Better Way Conference 2023 Highlights

A Conversation with the World Council for Health

… after another eye-opening Better Way Conference, I sat down with the steering committee of the hosts, the World Council for Health, Dr. Tess LawrieDr. Mark TrozziShabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Christof Plothe and Emma Sron to discuss the highlights of the whirlwind conference stacked with international experts, personalities, journalists and activists, like Dr. Pierre Kory, Neil Oliver, Dr. Meryl Nass, James Corbett and Mattias Desmet.

The 3-day conference highlighted issues concerning health, democracy and a better way forward and included topics like ranged from From Big Pharma to Real HealthFrom Fake Foods to Food as MedicineFrom AI & Transhumanism to Being Human and From Electrosmog to Nature’s Frequencies.

Gord Parks

Oct 15: UK Doctors Conference

All health professionals welcome!

Dr. Steve James, Dr. Tina Peers, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. David Cartland, Patrick Holford, Dr. Ros Jones, Dr. Anna Forbes, Dr. Peter Chan, Dr. Sarah Myhill, Dr. Julia Wilkens, Dr. Stephan Becker, Dr Rob Verkerk, Dr Mohammad Adil and others will discuss the future of the NHS,1National Health Service, UK health consequences of the C-19 chapter, medical ethics, and how to empower excellent health for all.

Better Way Conference
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    National Health Service, UK

Doctor u-turns on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Calls for global pause

I was wilfully blind… until I wasn’t…

What’s worse than ignorance? The late, great Stephen Hawking tells us: the illusion of knowledge…

I was one of the first people to have the Covid-19 vaccine… in January 2021… I, at the time, did not even conceive… of the possibility that a vaccine could cause any real harm at all…

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

… a hero. When he learned he was wrong, he did the right thing: publicly admitted his mistake and called for the halt to the vaccines… at considerable risk to his reputation.

Steve Kirsch

His U-turn on Covid vaccine safety could save countless lives – if only mainstream media would give his message the airtime it deserves.

Dr. Tess Lawrie

Why listen? Why share?

Continue reading Doctor u-turns on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Calls for global pause

On What Else Could They Have Lied To You About?

Following on from his episode on pharma’s parasitic nature, Maajid Nawaz was joined by Dr Tess Lawrie. CEO of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy she spoke about the WEF1World Economic Forum and state-led Covid interventions – and better ways forward.

Like the World Council for Health and the Better Way Conference.

Dr. Tess Lawrie’s Substack | Better Way Charter27 Principles of a Better Way

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    World Economic Forum
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    7 Principles of a Better Way

Uninformed Consent, the documentary

Here is the full 2-hour 9-minute film 1Courtesy of – a joint production partner along with Vaccine Choice Canada and Children’s Health Defense.

Short on time?

This 8-minute introduction includes a trailer.2President of Vaccine Choice Canada, Ted Kuntz introducing the movie to the WCH assembly of July 25th

Continue reading Uninformed Consent, the documentary

The Control Group, medical ethics and parallel communities

Friday 22nd July, Dr. Robert Verkerk1Alliance for Natural Health and Dr. Katarina Lindley2World Council for Health and Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (see her 2019 Direct Primary Care talk on this page). tell the Corona Investigative Committee about a paper on the control group survey.

Plus, a new medical journal and the need to return to traditional medical ethics and create our own community hubs and medical systems.


An excellent new campaign from the Canadian COVID Care Alliance.1See also More Harm Than Good.

Of note in the video is their highlighting the case of Maddie De Garay – a stark warning for parents. Slides from video, parents brochure and letter to officials also available.

Deanna McLeod gave an overview of this initiative to the World Council For Health General Assembly on July 11th.

Scientific Misconduct Uncovered In The TOGETHER Ivermectin Trial

If you still Trust The ScienceTM it must be because you have no idea how it is being done.

Dr. Edmund Fordham mentions analyses done by Alexandros Marinos on his Substack.

Here’s the list of 56 issues identified by reviewers of the trial.1You don’t need to understand each issue. Instead perhaps ask why the trial has yet to be retracted despite this HUGE list of peer-identified issues… and… still no sign of the promised raw, patient-level data.

See also Dr. Pierre Kory’s trilogy on the same trial.

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    You don’t need to understand each issue. Instead perhaps ask why the trial has yet to be retracted despite this HUGE list of peer-identified issues… and… still no sign of the promised raw, patient-level data.

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

Some Africa countries recently blocked the WHO global power grab.1Thank you Africa! Clearly they don’t Trust The ScienceTM.

This 28-min movie, outlining a deliberate attempt to use vaccines to prevent women carrying to full term, might help you understand why.

Yesterday the World Council for Health hosted a screening of it – followed by live Q&A with director Dr. Andrew Wakefield.2See also the Children’s Health Defense.

I think the truth is the future of humanity lies in the hands of womankind…

… one of the things that has been a guiding light on my medical career – and certainly in my approach to vaccine safety – has been the insight, the intuition of mothers. It is one of the most powerful forces on the planet.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield (1:15:58)

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Otherwise the population control agenda will roll on unhampered.