The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Won’t Release Public Health Information

In June 2021, Dr Tess Lawrie wrote to Dr. June Raine, the Chief Executive of the MHRA highlighting the high number of vaccine adverse event reports on the Yellow Card1“The Yellow Card System is an early warning system in the UK where doctors and individuals can report side effects that they suspect correspond with a medicine they have received. It is a vital way of monitoring the safety of medicines and can also identify any issues that have not yet been detected.” system between 4th January 2021 and 26th May 2021. A reply was received from Dr. Raine on 22nd July 2021. In the letter, she expressed the opinion that “some events may have happened coincidentally, regardless of vaccination”.

On 9th August 2021, Tess sent a follow up and included some lengthy analysis I had done on all-cause mortality and sent to my local MP, Julie Marson. In total, 58 pages of evidence demonstrating that the Safe and Effective™ mRNA therapy was anything but.


Since our early warning about the obvious warning signal in the early warning system, many, many thousands more people have died as a result of the mRNA product.

It seems Tess was lucky even to get a response to the first letter. Marco Tullio Suadoni has been trying to get information out of them under the freedom of information legislation for several months without success.

More recently, my old colleagues at HART have tried to do the same and obtain the Astra Zeneca files that remain withheld in the same way that the Pfizer ones were hidden by the FDA.

Joel Smalley

Amnesty? Forgiveness?


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    “The Yellow Card System is an early warning system in the UK where doctors and individuals can report side effects that they suspect correspond with a medicine they have received. It is a vital way of monitoring the safety of medicines and can also identify any issues that have not yet been detected.”

My Cycle Story: A Research Study

Collecting Data Around Women’s Cycle Changes

(From June; but only just learned about it).

… stories and stories and stories of really horrible things happening to women – vaccinated and unvaccinated. And then all of a sudden… they deleted the accounts for the people who were sharing the stories, and they deleted all of the support groups…

… not only is that a serious problem – that you’re literally silencing women in 2021 – but also that something serious is going on, and if these anecdotal stories are just getting erased, then how can we prove that that’s even happening? …

We have to take these stories and we have to somehow turn them into data. Because if it’s data and we can publish this research, that’s not something that they can delete… So that’s why we created the My Cycle Story survey and just published the first paper.

Tiffany Parotto

Survey Results:

(DCS = Decidual Cast Shedding, “clinically known as membranous dysmenorrhea – is so rare that most people have never heard of it, including most health care workers. It describes a gynecological event…during which the decidua, or the thick mucous membrane that lines the uterus, is shed in full, intact form”

Continue reading My Cycle Story: A Research Study

ALARMING Drop in Birthrates and Fertility Among MRNA Vaccinated Women

(And Men, I might add)

Mathematician Igor Chudov recently talked with Naomi Wolf about the precipitous decline in birth rates nine months after mRNA COVID injections rolled out. In several countries.

As he points out, correlation does not prove causation – but it is a signal.

interview on

His key articles on this issue |

Tess Talks with Dr. David Cartland

David was always pro-vaccination but so much about the Covid-19 vaccines raised alarm bells for him. He was coerced into taking the jab under immense pressure, until his own rigorous research led him to conclude unequivocally that something was very, very wrong.

… we spoke about David’s own journey, the impact of the jab on his health, the lack of doctors sitting on regulatory boards such as the General Medical Council, and the possibility of establishing alternative organisations for medical professionals. David is a doctor by vocation, upholding his Hippocratic Oath no matter what the personal cost to him may be. He is ruthlessly honest in this conversation, as only the truly courageous can be. I hope this conversation inspires other doctors to speak out – as David says, “there are more of us than we think”.

Dr. Tess Lawrie, Aug 28

Mentioned at the end: Covid Care flyer | UK CV Family flyer1vax injury support group

Other resources available on

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    vax injury support group

In memory of those who “died suddenly”… worldwide, October 10-October 17

Mark Crisin Miller’s team is still keeping record.

Here’s the latest compilation.

UK and Ireland deaths are linked to halfway down the page.

Musicians in the US (4), Haiti, Colombia, Brazil, Ireland, Germany & Romania; fatal “vaxxidents” in US (4), Mexico, Brazil, Argentina (2), UK, Germany (2), Romania, Spain & the Philippines (3); & more

Mark Crispin Miller

Young Hearts 25

Uncharted Waters (Pfizer confirms)

Pfizer made a stunning admission this week in an EU Parliament that they did ‘no testing for transmission’, before releasing it onto the market.
Dr Birx recently admitted that she “knew it wouldn’t stop transmission” and they “overplayed the vaccine”
Barack Obama stated in April 2022 that “we’ve now essentially clinically tested (chuckle) the vaccine on billions of people worldwide”

Continue reading Young Hearts 25

Young Hearts 24

10 days of carnage (100 in 10 days)

… a compilation of 100+ news articles from the past 10 days leading up to 7th October 2022, of young people who have either died suddenly, had serious heart issues or severe adverse complications.
These are only the ones who make the news.

Waterford @ 01:30 | Fermanagh @ 4:30 | Kilkenny @ 6:55.

EDIT: Loretta Lynn doesn’t belong in this video as she was elderly. It was a production error. The Young Hearts series and other checkur6 videos are intended to present young ‘injured’ people. E.g. The video ‘A YEAR OF ATHLETES COLLAPSING – 769 SPORTS RELATED INCIDENCES – TO MARCH 2022’ is a compilation of 769 Athletes, with an average age of 23 years old.


FDA to Vax Injured: We Got Nothin’

Mid-September: twenty people travelled from a dozen states to Washington D.C. to ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for help. 

Two had lost sons, 16 and 34 years old, soon after their shots. Three were in wheelchairs, including a girl, 14. A surgeon, nurse practitioner, teacher, and most others can no longer work. Once healthy and fit, many had been eager to be vaccinated.

They got a one hour Zoom call to their hotel conference room with the top vaccine official in the United States – Peter Marks.

Seems what he said amounted to:

… “Thank you so much for sharing”

“We don’t have any secrets here,” he continued. “Our goal is to make the public understand the benefits and risks of these vaccines.”

Just how FDA is doing that was left unclear…

Mary Beth Pfeiffer
source: Trial Site News

Steve Kirsch says they’re ignoring the risks

Like those


picked up in his survey

see also: Steve Kirsch

el gato makes a prediction

humans are funny creatures. you can lie to them, injure them, and impose insane and arbitrary rules upon them while forcing them to harm themselves and stunning numbers just sort of shrug it off.

you can show them all manner of harm and poor risk reward and biological phraud, and it rolls off like water from a duck’s back…

you can even outright damage people for life and they will be so raddled with stockholm syndrome that they will ramble that they would happily do it again, not even to “keep people safe” but so that “they could see people” in open and telling admission that they will gladly sacrifice freedom and bodily integrity upon the altar of “buying back a right to free association that should already have been inalienable” when faced with authoritarian pressure…

… but the funny things is somehow, despite all this, you show them a whiff of corporate financial impropriety and it’s suddenly

Continue reading el gato makes a prediction