An admission courtesy of those Admissions?

Alberta inadvertently confessed to fiddling the stats.

A good lesson in how the numbers are fiddled. Worth reading in full. But in case you’re not going to, here’s an insight:

Like everywhere else in the world they claim very impressive vaccine effectiveness by following the fraudulent standard set by the drug manufacturers in the pantomime clinical trials, i.e. to ignore the adverse outcomes in the first two weeks post administration.

But then they go one better and actually inflate the unvaccinated numbers too…

Almost half of all COVID hospitalizations of the newly vaccinated occurred within 14 days which means they were treated as unvaccinated in the stats.

Joel Smalley

How Bad Is My Batch?

Robert Malone recently shared his experience of his own potentially fatal vaccine adverse event and his recently discovering that his vaccine came from one of the ‘bad’ batches.

Malone’s account fits well with Mike Yeadon’s Jan 7th presentation to the 86th sitting of the Corona Investigative Committee.

Yeadon outlines evidence of possible premeditated murder, using “hot lots” of Covid injections. He can’t think of any benign reason that would explain the vast differences in numbers of adverse reactions between batches.

His presentation centres around these two slides.

Note the small number range, 0-40, on vertical Y-axis
Range on vertical Y-axis is 0-700, far wider than with flu vaccines (previous slide)

Website mentioned: 1Backup duplicate site.

Yeadon detailing the Covid lies on The Highwire, June 2021.

Video by Paul Schreyer:

“I hope I am wrong. I fear I am right.”

The words of one of the early developers of mRNA vaccines, Robert Malone after digesting a report from a life insurance company.

A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.  “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”.  This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.

Robert W Malone

Is this a sign of the massive vaccine-induced death toll some have been predicting?

Read Malone’s concerns here.1If you are outside the USA you may not be able to read the article he links to. .

Jessica Rose goes into more detail about the numbers here.

Steve Kirsch is aware of the news but is WAY less cautious in his interpretation than Malone – and has a plan.

  • 1
    If you are outside the USA you may not be able to read the article he links to.

More Harm Than Good

If you have faith in Covid ‘vaccines’ – and those pushing them, then this piece by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance is going to shake that faith.

Your faith in the media is likely to be rattled too. Because they’re ignoring all this – while unquestioningly giving voice to those who insist we “trust the science”.

Anyone trusting this kind of science, and its perpetrators, promoters and apologists needs to ask themselves some serious questions.

Brace yourself for:

  • sneaky sophistry1subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation e.g. relative risk reduction of 95% was focused on; real-world absolute risk reduction of just 0.88% downplayed
  • more deaths in inoculated group
  • more adverse events in inoculated group
  • dodgy demographic design2e.g. those most needing the injection (elderly & comorbid) not appropriately represented
  • trial unblinded after just 2 months, so long-term safety can never be determined
  • inappropriate endpoints chosen
  • reduction in transmission of Covid never tested for
  • not all participants were tested for Covid
  • 80 participants were “lost to follow up”
  • under powered trial for 12-15 year olds
  • horrific outcomes for 12 year old participant Maddie de Garay misrepresented
  • downplaying impact of myocarditis
  • FDA want 50+ years to release >300,000 pages of data
  • 84% of the authors have conflicts of interest
  • CDC changed the definition of vaccine, accommodating these injections…

Here’s a video summary:

Here’s the PDF. Click the gear icon for Presentation (Fullscreen), Download and other options.

Thanks to Steve Kirsch for highlighting this stunning piece of work.

Well done Canadian Covid Care Alliance!

  • 1
    subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation e.g. relative risk reduction of 95% was focused on; real-world absolute risk reduction of just 0.88% downplayed
  • 2
    e.g. those most needing the injection (elderly & comorbid) not appropriately represented

The Cure Is Worse Than The Disease

The Proof Is In The Data

“Joel Smalley returns to the Pandemic Podcast with a clear conclusion – the ‘cure’ is worse than the disease and that the proof is in the data.

Back in February 2021 Joel’s first presentation on the Pandemic Podcast was met with much controversy as he demonstrated early warning signs that the vaccines may have increased overall mortality. He also demonstrated how non-Covid factors such as lockdowns and denial of healthcare likely impacted overall mortality during the first stages of the pandemic.

In today’s follow up episode Joel is back to reveal what the latest data shows when the links between the vaccine rollout and mortality are examined across various different countries and territories.

Joel Smalley is a former quantitative derivatives trader, entrepreneur and tech leader who has analysed mortality and various other COVID metrics for every country affected by the pandemic. His analysis has supported numerous expert submissions to regulatory health authorities and legal cases brought against governments and their agents.”

Dan Astin-Gregory

Here’s Joel’s appearance on the Pandemic Podcast in February.

Time to Think: The Basic Data says It All – Simplified and Clear!

In his latest video Ivor Cummins looks at all-cause mortality statistics for Ireland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Combining those statistics with

  • the real-world experience that ‘vaccines’ do not stop transmission
  • boosters will be required to maintain ‘vaccinated’ status
  • naturally acquired immunity doesn’t count
  • the age-graduated risk profile of Covid
  • and its flu-like survival rates…

… makes it clear that ‘vaccine passports’ are completely illogical as a public health measure.

So why are so many people unable to see that?

Ivor is not the only person who suspects the media play a central role in the collective psychosis.1“The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality… During a period of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disturbed and the individual may have difficulty understanding what is real and what is not.” National Institute of Mental Health.

  • 1
    “The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality… During a period of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disturbed and the individual may have difficulty understanding what is real and what is not.” National Institute of Mental Health