One Health, holistic medicine, and the poisoning of minds

Writing for PANDA, David Bell reveals the dangers lurking behind the ‘One Health’ concept – and what those who espouse it have in mind for us.

… medical journal Lancet explained the ideology of those driving the One Health cult in January 2023: 

All life is equal, and of equal concern”, 

and further: 

“One Health will be delivered in countries … by taking a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned about the welfare of non-human animals and the environment as we are about humans.

In its truest sense, One Health is a call for ecological, not merely health, equity.” 

The narrative, and its intent, are clear. Those pushing it envision a world in which any lifeform is considered intrinsically of equal worth to others. If you must choose between your daughter and a rat, the choice should weigh the probability of the survival of each, or assess which may do the least harm to other lifeforms after being saved.

Within this ‘equitable’ worldview, humans become a pollutant… Humans become a plague upon the earth, and their restriction, impoverishment and death may therefore be justified for a greater good.

It is difficult for people to grasp that this is a guiding ideology of public figures, as it runs counter to most human moral systems or Natural Law. People therefore consider this a misrepresentation of what is intended. If this is you, go back and read those quotes, and read more widely. We must understand the ideology driving this movement, as they intend that we should follow their dictates, and they intend to indoctrinate our children…

We tend to think such changes cannot happen in free and rational societies. To be convinced, we might need solid evidence of real totalitarian control. If we experienced mandated population-wide injections, people banned from visiting loved ones, or body-armoured police shooting at crowds and beating up old ladies for not wearing masks, whilst those promoting such policies lived and travelled freely, then we might start to wonder whether our preconceptions regarding society were wrong. At that time, we might start to believe that some in authority don’t really have our best interests at heart.

Exposing a cult

Evil is not defeated by hiding from it. It is fought by exposing the ideology that drives it – the greed, the lies and the deceit. We should not be overwhelmed by the scale and depth of wrongdoing. It may now be global but the people running it are as empty as those in past times, seeing the subjugation of others as the only way to address their internal inadequacies. Many more go along for the ride, doing their bidding to secure careers and pensions. This is normal, and has been faced before.

In the end, mad ideologues collapse under the weight of their own deceit and the shallowness of their dogmas. The earth-mother religion of a corrupted One Health and the feudalist ambitions of its priests will be no different. We should not fear public health or a holistic view of the world. They are ours and can be a force for good. Rather, we should expose the hollowness of the people who would subvert them, driven by their own greed and barren ideologies.

David Bell (PANDA)

Worth reading in full.

The Distraction Files and Leaks

Recently The Twitter Files revealed US officials were pressing Twitter to censor on their behalf. Then the US Dept. of Energy endorsed the lab leak story, followed by Woody Harrelson being allowed describe1Mathew Crawford wrote a follow up to his first take the insanity on the Saturday Night Live TV show.2More perspectives: Mark Crispin Miller, Kate Wand, Gerry O’Neill, Dr. Peter McCullough, Alex Berenson

Now The Lockdown Files leak shows UK officials orchestrating public fear and more. Dr. John Campbell feels disappointed about the revelations. while Dr. Byram Bridle cautions that verification is needed and el gato malo finds them astonishingly unastonishing

… all neatly distracting from…

… falling birth rates, excess deaths and…

the WHO’s power grab.3See also

What The WHO Is Actually Proposing

COVID-19, The Nuremberg Code + The Question of Amnesty

Was amnesty raised to test our responses, or to distract us?1See here for background

Who should be granted amnesty, and who should face justice?

How do we prevent this brutal chapter from happening again?

Hear from CHD President + General Counsel Mary Holland, Holocaust Survivor + Human Rights Defender Vera Sharav, Professor Francis Boyle, Dr. Herman Edeling, Dr. EV Rapiti + More

Hosted by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Children’s Health Defense

Let’s See What Happens

Twitter Post, Oct 22nd:

1/7 Let’s strip away evidence and history, and try something new.

Let’s put software entrepreneurs, a Swiss-German corporate club and Pharma CEOs in charge of public health, and see what happens.

Let’s then lock old people in homes and withdraw support, and see what happens.

2/7 Let’s stop taxpayers from earning money, and see what happens.

Let’s close borders, and see what happens.

Let’s stop cancer and cardiovascular screening, and see what happens.

3/7 Let’s restrict education to those wealthy enough to have their own room, computer and screen, and see what happens.

Continue reading Let’s See What Happens

Did you have a good lockdown?

Well here is an insight into just some of what your lockdown cost others.1By the way, the cost to you (which you were never told about)… is now coming into view. Your human rights converted into privileges dependent on your governments whims; Years of Life Lost (also here); psychological damage and developmental delay – especially to children and young adults; businesses destroyed; power centralized; surveillance increased; inflation; crippled health services (longer waiting lists, vaccine injuries piling up); excess deaths from vaccine damage… but, yeah, if you like, keep telling yourself that you and others feeling safe and morally righteous is worth it. Also, do keep trusting The ScienceTM because your always-truthful, always-competent leaders and media tell you to..

In this PANDA’ Open Society Session, Dr. David Bell (PANDA) and Professor Toby Green (Collateral Global) discuss the devastating impacts of the pandemic response in poor countries: what happened, why it happened and how to ensure it does not happen again.

They combine their expertise in public health, world history and colonial history to also question continuities of power and inequality, and how the world reverted to the medical colonialism of the first half of the 20th century.

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    By the way, the cost to you (which you were never told about)… is now coming into view. Your human rights converted into privileges dependent on your governments whims; Years of Life Lost (also here); psychological damage and developmental delay – especially to children and young adults; businesses destroyed; power centralized; surveillance increased; inflation; crippled health services (longer waiting lists, vaccine injuries piling up); excess deaths from vaccine damage… but, yeah, if you like, keep telling yourself that you and others feeling safe and morally righteous is worth it. Also, do keep trusting The ScienceTM because your always-truthful, always-competent leaders and media tell you to..