The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Won’t Release Public Health Information

In June 2021, Dr Tess Lawrie wrote to Dr. June Raine, the Chief Executive of the MHRA highlighting the high number of vaccine adverse event reports on the Yellow Card1“The Yellow Card System is an early warning system in the UK where doctors and individuals can report side effects that they suspect correspond with a medicine they have received. It is a vital way of monitoring the safety of medicines and can also identify any issues that have not yet been detected.” system between 4th January 2021 and 26th May 2021. A reply was received from Dr. Raine on 22nd July 2021. In the letter, she expressed the opinion that “some events may have happened coincidentally, regardless of vaccination”.

On 9th August 2021, Tess sent a follow up and included some lengthy analysis I had done on all-cause mortality and sent to my local MP, Julie Marson. In total, 58 pages of evidence demonstrating that the Safe and Effective™ mRNA therapy was anything but.


Since our early warning about the obvious warning signal in the early warning system, many, many thousands more people have died as a result of the mRNA product.

It seems Tess was lucky even to get a response to the first letter. Marco Tullio Suadoni has been trying to get information out of them under the freedom of information legislation for several months without success.

More recently, my old colleagues at HART have tried to do the same and obtain the Astra Zeneca files that remain withheld in the same way that the Pfizer ones were hidden by the FDA.

Joel Smalley

Amnesty? Forgiveness?


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    “The Yellow Card System is an early warning system in the UK where doctors and individuals can report side effects that they suspect correspond with a medicine they have received. It is a vital way of monitoring the safety of medicines and can also identify any issues that have not yet been detected.”

My Cycle Story: A Research Study

Collecting Data Around Women’s Cycle Changes

(From June; but only just learned about it).

… stories and stories and stories of really horrible things happening to women – vaccinated and unvaccinated. And then all of a sudden… they deleted the accounts for the people who were sharing the stories, and they deleted all of the support groups…

… not only is that a serious problem – that you’re literally silencing women in 2021 – but also that something serious is going on, and if these anecdotal stories are just getting erased, then how can we prove that that’s even happening? …

We have to take these stories and we have to somehow turn them into data. Because if it’s data and we can publish this research, that’s not something that they can delete… So that’s why we created the My Cycle Story survey and just published the first paper.

Tiffany Parotto

Survey Results:

(DCS = Decidual Cast Shedding, “clinically known as membranous dysmenorrhea – is so rare that most people have never heard of it, including most health care workers. It describes a gynecological event…during which the decidua, or the thick mucous membrane that lines the uterus, is shed in full, intact form”

Continue reading My Cycle Story: A Research Study

The Speed Of Science

One day it will gain such momentum that The ScienceTM will either vibrate itself to bits or crash, out of control into a wall made of its own hubris.

But how do we minimise the numbers it will hurt, maim or kill along the way?

Ordinarily I’d highlight specific parts of a Highwire episode. But there are too many important issues converging…

  • Paxlovid was found to cross react with common heart, statin and immunosuppressive medications
  • Boston University developed a more virulent SARS strain
  • Florida’s Surgeon General confirms greater risk of cardiac death for young men after an mRNA shot and recommends against mRNA injections for young men because of the increased risk of cardiac death and says there’s a “snowflake’s chance in hell” Florida would require COVID injections for schoolchildren
  • Joe Biden says “the pandemic is over” but his administration renews the state of emergency and the CDC’s ACIP committee voted 15:0 to pave the way to permanently protect manufacturers from liability for harms their COVID injections might cause recommend the COVID injections be added to the US childhood vaccination schedule.
  • a Pfizer executive laughed as she told the EU their COVID injection was never tested for transmission before release
  • there are signs the mRNA injections are triggering 15% more deaths than normal
  • some MEPs are calling for billions in refunds for these fake vaccines
  • The ScienceTM gets away with sophistry, word salads, lies and a coordinated, carefully-planned propaganda campaign while those calling them out are censored
  • … and some public figures who took part in that campaign have started back-pedalling. (More on that soon).1But let’s start with a question. If you disparaged those of us who knew all along that the shots were not tested for transmission and that we were all being misled about their effectiveness and harms, how credible do you think we’ll find it when you say you now believe The ScienceTM has changed?

Individual clips available on The Highwire Episode #290 page.

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    But let’s start with a question. If you disparaged those of us who knew all along that the shots were not tested for transmission and that we were all being misled about their effectiveness and harms, how credible do you think we’ll find it when you say you now believe The ScienceTM has changed?

ALARMING Drop in Birthrates and Fertility Among MRNA Vaccinated Women

(And Men, I might add)

Mathematician Igor Chudov recently talked with Naomi Wolf about the precipitous decline in birth rates nine months after mRNA COVID injections rolled out. In several countries.

As he points out, correlation does not prove causation – but it is a signal.

interview on

His key articles on this issue |

Moderna DOUBLES the Chance of Infant Death, Compared to Pfizer

CDC’s own presentation shows that being given a higher-dose Moderna vaccine during pregnancy, almost DOUBLES the chance of neonatal death, compared to women who received the lower-dose Pfizer vaccine.

How can Covid vaccine given during pregnancy be safe and NOT affect infant deaths, if infant death rate for Moderna-inoculated women is double the infant death level for Pfizer-inoculated women and the difference is statistically significant?

Igor Chudov
Moderna DOUBLES the Chance of Infant Death, Compared to Pfizer

Not to be confused with
CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% MORE Miscarriages Compared to Pfizer

Archbishop Viganò: The Vatican must withdraw its support of the ‘disastrous’ COVID shot

Production AND use at odds with Catholic morality

Some extracts:

Permit me, Your Eminence, to renew my appeal in the light of recent declarations made by Pfizer to the European Parliament and the publication of official data by the world health agencies…

The safety and efficacy of the individual vaccines should have been established after a period of experimentation, which normally takes several years. But in this case the health authorities have decided to carry out the experimentation on the entire population, departing from the normal practice of the scientific community, international regulations, and the laws of individual nations.

The results that are now emerging from the official data published in all the countries that adopted the mass vaccine campaign are incontestably disastrous: it is emerging that people who have been subjected to inoculation with the experimental serum not only have never been protected from contagion by the virus, nor from grave forms of illness, but they have actually been made more vulnerable to COVID-19 and its variants due to the irreversible compromising of their immune systems caused by mRNA technology. The data also highlights serious short- and long-term effects, such as sterility, the inducement of miscarriages in pregnant women, the transmission of the virus to children through breastfeeding, the development of serious heart conditions including myocarditis and pericarditis, the return of cancerous tumors that had previously been cured, and a whole series of other debilitating diseases. The many cases of sudden deaths – which until recently were stubbornly considered as having no relation to inoculation with the serum – are revealing the consequence of repeated doses, even in people who are young, healthy, and physically fit…

… the time has come for the Holy See to definitively distance itself from those private entities and multinational corporations that have believed that they can use the authority of the Catholic Church to endorse the neo-Malthusian project of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. It is not tolerable that the voice of the Church of Christ continues to be complicit in a plan to reduce the global population based on the chronic pathologizing of humanity and the induction of sterility;…

The Catholic hierarchy has experienced a decline in recent years that is directly proportional to the support it has given to the globalist ideology: its commitment to support the vaccine campaign is not an isolated case, judging by the participation of the Holy See in climate initiatives – which are also based on false assumptions that have nothing scientific about them – and trans-humanistic endeavors.

But this is not the purpose for which Our Lord placed the Church on earth: she must first and foremost proclaim the Truth, keeping herself far away from dangerous involvements with the powerful of the earth…

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
18 October 2022

Audio version on LifeSite News. Or read in full here:

Continue reading Archbishop Viganò: The Vatican must withdraw its support of the ‘disastrous’ COVID shot

High Barriers

Doubt is not welcome. So debate seems impossible.

(Thank you Cancel Culture!).

I suggested [on – only accessible by UK registered doctors] that, perhaps it would be better to engage Dr Malhotra in debate, rather than attacking him as a charlatan. At which point I was attacked…

I have discussed vaccination at my local sports club. At which point, almost everyone takes on that silent, arms crossed look, if you mention you have some concerns about vaccines.

They don’t debate the issue, because they can’t, because they don’t know anything other than what they have been told by mainstream media. But it is clear that some of them now see me as a bloody anti-vaxxer. Even if I say nothing more than, ‘I have some concerns.’

Yes, to ask for debate, or to dare express some concerns, is to be labelled an anti-vaxxer.

This is a very high barrier to overcome.

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

UK Govt Ignores the Electorate and Declines an Inquiry into COVID Vaccine Safety

107,121 UK citizens petitioned their government to open a public inquiry into COVID-19 vaccine safety.

Parliament duly debated the matter.

Then, ignoring the will of the electorate, the dictatorial state said they won’t bother.

If you don’t look, you can’t find anything.

Joel Smalley


… I think the petition and debate have still been worthwhile – over 107,000 people were concerned enough to sign the petition, and the serious concerns raised by backbench speakers in the debate (and the united Tory/Labour/SNP front bench refusal to acknowledge them) are now a matter of public record.

Mike Baker1One of eighteen members of the public who attended the debate in person. From his summary in Comments section.

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    One of eighteen members of the public who attended the debate in person. From his summary in Comments section.

NY Supreme Court Orders Reinstatement of All Unvaccinated Employees with Back Pay

The ruling stems from a case brought by 16 employees at the Department of Sanitation who were fired for failing to comply with the mandate. The court ruled that the city owes the workers back pay from the time they were fired.

Judge Ralph Porzio wrote in his ruling that while the city’s health commissioner has the authority to issue public health mandates, he “cannot create a new condition of employment” or “terminate employees.”

Michael P. Senger

What judge? What mandate? What decision? Google wants us NOT TO KNOW

Mark Crispin Miller wasn’t impressed with the search engine’s indexing of the story.

But a Brave search using similar terms, run a few minutes ago1Archived here (in case you want to compare in future). features the story twice in the top three.