The Vaccine Injured: Ignore Them

Seems to be the approach worldwide

Josh Stylman, executive producer1Daily Clout recently featured an interview with both Director Jennifer Sharp and Executive Director Josh Stylman. of the film Anecdotals, joins me to discuss the fate of the vaccine injured in the age of Covid. I rank this one in the top ten of all 2,257 episodes.

Tom Woods

Mentioned: Joshua’s substack article

Also on: Odysee | Rumble

Australia’s Former AMA President Defects, Exposes COVID Vaccines

Former Australian Medical Association President and a former MP, Dr. Kerryn Phelps, just defected and is on our side!

A wide-ranging article in The Chronicle1Archive. reveals that she and her wife suffered devastating injuries from Covid vaccines. Dr. Phelps submitted her reports of injuries, as well as her mistreatment and silence imposed on Australian doctors, to the Parliament of Australia.

Igor Chudov

I read Kerryn Phelps’ submission.

A member of Oz SAGE, she seems…

  • worried about Long COVID2Something Drs. Marik, Kory, McCullough and others say can be avoided with early treatment
  • keen on masks (“evidence-based targeted mandates”) and mandating isolation of the infected
  • to want ‘misinformation’ tackled3Like some ‘myths’ she lists on page 5
  • to think children are at risk4No mention at all of age-stratified risk. No infection fatality rate or case fatality rates stated either.
  • concerned at reduced levels of testing
  • to want a zero COVID approach in hospitals and medical facilities
  • to prefer large-scale public health and government interventions over personal responsibility so no one is left behind…

Just some of the red flags I saw in her submission. Plus there’s this:

The vaccine injury happened to Dr. Phelps around July 2021…

What was she doing in January 2022? That’s right, pushing Covid vaccines to be administered to kids.

Igor Chudov

That’s what JJ Couey highlights while introducing Australian Doctors With Voices discussion on Dr. Phelps revelations.

Nonetheless I welcome…

… that pages 9-13 of her submission to the Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections covered a lot of the harms associated with these shots – and the need to support the injured (specifically mentioning the React19 and CoVerse support groups).

Another medical professional speaking out. Great! Maybe the tide is turning?

Australian Media non-combative?

Phelps joins a growing number of high-profile physicians worldwide, including British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra and oncologist Professor Angus Dalgeish, who have turned against the shots after publicly supporting them in 2021.

But Phelps’s history of aggressive advocacy for the Covid vaccines – and all Covid countermeasures – makes her comments particularly hard to dismiss…

As striking as Phelps’s warning is the reception that Australian media gave it. While other physicians have faced scorn for their recent efforts to discuss potential vaccine injuries, Phelps is being treated largely respectfully.

Maybe the obvious failure of the vaccines to prevent Covid infection is leading to a larger reassessment of their benefit and risks, or maybe Phelps’s advocacy for other Covid countermeasures improves her credibility with journalists. Either way, though, the wall of silence around vaccine injuries seems to be cracking. At least a little.

It only took two years.

Alex Berenson

Igor Chudov | Alex Berenson | Submission 5105Archive. Here’s my downloaded copy of her submission.

  • 1
  • 2
    Something Drs. Marik, Kory, McCullough and others say can be avoided with early treatment
  • 3
    Like some ‘myths’ she lists on page 5
  • 4
    No mention at all of age-stratified risk. No infection fatality rate or case fatality rates stated either.
  • 5
    Archive. Here’s my downloaded copy of her submission.

Two perspectives on injection injury: Robert Fusaro and Tiago Henriques

Robert nearly died after his injections and still suffers debilitating and dangerous symptoms – eighteen months later.

Tiago set up the (now banned) “Died Suddenly News” Facebook group. He plans to launch an independent support site early 2023.

Dr. Jessica Rose spoke with them both on December 23rd.

… an episode, dedicated to vaccine injury. They discuss efforts being made to increase awareness for the side effects from vaccination as well as stories of censorship, corruption and collusion.

Children’s Health Defense

Watch on Children’s Health Defense | Rumble

Andrew Bridgen, MP with James Delingpole

A view from inside the halls of power

Sorry James. Everything you told me was true…

I’m vaccine harmed myself…

Andrew Bridgen, MP (see from 45:10 for context)

Andrew James Bridgen is a British politician and businessman who has served as the Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire1United Kingdom since 2010. Bridgen recently2December 13 spoke in the vaccine harms debate of Parliament claiming that the Covid vaccine is not safe, this has been followed by criticism from senior doctors calling Bridgen ‘irresponsible.’

James Delingpole

You can find Bridgen’s debate contribution (in Dr. John Campbell’s video) here.

  • 1
    United Kingdom
  • 2
    December 13

Anecdotals Movie

In March 2021, after receiving my Pfizer shot, I couldn’t feel the left side of my face for a month. Eighteen months later, electric shocks and muscle weakness continue. Unable to receive the 2nd dose, I am amongst a group of partially-vaccinated people who have been outcast from many aspects of society with no empathy. We’ve been censored and told it’s unethical to talk about our stories because we are just anecdotes.


This movie provides a glimpse into the lives of the Anecdotals–those of us whose lives have been changed drastically by taking the vaccine. It also reflects on the division and politics that prevents us from getting much needed care. Anecdotals is a personal journey that focuses on questions, not answers, and people, not politics.


Dec 14: film Director Jennifer Sharp and Executive Producer Josh Stylman spoke with Etana Hecht of about making the movie.f]Or watch on Rumble[/f]

Dec 22: Tom Woods interviewed Executive Producer Josh Stylman.1Mentioned: Joshua’s substack article

Watch on: Odysee | Rumble | YouTube


Excess mortality increased slightly in October 2022

‘Slightly’ sounds innocent. Until you understand the context: it was already well above normal.

Excess mortality in the EU increased slightly in October 2022, after dropping in August and September. This followed a peak of +17% in July, which is the highest value to date in 2022 and unusually high for the month of July. Excess mortality in October 2022 was +10% of the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019, and is +0.5% compared with September 2022.

Eurostat1Archive. Archive,

Red line is my addition. To highlight “0” (average excess deaths 2016-2019).


Ireland’s went up too


A little more context is revealing.

those Eurostat graphs show just ‘the pandemic years’ of 2020-2022.

EuroMOMO shows 2019 and 2018 as well.

Extra context which makes some things very obvious.

EuroMOMO Bulletin, Week 50, 2022
  • pre-pandemic, excess deaths in summers returned close to ‘normal range’
  • summer 2020 (pre-vaccine) mimicked those of 2019 and 2018 despite the dreaded ‘novel virus’ supposedly ravaging the world
  • since late 2020, when the miracle injections arrived to save us, excess deaths have rarely returned to normal ranges
  • summer 2022 excess deaths approximate winter 2018/19 (WTF?!)
  • the area under the curves2People tend to focus on the peaks. But the area under the peak is key. Because the volume, the amount of space enclosed by a curve is key. is much larger than before the injections arrival

  • 1
  • 2
    People tend to focus on the peaks. But the area under the peak is key. Because the volume, the amount of space enclosed by a curve is key.

A Year Of Athletes Collapsing 2

(This is the second “year of collapsing” compilation. The first covered 769 Athletes and Sports related incidences from March 2021 to 26th March 2022).

1,226 Sports Related Incidences – To Dec 2022

The following is a documented compilation of 1,226 Athletes and Sports related incidences within the space of a year. From 1 Dec 2021 to 30 Nov 2022.
These are only the ones we hear about and which are sports related. The real numbers are unknown.


A video on fan incidents was released Jan 1, 2023.

Canadian Patriot Podcast: Debunking COVID Lies with Dr. Jessica Rose

Matthew Ehret and I chat about COVID, data fudgery, empathy, revolutions through the ages and happy cows in cud

Jessica Rose

… Matt Ehret speaks with Dr Jessica Rose about the multi-level fraud that is the “Covid Pandemic” with deep dives into her work, her mode of thinking and her penetrating research proving the ugly realities within VAERS and other aspects of the pandemic and the “solutions” which the world was tricked into drinking in response.

Throughout the conversation, the tricky beast known as “statistics” was discussed, which, though useful as a tool, has come to increasingly find their use in the advance of tyranny. Some discussion takes place on the topic of the the electromagnetic components of molecular biology which could serve as tools of great good and great evil, as well as our thoughts on the science of mass stupidity. | |