Time to De-Stigmatize the Word “Anti-Vaxxer”

Cartoon by JermWarfare.com

My point in showing Jerm’s cartoon is not to educate in how to defeat an innocent. Rather to suggest we can ‘win’ against the globalists by disempowering the language being deployed to divide us. One encounter at a time.

Perhaps keep that in mind as you read Chudov’s encouragement.

Continue reading Time to De-Stigmatize the Word “Anti-Vaxxer”

The Fact-Checker Scam

… the Government and mainstream media fact-chechers actually have no problem with misinformation as long as it aligns with the adopted political agenda.

Jeremey R. Hammond

Starting with his own Linkedin experience 1Suspended for 1) resharing an old article on the 2009 Iranian Presidential election 2), correcting misinformation about ivermectin research 3), showing that the CDC’s own data falsified their claim that vaccine-induced immunity was superior to natural immunity. Jeremy Hammond joined Tom Woods to discuss the problem of mainstream “fact checkers” enforcing the establishment narrative.

He gave numerous examples of truthful information being suppressed including:

Continue reading The Fact-Checker Scam
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    Suspended for 1) resharing an old article on the 2009 Iranian Presidential election 2), correcting misinformation about ivermectin research 3), showing that the CDC’s own data falsified their claim that vaccine-induced immunity was superior to natural immunity.

Fauci’s Red Guards

Lawsuit Reveals Vast Federal Censorship Army

… an astonishing new release of discovery documents in Missouri v. Biden—in which NCLA Legal is representing plaintiffs including Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Aaron Kheriaty against the Biden administration for violations of free speech during Covid—reveal a vast federal censorship army, with more than 50 federal officials across at least 11 federal agencies having secretly coordinated with social media companies to censor private speech.

Michael P. Senger

Why does it matter?

Quashing free speech enables (amongst other things) forced preference falsification – a process central to Mao Zedong’s regime and vehemently implemented by his Red Guards.

The parallels with today are profound. (Although I’d liken the federal officials to Generals and the agencies and Fact-checkers they use to units of their army).

Image by Jerm Warfare1The hammer & sickle are normally associated with Russian-flavoured communism. But in the context of communism on the verge of engulfing the whole world I hope you will agree the flavour doesn’t matter too much.

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    The hammer & sickle are normally associated with Russian-flavoured communism. But in the context of communism on the verge of engulfing the whole world I hope you will agree the flavour doesn’t matter too much.

All-cause mortality in the United States.

… seasonal variation… you can go back to… before the second World War… very regular… There is a regular pattern. There is a clear historic trend. Then… there’s this break to a new regime. where we don’t even come down close to the summer baselines that we were seeing before.

Denis Rancourt

The “COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Public Health Disaster in the USA” paper found…

  • No deaths were averted by the vaccination campaign.
  • Excess mortality is linked to poverty, disability, obesity.1The poverty correlation they found would seems to bolster Matthew Crawford’s budding Wealth Theory of Vaccine Efficacy.
  • No increase in death in elderly; young adults died more than aged.

So it’s not a virus doing the killing.

Not good for ‘the narrative’. In any way.

Also not good for the claim that treatments2like those using ivermectin are successfully beating a SARS-CoV-2 virus.

A broad overview

The authors explain methods and charts

Continue reading All-cause mortality in the United States.

50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot

… wondering if it’s a good idea to give your kid the COVID shot? I know there’s an ocean of mis/dis/mal/information out there to navigate, so I’ve compiled this handy list of reasons you’ll want to rush your child to the nearest injection site stat.

Margaret Anna Alice

Too busy for all 50?

Just skim these nine here…

Continue reading 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot

Challenging the Covid-19 Narrative

In this interview with Brian Gerrish, former ITV and BSkyB Executive Mark Sharman challenges the official Covid-19 narrative, including flawed statistics, high-level media censorship, government financial ‘bribes’ of the media, lost trust in doctors, vilification of those warning of vaccine damage, and the very real harm suffered by individuals who accepted the government promoted vaccines.

… includes an excerpt [at 35:00] from the powerful and emotional documentary by Oracle FilmsSafe and Effective: A Second Opinion, which shows the heartbreaking reality of vaccine damage to a young woman, Georgia Segal. Her courage in dealing with her post-vaccine harm, and in speaking out so that others can understand the real truth about vaccine side effects, is outstanding.


Toward the end the BBC’s “Unvaccinated” was mentioned. More about that here.

You have been propagandized.

A letter for your friends.1By Kate Wand.

You have been propagandized.

You have been lied to. I know. It’s hard to believe, but just stay with me.

I think you’re still reading because you know it’s true.

And maybe, you want to understand how, or more importantly, why?

What happened to us? Humans? What happened to your country, your city, your school, your work, your life?

What happened to your relationships?

Continue reading You have been propagandized.

Aisling O’Loughlin with John Waters

I can’t leave my kids a world where they’re pin-cushions for somebody who wants to kill them.

Aisling O’Loughlin

The former TV3 presenter joins journalist John Waters to discuss what’s happened to journalism, family relationships, moral responsibility, people’s inability to see… and more

Aisling O’Loughlin on Telegram | Conversations With John Waters

“The White Rose” mini-documentary

After speaking at Nuremberg 75, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav paid respects at Sophie Scholl’s grave in Munich, Germany.

Who was Sophie Scholl?

Continue reading “The White Rose” mini-documentary