“Guys, it’s inappropriate to question someone’s vaccine status when they die.

That information was only relevant for employment, travel, education, recreation, dining, access to medical care, and celebrating holidays.”

Some on Twitter didn’t realise that was sarcasm. I hope you do.

The dumbest, most dishonest argument for Covid jabs yet

A computer model claims they prevented 3 million American deaths and almost 19 million hospitalizations. Imagine what they would have done if they actually WORKED against Omicron…

… in the interests of science – as opposed to The Science – I will demolish this absurdity in three minutes or less.

Alex Berenson

He does.

el gato malo does a more detailed takedown

passing off a model as evidence is tantamount to lying…

remember this?

so, if it does backfit and your major parameter assumption is wrong, it means the whole rest of your model is garbage.

… it’s pure GIGO1Garbage In, Garbage Out and the minute you assumed “vaccines worked well” then “vaccines saved huge numbers of lives” will pop out.

but if this assumption is wrong (as it appears so clearly to have been in the israeli palestine natural experiment comparison where death rates in the two places were near indistinguishable both before and after vaccination despite wide divergence in vaxx rate) then you’ve just “proven” nothing at all apart from the fact that models express the assumptions of the modeler.

el gato malo
  • 1
    Garbage In, Garbage Out

COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with significant increased risks of a traffic crash

The [‘Canaadian crash study’] authors are not mincing words: they found that UNvaccinated people are MORE likely to have car crashes. Based on this statistical finding, they urge people to vaccinate to avoid car crashes!


Guess who is more likely to get into a car crash? That’s right, the person who drives to work daily, as opposed to a remote worker.


The Unvaccinated Could not Take Trains or Fly in Canada

So they had to drive more.

Oh, one more thing…

Turns out that people over 65, who do NOT drive to work, are the ONLY group where vaccination leads to a slightly higher chance of car crashes for the vaccinated (without reaching statistical significance).

This outcome is the OPPOSITE of what happened to employed people:

So we can see that the conclusion that “unvaccinated people are more likely to be hurt in crashes” is explained by the fact that “essential workers” who drive to work were the ones choosing not to get vaccinated!

So… It is not the COVID vaccine that reduces the chances of having a crash. It is a fact that staying home with warm coffee and a laptop is safer than commuting to work or driving a truck. The effect does NOT exist in old people who do not work.

Igor Chudov

Professor Norman Fenton: “A Study In Stupidity

Also: Dr. Claire Craig | Mr. Law, Health and Technology1Caveat: this is little more than an ad homenim piece, but does highlight a tendency toward bias among the study group.

  • 1
    Caveat: this is little more than an ad homenim piece, but does highlight a tendency toward bias among the study group.

Ontario Nurses Association Wins Second Decision on “Unreasonable and Illogical” Vaccinate or Mask Influenza Policies

In 2018. After first in 2015.

[Vaccinate or Mask (VOM)]… policies force nurses and other health-care workers to wear an unfitted surgical mask for the entirety of their shift if they choose not to receive the influenza vaccine.

After reviewing extensive expert evidence… Arbitrator William Kaplan, in his September 6 decision, found that St. Michael’s VOM policy is “illogical and makes no sense” and “is the exact opposite of being reasonable.” In reaching this conclusion, Arbitrator Kaplan rejected the hospital’s evidence. A copy of the full decision is available here

This is the second such win for ONA.1Ontario Nurses Association In 2015, Arbitrator James Hayes struck down the same type of policy in an arbitration that included other Ontario hospitals … Hayes found there was “scant evidence” that forcing nurses to use masks reduced the transmission of influenza to patients. Despite this clear ruling, the majority of TAHSN hospitals refused to follow the Hayes award and maintained their respective VOM policies. As a result, ONA was forced to litigate this matter again at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Newswire.ca (Sept 7, 2018)2Earliest archive I found: Nov 2020 here and here.

Then SARS-CoV-2 came along late 2019

It tool a few months, but from around Easter 2020, the same masks that hadn’t worked for influenza were brilliant at preventing COVID-19 transmission.

The ScienceTM must have changed.

(Or are we being gaslit and taken for fools?!)

  • 1
    Ontario Nurses Association
  • 2
    Earliest archive I found: Nov 2020 here and here.


Despite its first being dubbed effective, China is still locking down – and ‘Covid Logic’ may never see or admit the flaw1If lockdown worked, why is repeating it necessary?

Chinada2Reminding of a post I made in February.

Pro-freedom in Canada? You can have your accounts frozen and get trampled by police horses.3See last video here. Because ‘fringe’ minorities with ‘unacceptable views’ won’t be tolerated by a Prime Minister who has openly praised China’s ‘basic dictatorship’.

That same Prime Minister recently said Canada supports people expressing themselves through protests, will stand up for human rights and is watching China4Second last video here. – where, locked in to your apartment for Zero-Covid’s sake, you can die in a fire.

Especially when fire engine access is hampered by uncharged electric cars.5If I can relocate the source I will update here.

Chinese people are rising…

… (some videos here, here and here)…

… and…

  • mainstream media is reporting on the protests
  • some pro-lockdowners are now supporting the protestors
  • while Apple are helping the authorities…

… the lockdowns that Xi Jinping pioneered with the onset of Covid are horrific in terms of their scale, their duration, their depravity, and the new totalitarian surveillance measures to which they’ve led. Anyone who participates in a protest in China runs a risk of being subject to cruel and arbitrary punishment. For ordinary Chinese people to brave that risk in defiance of this new form of inhuman medical tyranny is an act of courage worthy of admiration.

There are notable exceptions to the otherwise widespread support the protesters have received. Apple has been silent about the protests, and had the gall to limit the protesters’ use of a communication service called AirDrop in compliance with the CCP’s demands, even as it threatens to remove Twitter from its app store over Elon Musk’s free speech policy. This comes even after Apple has long ignored requests by FCC officials to remove the Chinese-owned app TikTok from its app store over unprecedented national security concerns. So Apple complies with requests by the Chinese government, but not the United States government. Let that sink in…

Apple is, unfortunately, far from alone in its CCP apologism. Anthony Fauci told CNN that China’s totalitarian lockdowns would be fully justified so long as the purpose was to “get all the people vaccinated.”

Michael P. Senger6Some interesting receipts there

But why now are we seeing…

New York Times Decides Lockdowns are Actually Draconian and Economically Destructive when China Does Them?

Could it be because…

the final stage of changing jerseys is wiping out the evidence that you ever wore a different on?

they have not learned.

they are not abashed.

they are lying to themselves even more than they lie to us precisely to prevent such things.

the cognitive dissonance is re-writing memory so they recall being heroes not villains.


and in this sense letting them off the hook is, to my mind, unwise.

there needs to be a reputational penalty for having done this.

they need to be required to own it (because they will never do so on their own)

and the china uprisings are creating a wonderfully impossible fork for team lock down the west, especially given what they did so very recently.

here’s a fun example…

el gato malo7More receipts

Also: DailySeptic.org |

  • 1
    If lockdown worked, why is repeating it necessary?
  • 2
    Reminding of a post I made in February.
  • 3
    See last video here.
  • 4
    Second last video here.
  • 5
    If I can relocate the source I will update here.
  • 6
    Some interesting receipts there
  • 7
    More receipts

How Australia Became Totalitarian – Topher Field

Topher Field is one of Australia’s leading and most recognised libertarian political commentators and human rights activists. He is the director of the multi-award winning and internationally acclaimed documentary ‘Battleground Melbourne’, as well as the winner of the Australian Libertarian of the Year award in 2022 and 2016. His participation in ‘illegal’ protests during Melbourne’s prolonged lockdowns led to his arrest and charges of ‘incitement’.


A big problem with the way history is taught is people learn WHAT happened and WHEN, but not HOW and WHY on any deep psychological level…

Nobody wants to imagine they would have been the bad guy in the story. Everyone thinks they would have been the rare hero.


ZubyMusic.com | BattlegroundMelbourne.com

Some want a ‘Pandemic Amnesty’

October 31 Professor Emily Oster called for amnesty in The Atlantic.1Also archived here. Because, apparently, she and others were in the dark and didn’t know.

But she could have known, couldn’t she?

Cartoon by Jerm

Plus, she never says

  • what wrongs were done
  • who perpetrated them
  • what reparations will be made or
  • how we can prevent anything similar happening again.

So it hasn’t gone down well

  1. Rep. Andy Biggs
  2. Emily Burns
  3. Chris Bray
  4. Igor Chudov
  5. Mark Crispin Miller
  6. Jimmy Dore
  7. el gato malo2… and here.
  8. eugyppius3… and here.
  9. Sage Hana
  10. Justin Hart4author of the new book: “Gone Viral: How Covid Drove the World Insane” from Regnery Publishing
  11. Erich Hartmann5Describes witnessing Oster arguing for opening schools, then backtracking.
  12. Jessica Hockett
  13. AJ Kay
  1. Brendon Marotta
  2. Joseph Mercola
  3. Ian Miller
  4. Maajid Nawaz
  5. Vinay Prasad
  6. Brittany Sellner6Author, Austria
  7. Michael P. Senger7attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World.
  8. Madhava Setty M.D.
  9. The Highwire8Also on Rumble.
  10. The Unty Project9via Robert Malone
  11. Paul Joseph Watson
  12. Sheldon Yakiwchuk

… to name but a few.


Let’s See What Happens

Twitter Post, Oct 22nd:

1/7 Let’s strip away evidence and history, and try something new.

Let’s put software entrepreneurs, a Swiss-German corporate club and Pharma CEOs in charge of public health, and see what happens.

Let’s then lock old people in homes and withdraw support, and see what happens.

2/7 Let’s stop taxpayers from earning money, and see what happens.

Let’s close borders, and see what happens.

Let’s stop cancer and cardiovascular screening, and see what happens.

3/7 Let’s restrict education to those wealthy enough to have their own room, computer and screen, and see what happens.

Continue reading Let’s See What Happens