Who needs quarantine camps?

New York apparently.

Eight months after losing her fight to keep a draconian and wholly unconstitutional regulation called “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures”, [New York] Governor Kathy Hochul just filed an appeal to try to overturn that decision.

Bobbie Anne Cox

Seems the state is prepared to fight for the legal power to lock you away, indefinitely, on mere suspicion, with no release criteria…

Continue reading Who needs quarantine camps?

In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Symposium V

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Continue reading In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

If a fiberglass tree falls in a forest…

  • Privacy and becoming terrorists retroactively.1In the future. Based on government opinion of your current OR past behaviour, speech, emails, texts etc,.
  • State, WHO and tech companies colluding to censor.2Today Steve Kirsch posted an update on related court cases.
  • Opposite of goose-stepping: the relentless creeping edifice of inverted totalitarianism and the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
  • Synthetic (‘fibreglass’) RNA, surviving months in the body, could trigger adverse events months after injection.
  • The Omicron variant series could have originated before the Delta.3Because evolution is not linear.
  • Blocking early treatment: ivermectin, Japan, the viral ‘suicide’ story and shutdown of the Uttar Pradesh success.
  • Designing trials to fail, like the TOGETHER trial.4See Dr.Edmund Fordham and Dr.Pierre Kory.
  • Deletion from Twitter, Linkedin increases followers elsewhere. But hard to know who you’re not reaching.
  • Reconcile with or prosecute the complicit…?

Just some of what Bret Weinstein and Dr. Robert Malone5“Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. https://www.rwmalonemd.com/ https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/Source. spoke about when they met during the Better Way Conference in May.

Their first conversation, June 2021, included tech tycoon Steve Kirsch:

  • 1
    In the future. Based on government opinion of your current OR past behaviour, speech, emails, texts etc,.
  • 2
    Today Steve Kirsch posted an update on related court cases.
  • 3
    Because evolution is not linear.
  • 4
  • 5
    “Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. https://www.rwmalonemd.com/ https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/Source.

Deeper with Desmet

Does History Repeat Itself?

In this lengthy, thorough and fascinating conversation Bret Weinstein challenges, and applies the evolutionary biology perspective to, Mattias Desmet’s mass formation analysis.

Areas of agreement and disagreement emerge. Nonetheless respect pervades their interaction as they go deep into many areas including, (but not limited to):

Continue reading Deeper with Desmet

Pfizer knew. So did the FDA.

Now China controls the injection technology.

Dr. Naomi Wolf sketches the bigger picture with Maajid Nawaz.

An interview with Michael Senger1attorney and author of “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World” is mentioned. Published May22nd, you can watch it here:

Continue reading Pfizer knew. So did the FDA.
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    attorney and author of “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World”

Most important interview yet?

In 1951 Hannah Arendt warned a Technocratic Totalitarianism was coming. Different to Fascistic or Communistic Totalitarianism, it would be led not by gang-leaders like Hitler or Stalin, but by dull bureaucrats or technical experts.

Learn how we got here – and how we can respond – in this conversation between Ivor Cummins and author Prof. Mattias Desmet1The Psychology Of Totalitarianism, 2022

A wide-ranging discussion that explains and clarifies much – including the key differences between dictatorships and totalitarian regimes.

  • 1
    The Psychology Of Totalitarianism, 2022

Radical Blindness. Speak Out.

Sometime mid-May, Professor Mattias Desmet spoke with Dr. Joseph Mercola.1Their conversation was then embedded in a Mercola.com article entitled ” The Psychology of Totalitarianism” on June 19. Given Mercola’s policy of removing content within 48hrs, I’m reproducing that text here, guided by his Citation Policy. He explained mass formation and outlined some examples of the radical blindness it can trigger in the entranced.

He also emphasized the importance of speaking out, thereby hampering the mass hypnosis. Because totalitarianism commits even greater atrocities after its critics are silenced. In which case, not even parallel structures will save us.

But what to say?

That’s the ultimate challenge: to show people that in the end, a transhumanist view on man and the world will entail radical dehumanization of our society. So, I think that’s the real challenge we are facing. Showing people, ‘Look, forget for a moment about the Corona narrative.

What we are heading for if we continue in the same way, is a radically, technologically controlled transhumanist society, which will leave no space whatsoever for life for a human being.”

Mattias Desmet
Continue reading Radical Blindness. Speak Out.
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    Their conversation was then embedded in a Mercola.com article entitled ” The Psychology of Totalitarianism” on June 19. Given Mercola’s policy of removing content within 48hrs, I’m reproducing that text here, guided by his Citation Policy.

The Psychology Of Totalitarianism

Earlier this year Zuby remarked1While interviewing Julie Ponesse on how modern humans seem to think our psychology has evolved beyond that of those who perpetrated the horrors of World War II.

WE could never fall for lies like the 1930’s Germans did. WE could never take part in, or go along with, the atrocities the German authorities orchestrated. Because WE have learned from history – and WE are different.

Truth is we have not – and we are not.

Continue reading The Psychology Of Totalitarianism

Joe Rogan talks with Maajid Nawaz

I found this a horrifying listen. But couldn’t help admiring his research and presentation, and kept thinking THIS is what good journalism looks like.

We are in a war. Between centralisation and decentralisation. Take it from someone who once fought (non-violently) for a totalitarian way of living.

Double-jabbed, former UK call-in show host Nawaz was once an Islamist revolutionary, trained in ideological warfare – the deconstruction of a country for the purpose of destroying it from within. So he knows the signs.

After describing his activism and imprisonment he warns about mission creep, the weaponisation of language, the deliberate shutting down of those seeking truth and widespread sowing of confusion.

Finally he discusses (‘with receipts’)1Fair play to Rogan who plays devils advocate well how Covid has been a red herring – and a key step on the way to the centralised, totally controlled life some actors 2who publicly share their plans and say they have penetrated governments worldwide – 50% of the Canadian parliament being one example want for us all.

… people in power… have told us what they want to do next… Central Banking Digital Currency… programmeable… controlled centrally… so that you can’t buy certain foods, or if you do something that your employer doesn’t like… you won’t be able to spend your money. In other words it’s not money. They’re vouchers! … ‘only spent on essentials or goods which an employer, or government, deems to be sensible’… because the passport infrastructure is in place, you bring in that digital currency and you’ve got this total control

Maajid Nawaz, Joe Rogan Experience #1780 (from c 02:07:00)

Spotify: The Joe Rogan Experience #1780

  • 1
    Fair play to Rogan who plays devils advocate well
  • 2
    who publicly share their plans and say they have penetrated governments worldwide – 50% of the Canadian parliament being one example

The Learning Curve

We are not familiar with totalitarianism.

More specifically, with the slow removal of rights that happen along the path towards its full, horrific expression.

We know about the Nazi medical experiments, concentration camps and slaughter… but not much about how the preceding years enabled them.

So we could be forgiven for not noticing or appreciating the import of what’s happening now. For not recognising totalitarianism.

Continue reading The Learning Curve


It sounds like Canada might be preparing to go all China on the massive – and peaceful1Watch their Feb 6th Address To The Nation if you doubt their peaceful intent. – truckers Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.

Talk is spreading of cell phone blackouts, riot police numbers increasing and processing centres being prepared while politicians refuse to talk, declare a state of emergency and use increasingly loaded terms – seemingly to justify aggressive action.

So the convoy captains, medical advisors and organisers put out a preemptive SOS call on 7th February.

Let us hope and pray for a peaceful end to the medical tyranny.

Good people can do awful things.

During the Covid response it has amazed me to witness otherwise ‘good’ people going along with – even relishing the lockdowns, masks, censorship, suppression of treatments, coerced injections, risking children to save adults, piling ludicrous debt onto future generations, creating a privileged and an ostracised class of citizen, human rights violations… and much more.

Intuitively, the harms from any one of the above are obvious to anyone thinking about it. Just one extra bit of imagination and the collateral damage from the whole becomes apparent. Our Covid cure is far, far worse than Covid itself would ever have been.

So why are ‘good people’ going along with such obvious harms being inflicted on both themselves and others? And why are some of them actively inflicting those harms?

A rare, ‘serious’ video from JP Sears sheds some light.

Kate Wand’s piece on this topic takes things deeper and makes it more personal to each of us. The Line Dividing Good and Evil passes through each of our hearts… and it is evil’s ordinary, banal nature that allows evil spread like a fungus.

Referencing the writings of Hannah Arendt and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn she suggests:

When people do not think, others can put thoughts in their heads. If the greatest acts of evil are committed and accomplished by ordinary people who have lost their ability to think, this leaves a wide gap easily filled with propaganda.

Kate Wand

So if someone has had their ability to think nullified by fear of say, an invisible, deadly virus potentially lurking in the breath of every person they encounter1aka ‘asymptomatic spread’ – now see how damaging this medical myth is?!… and that unthinking mind is then subjected to authoritative direction… then it won’t take much for them to go passively along with, or actively commit harm.

In fact it’ll probably seem to them that such behaviour is quite normal.

Even good.

If history lends prediction to the future, then our fate depends on the sum of our personal choices and moral conviction, and perhaps above all, our ability to think.

Kate Wand

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    aka ‘asymptomatic spread’ – now see how damaging this medical myth is?!

Human today. Not Human Tomorrow.

In this thorough overview Patrick Wood warns about ‘mass formation’ and the totalitarian world it is enabling and creating.

One of the early warning signs that we are living within totalitarianism is the stigmatising of some people as a danger to society and less than human. Just as happened in 1930s Germany.1See the video of holocaust survivor Marian Turski included in the article. Irish viewers might notice our President Michael D. Higgins in the audience! Worryingly, some German police officers seem to already believe this about vaccine-free people today.

Of course that belief might seem reasonable to someone sincerely terrified of Covid and convinced the jab(s) are the only way out. But Wood has a warning for them too:

It’s important to realize you cannot comply your way out of this tyranny. If you choose to get the COVID shot because you don’t want to be stigmatized, there can be no end to your compliance to future boosters, no matter what the cost to you or your family.

In short order — a handful of months at most — you will suddenly and arbitrarily be deemed an unvaccinated menace to society again, even though you’ve already had one, two or three kill shots.

None of that will matter. You get no brownie points for past compliance. At six months past your second or third dose, your status will go from green to red, from human to not human, literally overnight. You’re “unvaccinated” again, until or unless you get another booster. This cycle will continue until you’re dead. Are you game? Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life?

COVID Shots Keep the ‘Pandemic’ Going…

Patrick Wood

Is there a way out of this?

Yes. But it is going to take time.

To paraphrase Wood (and the Desmet interview he includes2If you want avoid supporting YouTube you can catch it on Odysee), those of us aware of the danger need to:

  • continue to provide true and accurate information to counter the false narratives. Those not yet fully entranced might be diverted back to sanity. Speaking out may also help limit the atrocities the regime commits because in totalitarianism, crimes against humanity increase as dissent decreases.
  • substitute threat of the virus with the greater threat of totalitarianism.3Greater because totalitarianism ALWAYS devours its own children. Try appealing to people’s memory of the freedoms they grew up with. Are they prepared to leave their own children with zero freedom to think and act for themselves?
  • unite with other dissenters into larger, visible groups. This encourages the larger, not-fully-entranced majority who are still too fearful to go against the totalitarians to begin to do so.
  • start building parallel structures4A business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within the totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. As sufficient such structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world. within your local communities that address the four underlying conditions that allowed mass formation psychosis to develop in the first place: poor social bonding; lack of meaning in life; free-floating anxiety and discontent; free-floating frustration and aggression.

By rebuilding society, starting locally, into one where people feel connected and valued, the foundational psychological conditions for totalitarianism are undermined and ultimately eliminated. That’s the grand challenge facing all of us.

Patrick Wood

  • 1
    See the video of holocaust survivor Marian Turski included in the article. Irish viewers might notice our President Michael D. Higgins in the audience!
  • 2
    If you want avoid supporting YouTube you can catch it on Odysee
  • 3
    Greater because totalitarianism ALWAYS devours its own children.
  • 4
    A business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within the totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. As sufficient such structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.

Men of faith

Maybe not in the same way as you, or in the same things as you. But these guests of Jerm’s have faith.

Mike Yeadon and Mattias Desmet also have compassion for those entranced and believe it’s unhelpful to use the term ‘psychosis’ – despite the fact the real danger to us comes from our own psyche.

They also believe it is vital that those of us who are aware of what’s going on find a way speak out. Even if it’s just to ask questions that sow seeds of doubt.

Oh, and they don’t want to go back to normal. Because we got here from there.