Ten Topics You’ll Rarely Hear Discussed Openly and Rationally on Mainstream Media

Sometimes the silencing of dissenting viewpoints is achieved through overt censorship – as we saw when Facebook suppressed arguments that entertained the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis, or when Twitter censored pretty much any assertion that could be construed as even slightly disfavourable to Covid vaccines. But more often than not, it is achieved by refusing to give any airtime to arguments from “the other side.” In many ways, this is more sinister than overt censorship, because it is subtle and may easily go completely unnoticed.

I have had personal experience of this “from the inside,” so to speak. I used to write ocassionally for a prominent national newspaper in Ireland, as well as a regional newspaper in Spain. Soon after I began to seriously question Covid measures or the science behind lockdowns, my contributions at both newspapers ceased to be published, quite abruptly. There was simply no editorial interest in questioning the fundamentals of the national response to the virus.

The average newspaper reader or TV viewer knows nothing of this filtering process. They just pick up the newspaper or switch on the TV and assume that there are “serious” people and experts who will be given a platform to express themselves. They will naturally assume that if no credible voice defends this or that position, it must be because the position is weak or indefensible. It will not occur to the average reader or viewer that the reason there are no “credible voices” on the other side is because they have been filtered out in advance…

Continue reading Ten Topics You’ll Rarely Hear Discussed Openly and Rationally on Mainstream Media

The Tragic Consequences of believing Anti-Science

Scared people can be lethal – especially if deriving psychological security from just following orders. Stephanie Warriner’s tragic death (killing?), a case in point.

Legal consequences for those directly involved in the incident?

None, apparently.

Because a judge quashed the case… “despite the available video footage, two security staff who testified the accused placed weight on her upper body while she was held chest down, a forensic pathologist who testified Warriner would still be alive had she not been restrained that day — and revelations one of the guards admitted he falsely claimed Warriner threw the first punch.”

“… died after being choked by security in a Toronto hospital for having her mask too low. A coroner’s report stated she died “due to restraint asphyxia following struggle and exertion

… 10 May 2020. Stephanie Warriner, who had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) attended Toronto hospital because she was struggling to breath[e]…

Sitting in the hospital lobby she committed the terrible anti-science crime of wearing her mask around her neck.

… People have been told that useless masks will stop people transmitting a virus. There’s no need to go into the science of it but let’s put it this way, an asbestos removal man doesn’t wear a loose piece of cloth to stop him getting lung cancer.

Sadly, Stephanie died on 27 May, 16 days after the incident…

… lost her life because of anti-science. Anti-science, together with fear, made people believe that the world would end if a piece of cloth was not worn on one’s face correctly. It also gave the power-hungry an excuse to target people who were just minding their own business.

Naked Emperor

In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Symposium V

Note: it may take a few moments for video embeds to ‘arrive’ below...

Continue reading In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

Doctors For Covid Ethics account suspended

Medium seems pro-censorship

Some days ago Doctors For Covid Ethics began posting clips from their 5th Symposium1December 10th, 2022to their Rumble. So, thought I’d check the original link I had for them:

Clearly, they transgressed something-or-other. If curious, the Wayback Machine has a record of their posts.

Or just skip straight to Doctors4CovidEthics.org

(And perhaps be careful of medium.com in future).

  • 1
    December 10th, 2022

if covid vaccines stop covid deaths, then why do they keep bending curves the wrong way?

Yet another incisive piece from el gato malo.

… if these vaccines were anything like as efficacious as claimed, dosing them into 70%+ of populations (and 90-95% of high risk of death populations) then they would be bending the covid curves like neutrons stars bend spacetime.

the effects would not be subtle…

yet we see no such signals…

the data to do the really rigorous work is being withheld from us and so, like astronomers unable to see celestial bodies, we must infer or refute their existence by watching how things curve as they travel through space and time.

but try as we might to find it, planet “vaccines stop covid deaths” does not seem to exist…

Following, are key charts, phrases and conclusions I’ve picked out. Want more step-by-step detailing? Read the full original on el gato’s substack.

fear not the charts. el gato explains well…

Continue reading if covid vaccines stop covid deaths, then why do they keep bending curves the wrong way?

A second paper confirms the mRNA shots cause recipients to make less effective antibodies to the coronavirus over time

No one knows yet what the long-term effects of this change may be, but – spoiler alert – they probably aren’t good.

Also: what did Pfizer know and when… ?

People who have received the mRNA Covid jabs from Pfizer and Moderna have an increasingly unusual immune system response after the second shot, German researchers have found.

The new finding confirms and expands a report in December from other German researchers, who found a similar trend in people who had received a booster shot…

Continue reading A second paper confirms the mRNA shots cause recipients to make less effective antibodies to the coronavirus over time

Hindsight: what were the odds?

Age-stratified infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population

The largest burden of COVID-19 is carried by the elderly, and persons living in nursing homes are particularly vulnerable. However, 94% of the global population is younger than 70 years and 86% is younger than 60 years. The objective of this study was to accurately estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 among non-elderly people in the absence of vaccination or prior infection… we identified 40 eligible national seroprevalence studies covering 38 countries with pre-vaccination seroprevalence data…

Angelo Maria Pezzullo, Cathrine Axfors, Despina G. Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Alexandre Apostolatos, John P.A. Ioannidis, (Jan 1, 2023)

Key numbers

AgeIFRSurvival Rate
Sourc:e: (ioannidis et al Jan 1, 2023)

The median IFR for kids is just 0.0003% so…

If your kid gets COVID, the risk is 3 in 1 million that your child will die from COVID. And that is likely an over-estimate because today all early treatment protocols are suppressed worldwide.

Steve Kirsch (referencing a previous Ioannidis study with similar findings, Oct 2022)

Covid’s Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) Has Always Been Similar to the Flu

Oct 2022: Rav Arora on a prior Ioannidis study…

Continue reading Hindsight: what were the odds?

Interview And Update With The Doctors Who Are Suing British Columbia, Canada Health Authority (Bonnie Henry)

(Video issues? Try watching on Rumble or Bitchute)

Update on their lawsuit against Bonnie’s non-sensical “rules” for honest doctors that the rest of Canada is not doing (except Novia Scotia.) We also discuss the court system; the catastrophe of BC healthcare and the characters responsible for the mess; the corruption in BC healthcare; $ not going where it was meant to go in BC; the big lie that doctors are even available for the new “tele-medicine.” How Bonnie’s ego is causing even more doctor shortages and how her ego is k!lling BC. She would rather have people d1!e then get care from healthy doctors, based on an outdated non- effective worn out J.A.B.B from 2 year ago that no longer “works” to ward off anything. Karma seems to have come back to bite these careless corrupt individuals, by showing what a mess they have created for the tax paying community here.

Odessa Orlewicz

CSSEM billboard

Unvaxxed doctors ask for their jobs back on billboard in West Kelowna1Archive

Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine

Their Feb fundraiser |Donate | Bill 36 petition[F]Not dogital. MANUAL sig. required[/f]

The Battle of Science vs. Ideological Faith in COVID-19 Vaccines

Anthropologists and historians have long observed that people in the grip of powerful religious or ideological convictions are immune to empirical evidence that challenges their beliefs. In1984, KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin, titled ‘Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press’ in which he talked about what he called “ideological subversion.”

By “subversion” he meant the subversion of a nation’s political and economic culture, and also subversion of a people’s perception of reality. As he put it:

It is overt and open. You can see it with your own eyes. All you have to do—all American mass media has to do—is to unplug the bananas from their ears, open up their eyes, and they can see it. There’s no mystery. …. What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country. It’s a great brainwashing process. … You cannot change their mind. Even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and illogical behavior.

I’m frequently reminded of Mr. Bezemenov’s remarks when I read Steve Kirsch’s reports of his daily battle with adherents to the COVID-19 Vaccine Cult…

This morning he published an essay detailing Dr. Liza Dunn’s attempts to refute the excess mortality analysis of UK math Professor Norman Fenton. As I read it, it occurred to me that Dr. Dunn is a COVID-19 Vaccine True Believer. She will therefore be extremely reluctant to consider that her belief is an Article of Faith, and not a conviction grounded in empirical science. To debate with her is the equivalent of someone going to Geneva in 1542, when John Calvin was the virtual dictator of the city, to debate with him about his Calvinist theology.

John Leake