Two Cardiologists, Two Countries, Separate Analyses, Same Conclusion

COVID-19 Vaccines are Not Safe for the Heart

… the general public and doctors don’t know what’s really happening; and they don’t even know that they don’t know.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra (1:37:00)

Nov 29, Dallas, Texas Drs. McCullough and Malhotra spoke about:

  • manipulated virus
  • military style approach
  • deceptive use of science and data.1E.g. Relative Risk vs Absolute Risk.
  • regulatory, media and political capture
  • censorship and being attacked
  • Pfizer and Moderna’s original trials showed greater risk of harm from injection than of catching COVID…

… I was cautious during the early months of the vaccine campaign but as the deaths accrued shortly after injection I could not remain silent by the late winter of 2021.  Dr. Malhotra in his presentation painfully describes his journey of emotional distraught, losing his father and last remaining first-degree family member, and then his relentless pursuit of the truth culminating in the publication of a pair of analyses concluding all COVID-19 vaccinations are not sufficiently safe nor effective to remain in use today… Together we have hundreds of published scientific reports and opinions.  We have delivered thousands of lectures and speeches.   We both have suffered professional retaliation for telling the truth.   We are not wrong about these conclusions.

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. McCullough’s slides (.pptx) | Senate Hearing he mentioned

Dr. Malhotra’s slides (.pdf) |

Dr. Malhotra’s papers

Malhotra, A. (2022). Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 1. Journal of Insulin Resistance, 5(1), 8 pages. doi:

Malhotra, A. (2022). Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 2. Journal of Insulin Resistance, 5(1), 10 pages. doi:

  • 1
    E.g. Relative Risk vs Absolute Risk.

CDC Lied about Vaccine Myocarditis Being Mild: 20% of Sudden Deaths Caused by Myocarditis

A better summary than mine of the Heidelberg autopsy study.

Our authorities claim that “myocarditis does not cause deaths” for only one reason: they refused to autopsy vaccine victims. As soon as autopsies of a representative sample of “sudden deaths” were finally done, as in the above Heidelberg study, it turned out that 20% of sudden deaths were myocarditis-related.

Igor Chudov

He also asks:

What Caused Other 80% of Deaths?

Here’s the list of “causes of death” for most of these subjects. Thanks to Brian Mowrey for pointing it out. A lot of them deserve their own substack post!!! Look at sudden-onset pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, thrombi etc…

Igor Chudov

Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination

Table 2 Case characteristics

Here, we describe the cardiac autopsy findings in five persons who have died unexpectedly within seven days following anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination, with vaccine-induced myocardial inflammation representing the likely or possible cause of death. Our findings establish the histological phenotype of lethal vaccination-associated myocarditis.

This a small study: 5 out of 25 people who died unexpectedly within 20 days of a COVID-19 injection. But hard to dismiss as coincidental given the mounting evidence1e.g this, this, this, all this and that the authors reported:

During the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital we did not observe comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration. This was validated by histological re-evaluation of age- and sex-matched cohorts from three independent periods, which did not reveal a single case showing a comparable cardiac pathology….

More extracts…

Continue reading Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination

Young Hearts 28

No Amnesty

Some Irish entries from 11:00. Vaccine poster-boy dies at 4 years (11:43).

Australian birth down 67%? (12:43)

Jessica Rose thought similarly. BUT…

…. within 24-hours her own peer-review process had informed her it could be a reporting lag. She analyses that possibility here, after saying:

It doesn’t help, but thank you for answering! It’s more than some ‘Bureaus’ do.

The point is that vital ABS1Australian Bureau of Statistics statistics are not up-to-date a full year following data capture.

This is not ok, especially in the face of many other countries reporting excessively low birth rates.2See here, for early examples.

Jessica Rose

  • 1
    Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • 2
    See here, for early examples.

Young Hearts 27

Excess Deaths – The Elephant In The Room

(Ireland, Rachel O’Connor @ 9:05)

The information is slowly coming to the surface as serious questions are finally being asked in Parliament. But only after 12 billion doses have been administered worldwide, and excess deaths continue climbing at an alarming rate.


Excess Deaths – Europe

9% above normal in September.1Archive. Archive. A welcome drop from August’s 13%

See also

Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-Injection

Dr. Sucharit Bhakadi’s analysis suggests there’s a plausible mechanism by which the jab(s) can induce such changes.

Reiner Fuellmich, Peter Breggin and Naomi Wolf also discuss this, eugenics and the parallels between modern COVID times and pre-holocaust Germany.

NOTE: Breggin and Wolf are both Jewish. | Telegram | Source video

Deep In The Wombs of Women: The Hidden Harm of Covid Vaccines

“Where’s my cycle” is the rallying cry of a group of French women fighting for basic expectations of life: a pain-free existence, a medical system they can trust, and the ability to bear children.

(Left to right) Mélodie Feron, organizer of “Where’s my cycle,” representing 10,000 women; Dr. Laurence Kayser, a Belgian gynecologist, who faces professional charges for speaking out against covid policies; and Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, a geneticist who believes the vaccines were not sufficiently tested before being given to women, spoke at a rally in Paris. (Mary Beth Pfeiffer)

Organized by a group called “Where’s my cycle,” the rally focused on intimate revelations: heavy bleeding, unprecedented pain, humiliation, and elemental physical changes. These symptoms began, not coincidentally, at the start of 2021, when women put out their arms and took, or were coerced by employers to take, covid-19 vaccinations.

The 300 women, and men, at this rally—and the 10,000 that Oú est mon cycle represents—are fighting for basic expectations of life: a pain-free existence, a medical system they can trust, and the ability to bear children.

This was not just about inconvenience or embarrassment. It was about fertility.

Mary Beth Pfeiffer

The headings convey so much

In the shadow of Napoleon’s Tomb, at the Hôtel National des Invalides in Paris, a sign at a rally to protest fertility issues related to the covid vaccines reads “Hippocrates, not hypocrite.” (Mary Beth Pfeiffer)

Sudden Death & Turbo Cancers

Canadian Doctors Speak Out

Doctors Charles Hoffe, Stephen Malthouse, Christopher Shaw + guest doctor William Makis… discuss the mysterious sudden deaths of 80+ Canadian doctors and the rapid turbo cancers they are seeing in patients… deleted death data, smear campaigns, case studies and more.

Good Morning CHD, Nov 111CHD = Children’s Health Defense


  • the Vax Justice Bus tour
  • how many people know a vax injured person
  • Trudeau’s lawyer having a stroke mid-testimony2Quick overview here by Mark Crispin Miller
  • the strange ways the young doctors are dying
  • politics, censorship and
  • the emerging “pandemic of the vaccinated” affecting Canada’s hospital and ICU admissions.

Children’s Health Defense

mRNA Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds

The latest evidence comes in a study from Switzerland, which found elevated troponin levels – indicating heart injury – across all vaccinated people, with 2.8% showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis.

An article replete with examples and references. Hard to pick highlights. But the 13-min Dr. Vinay Prasad video (near end of article) provides an overview.

There’s also these:

1. Australia as control

The official line on elevated heart injuries and deaths, where they are acknowledged, is that they are most likely caused by the virus as a post-Covid condition rather than the vaccines.

However, expert group HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team) has pointed to Australia as a “control group” on this question. HART notes that even though Australia had not had significant Covid (only 30,000 reported infections and 910 deaths) prior to mid-2021, it still saw a trend in excess non-Covid deaths beginning in June 2021 (see below). HART notes that Australia “did not have prior Covid as a reason for seeing this rise in mortality and hospital pressure from spring 2021”. Instead, “the results from this control group indicate that the cause of this rise in deaths, particularly in young people, must be something in common with Australia, Europe and the USA”

Will Jones

2. New Zealand, Japan, Israel too

(Just coincidences of course…)

“The age groups most likely to use boosters show large rises in excess mortality after boosters are rolled out.” John Gibson, New Zealand.