Support and Defend

Military Whistleblowers Confront a Rogue Chain of Command

The US military is issuing immoral orders, contravening Nuremberg and compromising its own readiness.1No wonder some are talking about the importance of a well-organised citizen militia.

John Bowes is a first attendant in the United States Airforce, he is a student F16 pilot who has been grounded over the Covid vaccine mandates.

Olivia Degenkolb has been in the US Navy for 20 years as an active-duty service member, she is a foreign area officer, and was selected as the assistant naval designate to Beijing, the department of defense has recently stated that she cannot return to service as an unvaccinated member.

Dale Saran is an attorney and a retired major in the Marine Corp, he has been litigating the military vaccination issue for the past 20 years.

Bret Weinstein

Dr. Paul Marik on why doctors aren’t speaking out

My friends … asked me incredulously, “Why would the medical community silence doctors who are trying to save lives?”

They didn’t believe my answer.

So I wanted to interview a doctor who is very highly respected and who is not an “anti-vaxxer” to explain it to them…

He regrets not having done his homework and trusting others when he took the shot. It was only after he looked at the data directly himself, he said the data was crystal clear…

[Dr.] Meryl Nass, like Dr. Marik, has been punished for speaking out.

Meryl Nass explains why most doctors did not speak out against the COVID-19 treatment protocol or even bother to look at the data: they trust the system…

“if [Fauci] creates a standard and that is the standard and you vary from it, if anything happens to your patient, you are liable to the charge of malpractice. If you use his standard and all the patients die, you can’t be sued because that’s the standard of care.”

Steve Kirsch

Dr. Marik interview on Rumble | Dr. Nass interview with Terry Gilberg


Why Have We Doctors Been Silent? | Good People Can Do Awful Things

Science For Hire

A Gary Null Production

It’s long. But thorough.

Billions of dollars are spent to manipulate and buy the allegiance of elected officials and the media. Those who speak up against modern science’s culture of corruption risk having their careers destroyed. Governments operate in lockstep with the pharmaceutical ambitions to erect an unregulated global regime, a “Great Reset,” …

Gary Null Film Library

Who is Gary Null?

Author, broadcaster, film producer. Here’s an example. His 1996 interview with Nobel Prize laureate and PCR inventor Dr. Kary Mullis1who it seems was also wise to the environmental scam

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    who it seems was also wise to the environmental scam

Pfizer executive’s Freudian slip has given the vaccine game away

One week on. Legacy media silent. But multiple independent journalists have covered it. This angle stood out.

… Pfizer executive Janine Small’s incoherent answer to Dutch MEP Robert Roos began: ‘Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunisation before it entered the market? No [laughs].’

Few seem to have noticed this apparent slip by Small. Being flustered, she may have simply used the wrong word – ‘immunisation’ rather than ‘transmission’. Arguably, she may have meant what she said.

… Covid-19 vaccines were initially presented as a double dose. Then new variants emerged, and a booster was pushed. In the UK the fifth dose is currently being offered. Is this an emergent process, responding to incidence and immunity patterns, or is it planned?

After the Pfizer vaccine came out in December 2020, the EU signed a contract with the company for an incredible 4.5billion doses. For a population of 450million, that’s ten vials per person. In the UK the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson proudly announced his pre -purchase of 350million doses – some seven each for the adult population. A further purchase of 114million doses was announced by Sajid Javid, the then Health Secretary, just one year later. 

This raises important questions. Why did the EU and the UK commit so much money to a vaccine that had not completed trials and therefore its impact on infection and transmission were unknown? Why weren’t European citizens told that they would be expected to take all of these injections?…

My inference is that Ms Small accidentally let loose the terrible truth that Pfizer does not want immunity to Covid-19. This is not a wild conspiracy theory: it is now known that repeated jabs raise the risk of infection, and that the only remaining selling point is the claimed reduction in symptoms…

Niall McCrae

FDA to Vax Injured: We Got Nothin’

Mid-September: twenty people travelled from a dozen states to Washington D.C. to ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for help. 

Two had lost sons, 16 and 34 years old, soon after their shots. Three were in wheelchairs, including a girl, 14. A surgeon, nurse practitioner, teacher, and most others can no longer work. Once healthy and fit, many had been eager to be vaccinated.

They got a one hour Zoom call to their hotel conference room with the top vaccine official in the United States – Peter Marks.

Seems what he said amounted to:

… “Thank you so much for sharing”

“We don’t have any secrets here,” he continued. “Our goal is to make the public understand the benefits and risks of these vaccines.”

Just how FDA is doing that was left unclear…

Mary Beth Pfeiffer
source: Trial Site News

Steve Kirsch says they’re ignoring the risks

Like those


picked up in his survey

see also: Steve Kirsch

Welcome To The Real World

So you just heard it from the horse’s mouth, Pfizer never tested the vaccines for reducing transmission.

… but I’m sorry to tell you it’s much worse than that…

Pfizer did test the vaccine’s ability to reduce rates of “Covid-19”. To be specific, “Covid-19” means testing positive and being symptomatic.1Which differs from what we, the people have been trained to believe Covid-19 means: testing positive. Oisín. The data looked great by the way, Pfizer had a wonderful graph to show the effect. The blue line is infections in the unvaccinated, and the red line is infections in the vaccinated.

Pfizer’s “infection reduction” published in NEJM.

But… That data you can see up there, the main argument for the vaccine passports, the vaccine mandates and all the terrifying media campaigns comes from a fraudulent study.

Continue reading Welcome To The Real World
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    Which differs from what we, the people have been trained to believe Covid-19 means: testing positive. Oisín.

That the ‘vaccines’ don’t prevent transmission is far from news

However, Pfizer admitting they never even tried to test it is news…

… from the very beginning they had no idea if their “vaccine” prevented transmission or not…

The mainstream media has gone into revisionist history mode over this news, saying that nobody ever claimed the vaccines prevented transmission.

That is a complete and utter lie.


See also:

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    Albert Bourla is CEO of Pfizer