Couey reviews Kaufman-Kirsch

He was not impressed. With either of them.

I’ve set the video to start just before my question comes up1For background, and why I can forgive the mispronunciation, see here. – which is also just before Couey’s confusion drives him to don his ‘thinking cap’. Despite that though he gives a good round up of the issues with the interview.

If you want the background to that confusion, skip the video back to 1:10:37 (which is when Couey starts the VSRF replay). Or start at the beginning for additional insight into some others who are also helping keep us trapped in a mythology which threatens to enslave our children forever.

Issues with the Odysee video? Try it on

Jonathan Jay Couey: | |

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    For background, and why I can forgive the mispronunciation, see here.

True Science Can’t Lie…

… with Jonathan Jay Couey

Biological realities mean RNA can’t pandemic… and he too was tricked into asking the wrong questions about the (still on-going) pandemic illusion. Central to the illusion was PCR not using ‘nested primers’ – allowing it find signals that were likely there in the background all along.

He also talks about the pain of being let go by Children’s Health Defense, the guilt he feels for not speaking out earlier about the transfections and how we need to apologise to, and seek forgiveness from the young. Because it is they who will have to live with the consequences of our compliance as ‘the edge of knowledge’ is pushed forward by those driving the fracturing of humanity.

“The evidence is there but not broadcast on the mainstream. Dr Jay Couey was the science advisor to Robert F Kennedy and the Children’s Health Defence. What we discuss here today is information that you have not heard before and the explanations from Jay are incredible. we hope you share this information and allow others to see how big the lie is that we have been sold. We can only hope it allows others to step forward and speak the truth rather than carry the burden of living the lie to protect the narrative.

Atlantic Underground Podcast

JJ Couey:

Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

(26th March, since posting I’ve additionally learned oximeters might not only be unreliable, but can also give different results based on skin colour.)

Since COVID more and more people are measuring their blood-oxygen levels, watching for a threshold they’ve been told to worry about.

Interestingly, those thresholds are set by both mainstream and freedom oriented medics. For instance, the FLCCC say get to hospital if blood-oxygen saturation drops below 94%.


… Scott Schara sees oximeter use as pivotal in the lead up to the medical murder of his Down’s Syndrome daughter, Grace.

… Leslie Batts regrets using one too. Because it opened the door to the killing of her husband in hospital.

Knowledge misapplied or a psyop?

Most of us think oximeters are a useful tool. But…

Continue reading Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

Cars, trains and Scooby-Doo

How to summarise JJ Couey?

On Monday I was telling a friend about the impact finding JJ Couey has had on me.

My friend has been exploring the plandemic since 2020. Me since 2021. Yet he was still unaware of Couey while I only found Couey a few months ago. Two examples of how ‘the internet’ can leave us with limited perspectives despite our best efforts.

Couey might put that down to the cars we each ended up in. Cars whose passengers and drivers might be (wittingly or unwittingly) part of ‘The Scooby-Doo’ and affecting our perception of the train.

But there’s more to the ousted university research assistant professor than insightful analogies.

Biology as way out of the cave

Couey educates from a thorough understanding of biology and neuroscience – including in-depth knowledge and laboratory experience of transfection (which is what COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ do, and actually are).1Transfection is the insertion of foreign nucleic acids into a host’s eukaryotic cells (sources). Eukaryotic cells are those which contain “several membrane-bound structures, or organelles, which are specialized cellular subunits that carry out specific cellular functions.” (source also has a helpful graphic)

Because understanding the sacred biology of our world can expose the many myths underpinning COVID and other aspects of modern medicine – like the US childhood vaccination schedule. Also ‘the meddlers‘ keeping us distracted from important truths.

So, with his biology flashlight pointed forward he’s showing us a way out of the cave.2Plato’s Cave: “… describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world.”

For my friend. Maybe you too?

My friend wanted an introduction to Couey. Challenging, given the scope of Couey’s insights and prolific output.

I settled on his personal livestream of a January presentation to the Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International.

Because I find it both succinct and thorough.

I also offer the Q&A after the talk.

Because some interesting characters3If you want to see some of who were there, watch the Q&A on Rumble ask interesting questions which get Couey talking about many things – including virus/no-virus, vaccination, clones, genomes, an adversary, his own stupidity and more.

Plus, some of his humanity is captured at the end.

The talk

The Q&A

JJ Couey ( | My Couey archive

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    Transfection is the insertion of foreign nucleic acids into a host’s eukaryotic cells (sources). Eukaryotic cells are those which contain “several membrane-bound structures, or organelles, which are specialized cellular subunits that carry out specific cellular functions.” (source also has a helpful graphic)
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    Plato’s Cave: “… describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world.”
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    If you want to see some of who were there, watch the Q&A on Rumble

JJ Couey with Wolfgang Wodarg and Viviane Fischer – Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss

A few days ago I posted the Corona Investigative Committee session with JJ Couey.

Yesterday, on his Substack, he published his own recording of that conversation – with improved sound, subtitles AND an automated transcript.1Why is a transcript a big deal? Because if you think a person said something in an interview last week, you can search the transcript in seconds instead of replaying the entire interview.

You can watch it here or on his Substack.

“… My name is Jonathan Couey and I am a recovering academic neurobiologist. I had about… a 15 or 20 year career as an academic biologist… after speaking out against measures and mandates, I was told to go home from my position at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine as a research assistant professor, and I continued to speak out against the I don’t know what I would characterize it as other than nonsense, the biological nonsense that was being characterized as a pandemic.

Full Transcript

Continue reading JJ Couey with Wolfgang Wodarg and Viviane Fischer – Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss
  • 1
    Why is a transcript a big deal? Because if you think a person said something in an interview last week, you can search the transcript in seconds instead of replaying the entire interview.

JJ Couey with the Corona Investigative Committee

(Better sound quality, but no visuals of Fischer or Wodarg here).

The “recovering academic” used to work in a university lab – until he objected to the COVID nonsense.

On Friday he shared his insights into, and understanding of, the big picture with the committee.

Especially heartening to witness his warm exchange with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.

Sage Hana was impressed too: Wolfgang Wodarg and JJ Couey Ask the Right Questions | my archive of Couey’s livestreams

JJ Couey: The Pyramid of Nonsense (Bret Weinstein on Tucker Carlson)

Probably too long for a newbie, but the first 59 minutes are a good synopsis of JJ Couey’s perspective. After which he discusses yet more ‘dissident’ figures (in this case Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch) who:

  • are broadcasting subtle pro Scooby-Doo / pro-train, messages1“Scooby-Doo” and “Train” mean nothing to you? Watch the 7 mins from 15:20 to 22:30
  • do not discuss glaringly obvious issues
  • get widely promoted2Unlike those who called the bullshit early. Such as Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof. Knut Wittkowski,
  • seem unable to reach certain conclusions – conclusions which seem inevitable if one has the humility and integrity to admit they had fallen for the train mime.

Yes, arguably some he talks about might simply be slower at catching on than others. But these highly educated, intelligent people are doing these things FOUR YEARS after the COVID story broke. That’s a long time. Is it any wonder he’d doubt them?

The Jessica mentioned at 01:03:55 is Jessica Hockett who is exploring the strange case of New York’s “mass casualty event” which demonstrates (amongst other things) there were no signs of ‘spread’. Her work can be found on

JJ Couey playlist |

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    “Scooby-Doo” and “Train” mean nothing to you? Watch the 7 mins from 15:20 to 22:30
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    Unlike those who called the bullshit early. Such as Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof. Knut Wittkowski,

JJ Couey, Gigaohm Biological playlist

The neuro-biologist and former university ‘microscope-jockey’ who studied (amongst other things) how mouse brains responded to transfection, is putting out insightful content.

Not only exposing the key myths and lies of “The Faith” which drive the confusion and distract from the multiple crimes, but also some of those who are perpetrating those myths and lies – who may or may not know what they are doing.

His streams don’t stay on his Twitch channel forever. So I’m compiling them into a playlist. Click the pic to access.

Actuarial and statistical problems around the Covid phenomen

Neuro-biologist JJ Couey, reviews Nick Hudson’s Oct 11th presentation to the Actuarial Society of South Africa. A plain version can be watched on

(Apologies for the text/chat replay on the screen. Nothing I can do about it.)


Copied from the Pandata substack. Contains an Addendum responding to some questions he was asked on the day…

Continue reading Actuarial and statistical problems around the Covid phenomen

Three times. In three weeks.

NOV 12th: live-link to some German Parliamentarians

“… After I’d finished… The whole place was on its feet. They were clapping like mad. It went on for an embarrassing 2-3 minutes.

Gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them and ended the link.

I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public…

Dr. Mike Yeadon

DEC 1st: an event for Croatian Parliamentarians and journalists

“… For reasons I don’t yet fully understand, this recording was not played at the session in Croatia…

Continue reading Three times. In three weeks.

Digesting JJ Couey

I’d been aware of him for a while. But, regrettably, no more so than any of the other scientists speaking out about the COVID scam.

Recently though, something about his interactions with Jessica Hockett and Denis Rancourt drew me back to explore his views more thoroughly.

It’s been painful. Slowly coming to realise, acknowledge and admit…

… I had been skilfully played and fallen for The Scooby-Doo myself and…

… that many who I hoped and believed were gonna save us, aren’t…

… because they are (probably unconsciously in many cases) fostering an illusion of consensus that protects and perpetuates The Faith. Like myself at times since my first article here in 2021.

It’s also been humbling. To realise that I wasn’t as awake as I considered myself – and acknowledge thinking myself superior to others who weren’t awake. Plus, to face the possibility that these latest learnings about this great awful deception might not be my last.

I’m not quite yet able to ‘elevator pitch’ these new understandings. But JJ Couey is honing his presentations all the time and I’m finding his analogies increasingly helpful.

Like the train mime…. (from c 27:00 in his recent talk with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International) 1Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble | PubMed

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    Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble

“Millions Of Lives Saved”

Denis Rancourt PhD, live with JJ Couey

Denis Rancourt is interviewed by JJCouey about his paper which evaluates whether the Nobel-Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine has actually saved millions of lives.

Looks like it comes down to the assumptions made when inputting data into the model… and the credulity of those accepting the models answers as real.

If you really want to dive in, helpfully Rancourt has provided links to some resources mentioned. |

“It’s like a bomb went off… then it goes away”

Thanks to the cryptic Sage Hana for bringing Jessica Hockett to my attention. Her recent chat with JJ Couey is littered with pertinent questions. Sage highlighted a few…

If the novel respiratory virus is killing people like crazy, shouldn’t it have been preceded by the ER1Emergency Room death numbers?

… Where were all the bodies?

27,000? Huh? The freezer trucks were not full, no matter what Donald2Donald Trump said. The hospitals were not full.

Why didn’t the same pathogen wipe out people in other cities at the same “smart bomb” rate. 247% increase across all ages?


Sage Hana

Issues with embedded video? Watch on Rumble.

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    Emergency Room
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    Donald Trump

Australia’s Former AMA President Defects, Exposes COVID Vaccines

Former Australian Medical Association President and a former MP, Dr. Kerryn Phelps, just defected and is on our side!

A wide-ranging article in The Chronicle1Archive. reveals that she and her wife suffered devastating injuries from Covid vaccines. Dr. Phelps submitted her reports of injuries, as well as her mistreatment and silence imposed on Australian doctors, to the Parliament of Australia.

Igor Chudov

I read Kerryn Phelps’ submission.

A member of Oz SAGE, she seems…

  • worried about Long COVID2Something Drs. Marik, Kory, McCullough and others say can be avoided with early treatment
  • keen on masks (“evidence-based targeted mandates”) and mandating isolation of the infected
  • to want ‘misinformation’ tackled3Like some ‘myths’ she lists on page 5
  • to think children are at risk4No mention at all of age-stratified risk. No infection fatality rate or case fatality rates stated either.
  • concerned at reduced levels of testing
  • to want a zero COVID approach in hospitals and medical facilities
  • to prefer large-scale public health and government interventions over personal responsibility so no one is left behind…

Just some of the red flags I saw in her submission. Plus there’s this:

The vaccine injury happened to Dr. Phelps around July 2021…

What was she doing in January 2022? That’s right, pushing Covid vaccines to be administered to kids.

Igor Chudov

That’s what JJ Couey highlights while introducing Australian Doctors With Voices discussion on Dr. Phelps revelations.

Nonetheless I welcome…

… that pages 9-13 of her submission to the Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections covered a lot of the harms associated with these shots – and the need to support the injured (specifically mentioning the React19 and CoVerse support groups).

Another medical professional speaking out. Great! Maybe the tide is turning?

Australian Media non-combative?

Phelps joins a growing number of high-profile physicians worldwide, including British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra and oncologist Professor Angus Dalgeish, who have turned against the shots after publicly supporting them in 2021.

But Phelps’s history of aggressive advocacy for the Covid vaccines – and all Covid countermeasures – makes her comments particularly hard to dismiss…

As striking as Phelps’s warning is the reception that Australian media gave it. While other physicians have faced scorn for their recent efforts to discuss potential vaccine injuries, Phelps is being treated largely respectfully.

Maybe the obvious failure of the vaccines to prevent Covid infection is leading to a larger reassessment of their benefit and risks, or maybe Phelps’s advocacy for other Covid countermeasures improves her credibility with journalists. Either way, though, the wall of silence around vaccine injuries seems to be cracking. At least a little.

It only took two years.

Alex Berenson

Igor Chudov | Alex Berenson | Submission 5105Archive. Here’s my downloaded copy of her submission.

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    Something Drs. Marik, Kory, McCullough and others say can be avoided with early treatment
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    Like some ‘myths’ she lists on page 5
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    No mention at all of age-stratified risk. No infection fatality rate or case fatality rates stated either.
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    Archive. Here’s my downloaded copy of her submission.