Ed Dowd: ‘They Can’t Run From This Data’

… Disability claims are on the rise… “If it’s not the vaccine, what is it?” asks Ed Dowd…

Children’s Health Defense


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PhiTech Website

Phinance Technologies Humanity Projects

Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP)

In Surprise Reversal, NIH To Hand Over Communications Between Agency And People Injured By COVID Shots

Yuri Nunes, Ph.D.

Standard Deviation Explained And Visualized

How To Calculate Standard Deviation

Catastrophic Contagion Stimulation Scenario


Mark Skidmore Study Retraction

COVID Data Tracker — Booster Percentages

Children’s Health Defense

COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Ireland Reports

They were being issued weekly until Week 07 2023 (week ending Sunday 19th February 2023). Then there was no report at all in March, and ..

As of April 2023, the frequency of HPSC reporting on COVID-19 vaccination uptake will change to monthly.

Health Protection Surveillance Centre1Archived: July 16th, March 31st

But two-and-a-half months later (mid-July), there are no subsequent reports. Despite data being available the most recent report is for Week 16 (week ending Sunday 23rd April 2023).

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Aaron Siri gives testimony to the Arizona State Senate

May 25th, the ICAN lawyer put the COVID-19 “vaccines” in context.1Speaking at The Arizona Novel COVID South Western Intergovernmental Committee hearings.

Do you know that…

… unlike any other consumer product producer, vaccine manufacturers are immune from liability for any harms their products might cause? (@ 10:25)

… some vaccines are deemed safe after just 3-5 days of safety studies? (@ 16:30)

… if a Pfizer trial investigator ‘feels’ Maddie de Garay’s paraplegia and other injuries are not related to her Covid injection, then that satisfies the FDA? (@ 1:16:40)

At around 23 minutes he brings us to the FDA website. To save you searching, here is the FDA’s Vaccines Licensed for Use in the United States page – and here is the package insert for the Hepatitis B Vaccine. Section 6.1 can be found on page 4.

Siri’s talk was part of a two-day event. As is to be expected these days, some media maligned the hearings and showed no interest in exploring any specific issues raised:

Here is the full 2-day event…

Continue reading Aaron Siri gives testimony to the Arizona State Senate