Since May 20, 2023:

17 rock bassists have “died suddenly” worldwide

“This makes a total of 34 bassists reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022..

… full article here

13 drummers have “died suddenly” worldwide

“This makes a total of 30 drummers reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022…

… full article here

The Distraction Files and Leaks

Recently The Twitter Files revealed US officials were pressing Twitter to censor on their behalf. Then the US Dept. of Energy endorsed the lab leak story, followed by Woody Harrelson being allowed describe1Mathew Crawford wrote a follow up to his first take the insanity on the Saturday Night Live TV show.2More perspectives: Mark Crispin Miller, Kate Wand, Gerry O’Neill, Dr. Peter McCullough, Alex Berenson

Now The Lockdown Files leak shows UK officials orchestrating public fear and more. Dr. John Campbell feels disappointed about the revelations. while Dr. Byram Bridle cautions that verification is needed and el gato malo finds them astonishingly unastonishing

… all neatly distracting from…

… falling birth rates, excess deaths and…

the WHO’s power grab.3See also

What The WHO Is Actually Proposing

ABC News Journalist Describes Her Covid Jab Injury As A ‘Living Hell’

Australian reporter Eleni Roussos goes public with pericarditis diagnosis

Sources: Mark Crispin Miller1Ongoing coverage of strange illnesses, crashes etc. Also “died suddenly” reports from around the world. Subscribe by email here. | NewsPunch.com2Archive |

The “Died Suddenly” Movie

14.7 million views since Nov 21 premiere

Watch on Rumble

I prefer calmer presentations. Like Anecdotals or Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion.

But so many seem beyond the reach of calm logic. Refuse to even consider the mere possubility – despite multiple, plausible mechanisms of action – that these injections actually might be killing and maiming people…. destroying nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive and immune systems.

So perhaps a dramatic approach is warranted? Maybe, to borrow a pro-lockdown/mask slogan: if it saves just one life, it’s worth it?

In a post-fact culture, it’s nuanced

As evident from this Dec 21 chat between Christian Morris, Greg Moffitt, John Waters and Thomas Sheridan:

Mark Crispin Miller says:

… watch it as soon as you can—it’s a little over an hour—and share it far and wide. Although it makes some trivial mistakes, it is a very solid piece of work…

… this film will open many people’s eyes, which is (of course) why I am recommending it. The BBC has joined me in that expectation—which has impelled themto try to kill it, with this attempted takedown by one Rachael Schraer….

Continue reading The “Died Suddenly” Movie

NY Supreme Court Orders Reinstatement of All Unvaccinated Employees with Back Pay

The ruling stems from a case brought by 16 employees at the Department of Sanitation who were fired for failing to comply with the mandate. The court ruled that the city owes the workers back pay from the time they were fired.

Judge Ralph Porzio wrote in his ruling that while the city’s health commissioner has the authority to issue public health mandates, he “cannot create a new condition of employment” or “terminate employees.”

Michael P. Senger

What judge? What mandate? What decision? Google wants us NOT TO KNOW

Mark Crispin Miller wasn’t impressed with the search engine’s indexing of the story.

But a Brave search using similar terms, run a few minutes ago1Archived here (in case you want to compare in future). features the story twice in the top three.

In memory of those who “died suddenly”… worldwide, October 10-October 17

Mark Crisin Miller’s team is still keeping record.

Here’s the latest compilation.

UK and Ireland deaths are linked to halfway down the page.

Musicians in the US (4), Haiti, Colombia, Brazil, Ireland, Germany & Romania; fatal “vaxxidents” in US (4), Mexico, Brazil, Argentina (2), UK, Germany (2), Romania, Spain & the Philippines (3); & more

Mark Crispin Miller

Clairvoyants anticipate Monkeypox

Some scientists, public health officials and philanthropists seem gifted.

At least the ones talking about preparedness and doing tabletop exercises.

Although they’re really bad at “keeping everybody safe,” the global guardians of “public health” are awfully good at prophecy

Mark Crispin Miller

Patrick Wood has also remarked on this amazing ability.

Wanting to maintain focus on the criminality of all this may be why Wood didn’t further comment on two aspects which stood out for me.

Continue reading Clairvoyants anticipate Monkeypox

If they were interested in truth…

… wouldn’t they ask her how she came to believe what she believes?

December 2021. Remember the furore back then about this clearly racially-motivated attack by two white supremacists?1Sarcasm. Me neither.

Perhaps news of the outcry and the valiant efforts to protect this victim of racism never made it into my echo chamber?

Watch it here.

But before you do… this November 2021 video2Hugo Talks will clue you in for when she mentions Waterford, Ireland: