The Learning Curve
We are not familiar with totalitarianism.
More specifically, with the slow removal of rights that happen along the path towards its full, horrific expression.
We know about the Nazi medical experiments, concentration camps and slaughter… but not much about how the preceding years enabled them.
So we could be forgiven for not noticing or appreciating the import of what’s happening now. For not recognising totalitarianism.
Continue reading The Learning CurveMatt Le Tissier – On The Record
February 1st, Oracle Films published this wide-ranging interview with the former England international and Southampton club soccer player.
An exceptional midfielder and excellent penalty taker, after retiring from playing Le Tissier became a football pundit – most notably with Sky Sports. All was well1Nothing unusual reported on his Wikipedia entry as of June 2020. until August 2020 when “he was dropped” by Sky Sports.
Probably just a coincidence but that was around the time he was becoming more vocal about the Covid response. But it meant his Wikipedia entry needed at least this addition:
In 2020, Le Tissier became an outspoken critic on the reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom, with several tweets in which he criticised what he deemed to be an “overreaction” from the government and media, among others opposing lockdowns and mask orders. An image he posted on Twitter which implied a comparison between the Holocaust and having to wear masks during the pandemic was deleted.
Wikipedia, April 24th, 2021
Le Tissier then began to comment on and question the growing numbers of athletes AND sports fans collapsing. So by August 2021 someone had added this sentence:
In 2021, Le Tissier drew widespread criticism when he again promoted conspiracy theories. He tweeted a post suggesting that Christian Eriksen’s on-pitch cardiac arrest was an adverse reaction to being vaccinated.
Wikipedia, August 20th, 2021
Matt Le Tissier… football star… tv pundit… turned conspiracy theorist.
Welcome to the club Mr. Le Tissier!
Thank you Oracle Films.
- 1Nothing unusual reported on his Wikipedia entry as of June 2020.
The Vaccine Effects
Pandemic of the unvaccinated?
Yes, it is. Depending on how you define “vaccinated” and WHEN you record deaths.
Vaccines aren’t causing excess deaths?
No, they are not. Depending on how you define “vaccinated” and WHEN you record deaths.
Ivor Cummins explains how overall mortality and ICU usage can be made appear higher amongst “unvaccinated” people.
The Vaccine Effects – Mortality MAGICK
The Vaccine Effects – ICU MAGICK
Ivor referenced this presentation by Prof. Norman Fenton in the UK from last November. (If you want to understand the Professor’s background and approach, restart the video from the beginning. But be warned. You’ll also learn about other issues with the official data.)
Grand Jury Day 1
As our governmental, medical, legal1Jessica Rose gives just one example here. and many other institutions are no longer truly ‘ours’ it is clear that we the people have to save ourselves.
So a group of international lawyers and a judge are enacting Grand Jury proceedings in full public view. To present evidence of ‘crimes against humanity’ to the public. Worldwide.
Continue reading Grand Jury Day 1- 1Jessica Rose gives just one example here.
It sounds like Canada might be preparing to go all China on the massive – and peaceful1Watch their Feb 6th Address To The Nation if you doubt their peaceful intent. – truckers Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.
Talk is spreading of cell phone blackouts, riot police numbers increasing and processing centres being prepared while politicians refuse to talk, declare a state of emergency and use increasingly loaded terms – seemingly to justify aggressive action.
So the convoy captains, medical advisors and organisers put out a preemptive SOS call on 7th February.
Let us hope and pray for a peaceful end to the medical tyranny.
- 1Watch their Feb 6th Address To The Nation if you doubt their peaceful intent.
Why Have We Doctors Been Silent?
There are uncomfortable truths in this November 2021 piece by a UK doctor.
Not just uncomfortable for doctors though.
Because her insights and truths could also apply to nearly any professional.
Teachers, drivers, police, politicians, nurses, shop staff, journalists, athletes, air crew… whatever… insert your profession where she writes “doctor”, “medical community” etc.
One can see the path: we were good, compliant children and then good, compliant students. Now we are good, compliant doctors. I’m beginning to understand that goodness is measured in a different way, and obedience is not a virtue.
Obedience is learned through fear, threat and intimidation; it is in fact trauma programming and achieved through small control gestures when we were young and helpless. Now we are adults but still operating under these childhood programmes of beliefs and fears. We still feel helpless and beholden to a higher authority. We still submit to an authoritative decree even when it overrides our inherent moral compass.
Lucie Wilk
More on the dangers of obedience here.
One year on. Yet another black swan.
How many black swans are needed to destroy a hypothesis?
If you are actually scientific, just one.
Ivor Cummins explains this in five minutes during a recent talk with Irish nurses:
However if you are a believer in Covid-19 public health policies, no amount of black swans will convince you.
So, neither the recent outbreak amongst fully jabbed and tested Antarctic researchers nor the isolated ship crew, antarctic explorers or military personnel I wrote about last year will matter to you.
You will just ignore, deny or dismiss them and carry on believing the official story.
Only you know why you are doing that.
My guess is that it’s because, deep down in your core, you know acknowledging the black swans means acknowledging the official public health story is deliberately deceptive – and that you fell for it.1For some reason that I don’t understand, admitting they were deceived (other than by magicians or performers) seems nearly impossible for most people
Plus, along with that admission comes something far, far worse. The realisation that if the globally coordinated official story and government actions are deliberately deceptive it can only be for malicious intent.
Acknowledging such evil intent is not only terrifying but also leaves you with a very uncomfortable moral problem: what are you going to do about it?
No wonder you’d prefer to ignore black swans.
But here’s another one anyhow.
This time it’s an isolated Pacific island.
- 1For some reason that I don’t understand, admitting they were deceived (other than by magicians or performers) seems nearly impossible for most people
Again Alberta?
So soon?
“Alberta has been fiddling again, revealing more useful information. Is jab #3 the worst of all?” asks Joel Smalley.
Doctors trying to doctor.
Nurses trying to nurse.
But something’s in the way.
While we debate about what that ‘something’ is, patients are suffering and dying. Needlessly.
If you don’t have 5 hours for Senator Johnson’s “Second Opinion” roundtable here’s the highlights in 38 minutes.
Share it.
Especially with doctors, nurses and patients.