Three vaccine injured people…

… Angelia Desselle, Shawn Skelton and mother of 6 year old Milo discuss their injuries with double-jabbed Steve Kirsch on a Vaccine Safety Research Foundation weekly call.

The earlier minutes also give some background on how Steve Kirsch and Dr. Robert Malone both ‘woke up’ at around the same time.

A Substack by Dr. Pierre Kory is also mentioned. Here it is. He points out the CDC are now, finally, encouraging early treatment for Covid-19… just when some new, expensive drugs come out.

Now 745 heart attacks, 477 dead…

… according to the ever-growing, regularly updated Good Sciencing page.1Wayback snapshot.

Readers are writing to us asking for comparisons from previous years. Some say without that, these results mean nothing. That’s not true because if we had seen this in previous years, it would be well known and others would have documented it. We are starting to work on this – it is a lot of work.

Where are the fact-checkers? Where is the mainstream media? Some have piles of money from Bill Gates. Why are they not proving us wrong by all piling on and showing the documented Athlete deaths from 2019, 2018, 2017 and the previous decade?

They are nowhere to be found because this number of athlete deaths is abnormal and they know it. They have money from people who don’t want journalists poking around. So that’s why they don’t try to thoroughly Fact-Check these reports or show previous year numbers.

Good Sciencing

Joe Rogan talks with Maajid Nawaz

I found this a horrifying listen. But couldn’t help admiring his research and presentation, and kept thinking THIS is what good journalism looks like.

We are in a war. Between centralisation and decentralisation. Take it from someone who once fought (non-violently) for a totalitarian way of living.

Double-jabbed, former UK call-in show host Nawaz was once an Islamist revolutionary, trained in ideological warfare – the deconstruction of a country for the purpose of destroying it from within. So he knows the signs.

After describing his activism and imprisonment he warns about mission creep, the weaponisation of language, the deliberate shutting down of those seeking truth and widespread sowing of confusion.

Finally he discusses (‘with receipts’)1Fair play to Rogan who plays devils advocate well how Covid has been a red herring – and a key step on the way to the centralised, totally controlled life some actors 2who publicly share their plans and say they have penetrated governments worldwide – 50% of the Canadian parliament being one example want for us all.

… people in power… have told us what they want to do next… Central Banking Digital Currency… programmeable… controlled centrally… so that you can’t buy certain foods, or if you do something that your employer doesn’t like… you won’t be able to spend your money. In other words it’s not money. They’re vouchers! … ‘only spent on essentials or goods which an employer, or government, deems to be sensible’… because the passport infrastructure is in place, you bring in that digital currency and you’ve got this total control

Maajid Nawaz, Joe Rogan Experience #1780 (from c 02:07:00)

Spotify: The Joe Rogan Experience #1780

  • 1
    Fair play to Rogan who plays devils advocate well
  • 2
    who publicly share their plans and say they have penetrated governments worldwide – 50% of the Canadian parliament being one example

Young Hearts 1-12

In August 2021 “checkur6” began a series called “Young Hearts” highlighting cases of people suffering Covid injection injuries – including death. By February 18th, 2021 they had posted 12 such videos.

AllTheWorldsAStage compiled them in to one:

As you watch remember you are supposed to believe:

  1. These injections are “safe and effective”.
  2. These injuries and deaths are purely coincidental.
  3. The media are ignoring or downplaying them so there’s nothing to worry about.
  4. Your Government, and the pharmaceutical companies they indemnify from liability for injuries and deaths caused by these products, would never cut corners and are always acting in your best interest – even when obfuscating or hiding data from you, destroying your familial and societal life, breaching the Nuremberg Code and denying you your human rights.

“Science is a wicked, competitive business”

… according to Dr. Robert Malone1At 11:04 during his January 6th interview with Patrick Bet-David – just a few days after his now-famous Joe Rogan interview aired and triggered an acceleration of censorship.2The original livestream happened on YouTube, but is no longer there. Apparently it violated the company’s Community Guidelines. However the Wayback Machine snapped it on Jan 7th (it may take a while to load and does not include a copy of the video itself – but confirms the livestream happened and had been seen 64,396 times by the time the snapshot was taken.

As I listened… and watched the PBD team do live searches to check some of Malone’s assertions… I marvelled at the horrible repressive, disrespectful, corrupt, truth-fearing world we have created.

We need a better world.


Here’s “The History of mRNA Vaccines” on Dr. Malone’s website – with links to his original papers and patents.

Here’s the Canadian Covid Care Alliance video Malone mentioned.

Here’s the joint interview with Desmet and McCullough he spoke of.3I am no longer using the term psychosis but will leave it on my site for the record.

The “What If…” substack article in which Malone highlights the 40% excess death rate reported by a life insurance company.4The Margaret Menge source article Malone links to in this piece might not be viewable from the EU for GDPR reasons. But EU readers can view it on The Waybacck Machine.

The Mary Beth Pfeiffer article about the 40% excess deaths in the 18-64yr age cohort (a cohort not expected to die as much as they seem to have done). Graph from the same:

This graph, provided by OneAmerica insurance company, represents publicly reported death rates from the CDC for 18-64 age groups from 2019-21. It demonstrates trends and the significant impacts of COVID-19 that an Indiana-based insurance company says are reflected in “huge” and unprecedented death rate increases among working-age people in the U.S.

  • 1
    At 11:04
  • 2
    The original livestream happened on YouTube, but is no longer there. Apparently it violated the company’s Community Guidelines. However the Wayback Machine snapped it on Jan 7th (it may take a while to load and does not include a copy of the video itself – but confirms the livestream happened and had been seen 64,396 times by the time the snapshot was taken.
  • 3
    I am no longer using the term psychosis but will leave it on my site for the record.
  • 4
    The Margaret Menge source article Malone links to in this piece might not be viewable from the EU for GDPR reasons. But EU readers can view it on The Waybacck Machine.


On the internet 404 usually indicates a problem with a website.

But today on the internet it is also the number of athletes whose sudden deaths have been recorded on this ever-growing page of Good Sciencing.1Wayback snapshot for posterity

I see some Twitter remarks by my compatriot, former soccer player Gary Dempsey, are pictured also.

I wonder if Twitter will caution or ban him for talking about his experience and feelings? Because that kind of sharing could create vaccine hesitancy – something no longer condoned by the private companies and governments determining what we, the people, are free to speak about.

Matt Le Tissier – On The Record

February 1st, Oracle Films published this wide-ranging interview with the former England international and Southampton club soccer player.

An exceptional midfielder and excellent penalty taker, after retiring from playing Le Tissier became a football pundit – most notably with Sky Sports. All was well1Nothing unusual reported on his Wikipedia entry as of June 2020. until August 2020 when “he was dropped” by Sky Sports.

Probably just a coincidence but that was around the time he was becoming more vocal about the Covid response. But it meant his Wikipedia entry needed at least this addition:

In 2020, Le Tissier became an outspoken critic on the reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom, with several tweets in which he criticised what he deemed to be an “overreaction” from the government and media, among others opposing lockdowns and mask orders. An image he posted on Twitter which implied a comparison between the Holocaust and having to wear masks during the pandemic was deleted.

Wikipedia, April 24th, 2021

Le Tissier then began to comment on and question the growing numbers of athletes AND sports fans collapsing. So by August 2021 someone had added this sentence:

In 2021, Le Tissier drew widespread criticism when he again promoted conspiracy theories. He tweeted a post suggesting that Christian Eriksen’s on-pitch cardiac arrest was an adverse reaction to being vaccinated.

Wikipedia, August 20th, 2021

Matt Le Tissier… football star… tv pundit… turned conspiracy theorist.

Welcome to the club Mr. Le Tissier!

Thank you Oracle Films.

  • 1
    Nothing unusual reported on his Wikipedia entry as of June 2020.

The Vaccine Effects

Pandemic of the unvaccinated?

Yes, it is. Depending on how you define “vaccinated” and WHEN you record deaths.

Vaccines aren’t causing excess deaths?

No, they are not. Depending on how you define “vaccinated” and WHEN you record deaths.

Ivor Cummins explains how overall mortality and ICU usage can be made appear higher amongst “unvaccinated” people.

The Vaccine Effects – Mortality MAGICK

The Vaccine Effects – ICU MAGICK

Ivor referenced this presentation by Prof. Norman Fenton in the UK from last November. (If you want to understand the Professor’s background and approach, restart the video from the beginning. But be warned. You’ll also learn about other issues with the official data.)