Katherine Watt with James Delingpole

A comprehensive interview in which the “Mom, Catholic, and paralegal from Pennsylvania” describes her Covid awakening – and puts Covid in its geopolitical and legal context,

Includes an excellent summary of Pfizer trials whistleblower Brook Jackson’s story and how it both revealed and confirmed the “kill box” perspective that Katherine shares with Sasha Latypova.

Bailiwicknews.substack.com she documents how since at least the Second World War, US Congress has been waging war on the people by passing legislation which makes it easier and easier for them [i.e. you and me!] to be destroyed – legally – by the pharmaceutical industry.

James Delingpole

Substacks: Katherine Watt | James Delingpole
Video channels: Katherine Watt, Rumble | James Delingpole, Odyseee

May 22nd: We the People 50 Recall the Shots Initiative Testimony in Idaho, Washington County

Laura Demaray organised Janci Lindsay, PhD, Peter McCullough MD, Ryan Cole, MD, James Thorpe, MD and Sasha Latypova to testify in support of a proposed resolution to ban the shots under Idaho bioweapons prohibition laws.

[“We The People 50, Recall The Shots” is an initiative taking place at local level in the USA. A bottom up approach to ending the shots. You can keep an eye on it through Sasha Latypova’s Substack. Here’s her affidavit submission to the project.]

After 2.5 years working more than full time on trying to stop the government atrocity, I came to the realization that this is not going to be prosecuted at the federal level. The criminals do not investigate or prosecute themselves. There is a faint hope that at least some state level AGs1Attorneys General can step up, but it is quite faint at the moment. I believe we have to fight for every town and county. The good news it is not difficult to get a hearing at a county level. We have brought a team of experts to this meeting at a small county in Idaho. We plan to continue going to any commissioner meeting that will let us in the door, and there are many! Reach out if you can organize a hearing.

Sasha Latypova

The resolution is quite a read. Here’s a snippet:

Continue reading May 22nd: We the People 50 Recall the Shots Initiative Testimony in Idaho, Washington County
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    Attorneys General

Interesting data on the “Spanish Flu” is published by accident

[New York Times] tried to say covid was like the plague, but worse, trust us! They were trying to make the point that in 2020 the death rate in NYC skyrocketed. Seems like they don’t want to show the data after 2020, that will look very bad for the official narrative, and will reinforce the anti-vax sentiment…

However, what really attracted me to this chart is the accidental truth about the so-called “Spanish Flu” that it revealed. Spanish Flu was supposed to be the black death bigger than the black death until the current black death came along… But seems like in reality it was not a big deal. A blip, relatively speaking in comparison to the 1850’s.

Sasha Latypova

The original NYT piece is archived here.

Military Countermeasures with Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt

Why the COVID vaccination roll out is not stopping… why it’s all still an emergency… why regulators are not regulating…

Latypova’s Stockholm talk

COVID-19 countermeasures: Evidence for an intent to harm

More context: Dr. Robert Malone’s Stockholm talk

Fifth Generation Warfare and Sovereignty

The full Stockholm conference


Sasha Latypova | Katherine Watt | Sean Morgan

In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Symposium V

Note: it may take a few moments for video embeds to ‘arrive’ below...

Continue reading In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

“This is what it looks like…

… The real shit.

When a person is not obfuscating...

When you grasp the scope of the problem and you do not flinch and you are not protecting your station or your internal fiction that you tell yourself to make everything “fit” some story.

Thank you, Dr. Mike.1Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-President and Head of Respiratory Allergies of Pfizer

Thank you, Brave Michelle.2Whistleblower, Registered Nurse “Michelle from Fresno” (Michelle Gershman)

Thank you, Sasha

Thank you Dr. Bhakdi.3Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Sage Hana

  • 1
    Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-President and Head of Respiratory Allergies of Pfizer
  • 2
    Whistleblower, Registered Nurse “Michelle from Fresno” (Michelle Gershman)
  • 3
    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

… shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Oracle Films

UKCVfamily.org | VIBUK | React19.org

OracleFilms.com | News Uncut