Is Not Science

… my dad… suffered a cardiac arrest and a sudden cardiac death at home…

… extra 14,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in 2021 versus 2020, so, post vaccine rollout…

… my own social circle, at least half-a-dozen people unexpectedly suffered sudden cardiac death within weeks to months of having the vaccine…

… the original Pfizer trial… there is a smoking gun… there were four cardiac arrests in the vaccine group versus one in the placebo…

… people aged between 16 and 39 there was a 25 per cent increase in either heart attacks or cardiac arrests.

… my duty is to patients and to scientific integrity, and to the truth.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

October 1: Virginia Covid Management Public Forum

Really, nothing says “Trust The Science” like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years…

We’re now looking at the data – and it’s horrific.

Dr. Paul Marik (23:00)

Dr. Sheila Furey started the event by recapping the approach of Virginian authorities and highlighting their absence. She then introduced Dr. Paul Marik (16:10).

Dr. Paul Marik summarised the medical tyranny and the health catastrophe resulting from its lies. For example the 6.8% of the Covid-jabbed experiencing side-effects and trial participant Maddie de Garay‘s paralysis.

Dr. Robert Malone, introduced at 1:01:15, provided insight into the thinking of those pushing the injections. Also the distinction between natural and modified RNA; and the platform and the payload it’s delivering.

Q&A began at 1:59:40. Then from 2:18:00 on we heard from:

Continue reading October 1: Virginia Covid Management Public Forum

Safe And Effective: A Second Opinion – on The Highwire

Last Thursday Del Bigtree spoke with double-jabbed vaccine advocate Dr. Aseem Malhotra (5:00-45:00) about his realising the harms of the Covid injections and involvement in the documentary.

Then, after The Jaxen Report, he featured the former Sky News executive who directed the documentary – Mark Sharman (from 1:27:54), before playing the movie itself (from 1:41:15).

Skip to the part that interests you Or choose from a segment on the the episode’s page.

Youngest Hearts 1

Children dying at alarming rates

The following is a documented compilation of school aged boys and girls (under 18s) who have been injured, collapsed or died from the experimental therapy – from March 2021 to Sept 2022.

People have suggested putting these type of news clips on posters to circulate around cities. So if you have the resources to do that, let me know and I can send you all the screenshots (2000+) I have from this year and last. It should save you a lot of time and make the task less daunting. Design and get 1 poster printed as a prototype and petition others to help fund the printing and with the distribution.


Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

… shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Oracle Films | VIBUK | | News Uncut

Death in Europe, All Ages and Children – 2017 to 2022

I don’t know about other data analysts, but with three children of my own under the age of 14, I can’t help but cry when I do these analyses.

Joel Smalley
Weekly Average Excess Deaths, 0 to 14 Year Olds, Europe – source: EuroMOMO ( 2022

Literally counting the deaths, he asks…

Continue reading Death in Europe, All Ages and Children – 2017 to 2022

A Citizens’ Hearing

Thought I was abreast of things. But missed this 3-day Canadian event.

June 22-24: lawyers, doctors, surgeons, professors journalists, family members, injection injured, indigenous, business owners, elected representatives, fired professionals (including Pfizer trial whistleblower Brook Jackson)… began the “historic documentation of Canadians negatively impacted by government responses to COVID-19

… we encourage you to consider the decisions you might have made, were you in these individuals’ shoes. How different would your life be, if you would have been confronted by their situations and had to face the challenges each of them faced as a result of their choices?

How moderator Trish Wood saw it:

Continue reading A Citizens’ Hearing