or Rumble.

Debroah Conrad, whistleblower

The Physician’s Assistant was fired by her hospital after exposing the deliberate under-reporting of Covid-19 vaccine injuries to VAERS1Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systemdespite medical providers being legally required to.

Speaking at The Summit For Truth & Wellness she placed her whistleblowing in the context of medical tyranny – and emphasised the need to build a parallel health care system, free of governmental and pharmaceutical influence.

Like the Americans For Healthcare Alternatives group are.

Her appearance on The Highwire

A case study in the dangers of our modern health care system?

Continue reading Debroah Conrad, whistleblower
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    Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

“It’s important to note: she is NOT accused of harming a single patient.

Texas Lindsay on the threat to Dr. Mary Talley Bowden’s medical license.

… why is the Texas Medical Board (TMB) going after a Stanford educated doctor who’s saved thousands of lives?

Because she prescribes an off-label cheap drug, Ivermectin, to her patients for Covid, as well as vaccine injuries…

So who filed the TMB complaints?

A patient? Nope!

Two Texas hospitals: Houston Methodist Hospital & Texas Health Huguely Hospital in Fort Worth…

Imagine the combined power of these billion dollar hospitals lobbying against ONE doctor.

Texas Lindsay

Another synopsis of the story by Emily Miller here.

Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence Based Medicine?

The double-jabbed, cardiologist and former TV pundit – whose father (also a cardiologist) died because of a COVID vaccine induced cardiac-death – has switched from countering vaccine hesitancy to warning about vaccine dangers.


  • wilfull blindness
  • public health is declining
  • overall, medical drug impact is negative
  • most research can’t be trusted
  • relative risk reduction is highlighted, absolute risk ignored1Good explanation of difference between Absolute and Relative Risk
  • ‘numbers needed to treat’ are ignored2Number of people one needs to treat to prevent one instance of an illness
  • consent is not fully informed
  • most doctors getting their info from media or pharma sources
  • papers are misreported
  • regulators are c 80% industry funded
  • serious events revealed by vaccine trials ignored
  • at least 1 in 800 are harmed
  • scientific fraud
  • raw research data not being released
  • we have been trusting the psychopath…
Watch on YouTube

What’s worse than ignorance? …

The illusion of knowledge.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra3…quoting Stephen Hawking

  • 1
    Good explanation of difference between Absolute and Relative Risk
  • 2
    Number of people one needs to treat to prevent one instance of an illness
  • 3
    …quoting Stephen Hawking