I Will be Powering Down my Phone for Today’s Emergency Drill. Here’s Why

Irishman David Thunder (researcher and lecturer of political philosophy at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain) didn’t participate. Wonder if many in the UK will do the same this Sunday?

The Government of Navarra (an autonomous region of Spain where I live) is running an emergency alert drill for all cellphones in the region at 1pm Spanish time today (Thursday, 20th April)…

Good luck to them.

For my part, I will be powering down my phone and disconnecting my laptop from the web between 12:50pm and 1:30pm today to make sure I am not included in this drill. This is the same government that confined us to our homes to confront the “emergency” of a respiratory virus in early 2020, required us to wear masks in parks, shops, and restaurants, mandated an experimental vaccine for health workers, and excluded those of us who refused their experimental shot from bars and restaurants, in response to the “Covid emergency.”

If you, like me, see these sorts of measures as one of the most catastrophic and abusive over-reactions to an “emergency” in modern history, then you will probably not be surprised that I have no interest in legitimating their little “emergency drill” with my participation…

The reason I refuse to participate in this drill at this time, is because the authorities that are running it have forfeited their right to be trusted to honestly and competently declare emergencies without stoking up needless panic and fear in the population. I simply no longer trust these people to tell me when I need to run for cover. In fact, I am more afraid of them than I am of any emergency they might declare.

David Thunder

Ten Topics You’ll Rarely Hear Discussed Openly and Rationally on Mainstream Media

Sometimes the silencing of dissenting viewpoints is achieved through overt censorship – as we saw when Facebook suppressed arguments that entertained the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis, or when Twitter censored pretty much any assertion that could be construed as even slightly disfavourable to Covid vaccines. But more often than not, it is achieved by refusing to give any airtime to arguments from “the other side.” In many ways, this is more sinister than overt censorship, because it is subtle and may easily go completely unnoticed.

I have had personal experience of this “from the inside,” so to speak. I used to write ocassionally for a prominent national newspaper in Ireland, as well as a regional newspaper in Spain. Soon after I began to seriously question Covid measures or the science behind lockdowns, my contributions at both newspapers ceased to be published, quite abruptly. There was simply no editorial interest in questioning the fundamentals of the national response to the virus.

The average newspaper reader or TV viewer knows nothing of this filtering process. They just pick up the newspaper or switch on the TV and assume that there are “serious” people and experts who will be given a platform to express themselves. They will naturally assume that if no credible voice defends this or that position, it must be because the position is weak or indefensible. It will not occur to the average reader or viewer that the reason there are no “credible voices” on the other side is because they have been filtered out in advance…

Continue reading Ten Topics You’ll Rarely Hear Discussed Openly and Rationally on Mainstream Media

Now your private messages

Jessica Rose was recently censored on Twitter.1The comments there show she’s far from alone Steve Kirsch was prevented from asking certain questions by Google.

Alex Berenson., Dr. Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein and others have also had their public posts censored.

But David Thunder’s recent run in with Linkedin reveals private messages are in the cross-hairs too.

A safer world

Always the justification. But the bad cat warns…

Continue reading Now your private messages
  • 1
    The comments there show she’s far from alone

Linkedin limits

David Thunder’s latest censorship experience shows LinkedIn is a “safe, trusted and professional network for everyone”… except those who dare question.

… Do not share content that directly contradicts guidance from leading global health organizations and public health authorities; including false information about the safety or efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines…

LinkedIn Professional Community Policies
Continue reading Linkedin limits

“I want to live in a community, not a collective”

Me too, David Thunder.

Thunder’s well thought-out comparative piece shows how collectives are not healthy places to be. Unless you live at the top, defining what the ‘greater good’ is and determining what the collective is to do to achieve that ‘good’.

There are numerous historical examples of the horrors of collectivism. But there are emerging modern day examples too. Like Canada.

There politicians have just declared an emergency and announced that anyone protesting their dictates, and supporters of those protesters, can be fined, arrested and have their bank accounts tampered with – for supporting terrorism.

It no longer matters that those politicians were, and are, creating a climate where they and the media, police, colleges, hospitals, shops and more can infringe on human rights for ‘the greater good’ – with no direct consequences for them.

It also no longer matters that the measures they imposed (masks, distancing, injections, privilege passes etc) were, and still are, demonstrably useless at managing the virus. 1See Ian Miller’s latest analysis and charts from Canada.

The spirit of collectivism is alive and well in political leaders like Trudeau, Macron, Sánchez, Biden, Ardern, Daniel Andrews (premier of Victoria, Australia) and plenty of other public officials, and they have made a scary amount of progress in installing collectivism as the reigning philosophy of their governments.

We Must Dare to Dream and Hope for a Better World

But we cannot afford to give up hope or resign ourselves to defeat. We must give ourselves the chance to dream and hope, against all odds, for a better world, just as civil rights activists like Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King did. We need to open up our imagination to what is best and most inspiring in humanity. We need to think beyond this dark moment in our history, when cruel, inhumane, and anti-scientific authorities seem to rule the roost.

We must engage in forward-looking thinking, and dare to conjure in our mind’s eye the sort of society we want to live in, and the sort of society we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in, once authoritarian and collectivist governments finally collapse under their own weight.

David Thunder, Feb 18th