Chair of COVID-19 Commission: Fauci Not ‘Telling It Like It Is’

In an interview on “RFK Jr.1Robert F. Kennedy, Junior The Defender Podcast,” Jeffrey Sachs, Ph.D., chair of the COVID-19 Commission, explains why he changed his mind about the possibility SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a lab, and why he believes Dr. Anthony Fauci is not being honest with the public.

Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

But I wouldn’t spend much time on the origin issue. Because, as Jonathan Engler remarks, it’s a distraction that suits the narrative.

So why share it?

To point out Fauci is either outright lying or merely hiding something. Whichever is the case it makes him untrustworthy.

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    Robert F. Kennedy, Junior

Canadian Politician Says He’ll Sack Ministers Who Attend Davos


Yesterday, Pierre Poilievre was elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada – and for the first time since he become Prime Minister in 2015 and Stephen Harper stepped down as leader of the Conservatives, Justin Trudeau has a truly formidable political opponent. The 43 year-old populist firebrand, who supported the freedom convoy and opposed vaccine mandates, is a political wunderkind, having first been elected to the Canadian Parliament in 2004, aged 25. Since then he has been re-elected at every subsequent election.

Toby Young

As the Conservative Party of Canada previously booted Derek Sloan for his views on Covid, choosing Poilievre as leader (by a considerable margin) suggests a promising change.

On What Else Could They Have Lied To You About?

Following on from his episode on pharma’s parasitic nature, Maajid Nawaz was joined by Dr Tess Lawrie. CEO of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy she spoke about the WEF1World Economic Forum and state-led Covid interventions – and better ways forward.

Like the World Council for Health and the Better Way Conference.

Dr. Tess Lawrie’s Substack | Better Way Charter27 Principles of a Better Way

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    World Economic Forum
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    7 Principles of a Better Way

Young Hearts 22

Excess mortality skyrocketing – mainstream media silent

Excess mortality numbers are increasing at an astounding rate. Young people are dying of ‘unexplained’ illnesses. At any other time in history (and if the MSM wasn’t part of the charade), alarm bells would have gone off loudly and frantically. The mainstream media would have had showcased ‘excess mortality’ as their prime-time topic every day for the last 12 months and had countless experts weighing in on the possible causes. Journalists would have been on the front line of investigations. Yet there is not just no mention of what could be causing the excess deaths. There is no mention of excess deaths AT ALL.


The Lombardy Analysis

A pattern difficult to explain by viral spread.1An article by eugyppius (The Earliest Days of the Italian Pandemic, or: Why Nobody Wants To Talk About February 2020 Anymore) got Jonathan Engler digging in the Lombardy regional death data.

The first thing to note… is the extreme synchronicity of the excess death curves… surprising in the context of a “spreading” virus. The next thing to note is the height and sharpness of the peaks in deaths.

This extremely rapid rise and fall, to unprecedented levels, also seen synchronously elsewhere in Lombardy, does not look at all natural. However, it does resemble another, non-viral incident. In 2003 there was a huge spike in elderly deaths in France, triggered by a heatwave…

Continue reading The Lombardy Analysis

No Holy Communion for the Sick, They Said

She wanted to receive Holy Communion. She was 88 years old…

The nurses avoided our questions, ignored us, and then finally told us you can’t come in. “She can’t have any visitors,” the disembodied cowardly voice crackled through the intercom…

… I lived in Romania for 15 years. I had been exposed to the spirit of a totalitarian regime… I was not going to back off…

I detected the familiar, sinister spirit of blind obedience to a soulless, state policy. I had to fulfill my sacred duty…

Fr. John Lincoln Downie

Judge Orders Fauci to Cough It Up

A lawsuit against the federal government – Anthony Fauci in particular – from the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana has been brewing for a good part of the summer of 2022. The issue concerns the censoring of certain high-level experts on social media, three of whom are senior scholars of the Brownstone Institute…

On September 6, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty released a decision that orders the government to give up information relevant to the case and do so in 21 days…

Continue reading Judge Orders Fauci to Cough It Up


Edward Dowd… touches on…

Jerm Warfare |

Is the depravity of using kids as shields finally coming to an end?

Aug: Denmark stops COVID injections for u-18’s

… children under 18 will no longer be offered a covid vaccine and can only get one after a recommendation by a doctor.

Here’s the text from the Danish health authorities website.1Oisín: see answer to “Who, how, and where?” question 2.

Peter Imanuelsen

Sept: UK stops stops vaccinating 5-11 year olds

Apparently, vaccinating any child that now turns five ended in August without any announcements. Now that this one off-programme is ending, it seems that children will not be offered the Covid vaccination until they are 11 or 12.

Naked Emperor

Igor Chudov sees the UK change differently – and provides some public and World Economic Forum-backed reaction.

Continue reading Is the depravity of using kids as shields finally coming to an end?
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    Oisín: see answer to “Who, how, and where?” question 2.