Youngest Hearts 1

Children dying at alarming rates

The following is a documented compilation of school aged boys and girls (under 18s) who have been injured, collapsed or died from the experimental therapy – from March 2021 to Sept 2022.

People have suggested putting these type of news clips on posters to circulate around cities. So if you have the resources to do that, let me know and I can send you all the screenshots (2000+) I have from this year and last. It should save you a lot of time and make the task less daunting. Design and get 1 poster printed as a prototype and petition others to help fund the printing and with the distribution.


June 2022: Moderna CMO believes spikes from the mRNA vaccine get to the heart

But Dr. Paul Burton still has his job.

In contrast, after this short May 2021 radio interview…

… and publishing a Parent Guide to COVID-19 Vaccination

My life exploded into a storm of harassment, accusations, and censorship…

… fact checkers claiming that I did not know what I was talking about…

An open letter was written by a large number of my colleagues at the University of Guelph, none of whom are vaccinologists.1Context: Dr. Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. All of them accused me of spreading misinformation…

My career has suffered what will likely be irreparable damage. I am still not allowed to access my office or laboratory… 

I wonder if the naysayers will listen to the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ manufacturers as they now confirm this 1.5-year-old message.

Dr. Byram Bridle

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

… shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Oracle Films | VIBUK | | News Uncut

Doctor u-turns on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Calls for global pause

I was wilfully blind… until I wasn’t…

What’s worse than ignorance? The late, great Stephen Hawking tells us: the illusion of knowledge…

I was one of the first people to have the Covid-19 vaccine… in January 2021… I, at the time, did not even conceive… of the possibility that a vaccine could cause any real harm at all…

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

… a hero. When he learned he was wrong, he did the right thing: publicly admitted his mistake and called for the halt to the vaccines… at considerable risk to his reputation.

Steve Kirsch

His U-turn on Covid vaccine safety could save countless lives – if only mainstream media would give his message the airtime it deserves.

Dr. Tess Lawrie

Why listen? Why share?

Continue reading Doctor u-turns on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Calls for global pause

Debate me – or sue me!

That was Dr. Mike Yeadon’s message for Sir Patrick Vallance, Sir Chris Whitty, Sir Mene Pangalos, Dr. Mathai Mammen and Dr. James Merson – after he indicted them on Radical with Maajid Nawaz,1Scroll back to start for full context.

He also had a message for you:

… I don’t wanna be alive if we lose this… I’m in the same boat as you. But what would really annoy me is, if anyone hears this and doesn’t do something with it, well, stop watching.. Stop watching! It’s not entertainment! If you don’t go and do something with this, turn your computer off.

Dr. Mike Yeadon


Continue reading Debate me – or sue me!
  • 1
    Scroll back to start for full context.

A Citizens’ Hearing

Thought I was abreast of things. But missed this 3-day Canadian event.

June 22-24: lawyers, doctors, surgeons, professors journalists, family members, injection injured, indigenous, business owners, elected representatives, fired professionals (including Pfizer trial whistleblower Brook Jackson)… began the “historic documentation of Canadians negatively impacted by government responses to COVID-19

… we encourage you to consider the decisions you might have made, were you in these individuals’ shoes. How different would your life be, if you would have been confronted by their situations and had to face the challenges each of them faced as a result of their choices?

How moderator Trish Wood saw it:

Continue reading A Citizens’ Hearing

Doctor sues Oregon Medical Board for $35 million

The Highwire episode 2841The Fine Line, September 8, 2022. began with Dr. Drew realising new California legislation obliges doctors to keep medical truths from patients.

Great to see a famous doctor seeing the light. But even better…

Paediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas studied c 4,000 children born into his practice and found the more vaccinated seemed more prone to chronic illnesses.

So the Oregon Medical Board revoked his licence. Of course.

He fought to get it back… and is now on the offensive. Go Paul!2More on: and

The episode continues from 23:05 with The Jaxen Report.

Then from 52:23 Del goes deep with Mattias Desmet about mass formation – and the self-defense mechanisms under-pinning it. Worth a listen. Especially if interested in psychology or spirituality.

There’s also an uncomfortable truth for those who believe conspiracy is the only reason all this is happening.

Young Hearts 22

Excess mortality skyrocketing – mainstream media silent

Excess mortality numbers are increasing at an astounding rate. Young people are dying of ‘unexplained’ illnesses. At any other time in history (and if the MSM wasn’t part of the charade), alarm bells would have gone off loudly and frantically. The mainstream media would have had showcased ‘excess mortality’ as their prime-time topic every day for the last 12 months and had countless experts weighing in on the possible causes. Journalists would have been on the front line of investigations. Yet there is not just no mention of what could be causing the excess deaths. There is no mention of excess deaths AT ALL.


Is the depravity of using kids as shields finally coming to an end?

Aug: Denmark stops COVID injections for u-18’s

… children under 18 will no longer be offered a covid vaccine and can only get one after a recommendation by a doctor.

Here’s the text from the Danish health authorities website.1Oisín: see answer to “Who, how, and where?” question 2.

Peter Imanuelsen

Sept: UK stops stops vaccinating 5-11 year olds

Apparently, vaccinating any child that now turns five ended in August without any announcements. Now that this one off-programme is ending, it seems that children will not be offered the Covid vaccination until they are 11 or 12.

Naked Emperor

Igor Chudov sees the UK change differently – and provides some public and World Economic Forum-backed reaction.

Continue reading Is the depravity of using kids as shields finally coming to an end?
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    Oisín: see answer to “Who, how, and where?” question 2.

Maddie De Garay

A name to mention when told…

  • to Trust The ScienceTM or
  • the COVID injections are safe.

After her second shot during an early clinical trial1Her two brothers also participated. So she and her consenting parents were clearly not ‘anti-vax’. Maddie became paraplegic.2Maddie was one of c. 1000 in her study group. Implication: there could be a 1-in-1000 chance of paraplegia with your second Pfizer mRNA COVID injection.

To this day her many injuries are downplayed and ignored by vaccine pushers (like the trial leaders, doctors, nurses, Public Health officials, governments and the dying mainstream legacy media).

So, very few people know her story. Despite…

Continue reading Maddie De Garay
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    Her two brothers also participated. So she and her consenting parents were clearly not ‘anti-vax’.
  • 2
    Maddie was one of c. 1000 in her study group. Implication: there could be a 1-in-1000 chance of paraplegia with your second Pfizer mRNA COVID injection.

50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot

… wondering if it’s a good idea to give your kid the COVID shot? I know there’s an ocean of mis/dis/mal/information out there to navigate, so I’ve compiled this handy list of reasons you’ll want to rush your child to the nearest injection site stat.

Margaret Anna Alice

Too busy for all 50?

Just skim these nine here…

Continue reading 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot