More mask mischief

The ScienceTM just can’t help itself. Despite the glaringly obvious.

There is a new systematic review of 1732 mask studies to determine whether masks work. It is on a preprint server meaning it is not peer-reviewed.

Almost all of the 1732 potential studies were eliminated so they only looked at 13 studies with a total of 243 COVID infections between the two groups.

One of the 13 studies that was not eliminated was done in 2004 which is impressive since SARS-CoV-2 didn’t exist at the time.

From that, they conclude that masks provide nearly a 90% risk reduction of getting infected.

That is preposterous.

Steve Kirsch

More on masks: Tom Woods | Ian Miller1He’s done several mask articles | Swiss Policy Research2Direct link to aerosol demo video.

Still trust mask science?

Then try the Covid Charts Quiz.

Yes, the charts are pre-injections, so it is dated. But if they are effective you should still be able to spot the influence of masks (and lockdowns).

Shouldn’t you?

Justin Trudeau Destroyed Canada to Extend Policies That Have Already Failed

According to data and chart guy, Ian Miller.

He seems to make a good case. What do you think?

(P.S. He’s not saying it out loud, but his charts of the Canadian provinces, and Iceland, are each “black swans“. Ordinarily in science just one black swan would vanquish a hypothesis. But despite there now being quite a flock of them disproving COVID policies, some people still religiously follow The ScienceTM… even as it destroys them, their families, friends… and countries.)

Ignore Sweden then and California now

Mainstream media and ‘experts’ predicted disaster for Sweden because it wasn’t doing the right things. They then ignored Sweden when it fared better than places which did precisely those things.

Conversely, they praised California for doing the right things – only to ignore it (and other inconveniences) when the right results didn’t emerge.

Almost as if truth doesn’t matter, but a certain narrative does.

If you haven’t time to read Miller’s pieces on Sweden1Somewhat dated from Sept 2021, but aging well and California, just look at the charts in each. They highlight the insanity of The ScienceTM we are meant to follow into the new normal.

California’s Failure Should End COVID Mandates… but it won’t

Ian Miller

  • 1
    Somewhat dated from Sept 2021, but aging well