June 2022: Moderna CMO believes spikes from the mRNA vaccine get to the heart

But Dr. Paul Burton still has his job.

In contrast, after this short May 2021 radio interview…

… and publishing a Parent Guide to COVID-19 Vaccination

My life exploded into a storm of harassment, accusations, and censorship…

… fact checkers claiming that I did not know what I was talking about…

An open letter was written by a large number of my colleagues at the University of Guelph, none of whom are vaccinologists.1Context: Dr. Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. All of them accused me of spreading misinformation…

My career has suffered what will likely be irreparable damage. I am still not allowed to access my office or laboratory… 

I wonder if the naysayers will listen to the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ manufacturers as they now confirm this 1.5-year-old message.

Dr. Byram Bridle

Infighting – a historical warning

Steve Kirsch claims the ‘no-virus-people’1Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey for example weren’t prepared to defend their science in a recorded public debate.2But there’s evidence they were – even though some, like Jon Rappaport consider such debate inappropriate.

The Breggins are dissing Mattias Desmet and the mass formation perspective.

Dr. Robert Malone is fending off ‘controlled opposition’ accusations, citing the historical example of Jacobinism as he does so.

Psychotherapist Todd Hayen thinks this infighting, intolerance and polarisation is consciously fostered to help the agenda.

War Of The Worlds

Todd Hayen on living in two competing worlds

The Toronto-based psychotherapist recently spoke with Jeremy Nell.

… a really deep conversation, touching on a bunch of things like

Jerm Warfare

Audio & Resources

Continue reading War Of The Worlds

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

… shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Oracle Films

UKCVfamily.org | VIBUK | React19.org

OracleFilms.com | News Uncut

Doctor u-turns on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Calls for global pause

I was wilfully blind… until I wasn’t…

What’s worse than ignorance? The late, great Stephen Hawking tells us: the illusion of knowledge…

I was one of the first people to have the Covid-19 vaccine… in January 2021… I, at the time, did not even conceive… of the possibility that a vaccine could cause any real harm at all…

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

… a hero. When he learned he was wrong, he did the right thing: publicly admitted his mistake and called for the halt to the vaccines… at considerable risk to his reputation.

Steve Kirsch

His U-turn on Covid vaccine safety could save countless lives – if only mainstream media would give his message the airtime it deserves.

Dr. Tess Lawrie

Why listen? Why share?

Continue reading Doctor u-turns on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Calls for global pause

Death in Europe, All Ages and Children – 2017 to 2022

I don’t know about other data analysts, but with three children of my own under the age of 14, I can’t help but cry when I do these analyses.

Joel Smalley
Weekly Average Excess Deaths, 0 to 14 Year Olds, Europe – source: EuroMOMO (euromomo.eu) 2022

Literally counting the deaths, he asks…

Continue reading Death in Europe, All Ages and Children – 2017 to 2022

Debate me – or sue me!

That was Dr. Mike Yeadon’s message for Sir Patrick Vallance, Sir Chris Whitty, Sir Mene Pangalos, Dr. Mathai Mammen and Dr. James Merson – after he indicted them on Radical with Maajid Nawaz,1Scroll back to start for full context.

He also had a message for you:

… I don’t wanna be alive if we lose this… I’m in the same boat as you. But what would really annoy me is, if anyone hears this and doesn’t do something with it, well, stop watching.. Stop watching! It’s not entertainment! If you don’t go and do something with this, turn your computer off.

Dr. Mike Yeadon


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    Scroll back to start for full context.