Young Hearts 27

Excess Deaths – The Elephant In The Room

(Ireland, Rachel O’Connor @ 9:05)

The information is slowly coming to the surface as serious questions are finally being asked in Parliament. But only after 12 billion doses have been administered worldwide, and excess deaths continue climbing at an alarming rate.


Excess Deaths – Europe

9% above normal in September.1Archive. Archive. A welcome drop from August’s 13%

See also

Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-Injection

Dr. Sucharit Bhakadi’s analysis suggests there’s a plausible mechanism by which the jab(s) can induce such changes.

Reiner Fuellmich, Peter Breggin and Naomi Wolf also discuss this, eugenics and the parallels between modern COVID times and pre-holocaust Germany.

NOTE: Breggin and Wolf are both Jewish. | Telegram | Source video

NEW: International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)

Reiner Fuellmich is back on the air.1 following the split from the Corona Investigative Committee. His take on that here. Broadening his approach to encapsulate both

  • the “deliberate and targeted action” against humanity and
  • how we can decouple & create our own regionalised world. | Telegram | source video

  • 1
    following the split from the Corona Investigative Committee. His take on that here.

Deep In The Wombs of Women: The Hidden Harm of Covid Vaccines

“Where’s my cycle” is the rallying cry of a group of French women fighting for basic expectations of life: a pain-free existence, a medical system they can trust, and the ability to bear children.

(Left to right) Mélodie Feron, organizer of “Where’s my cycle,” representing 10,000 women; Dr. Laurence Kayser, a Belgian gynecologist, who faces professional charges for speaking out against covid policies; and Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, a geneticist who believes the vaccines were not sufficiently tested before being given to women, spoke at a rally in Paris. (Mary Beth Pfeiffer)

Organized by a group called “Where’s my cycle,” the rally focused on intimate revelations: heavy bleeding, unprecedented pain, humiliation, and elemental physical changes. These symptoms began, not coincidentally, at the start of 2021, when women put out their arms and took, or were coerced by employers to take, covid-19 vaccinations.

The 300 women, and men, at this rally—and the 10,000 that Oú est mon cycle represents—are fighting for basic expectations of life: a pain-free existence, a medical system they can trust, and the ability to bear children.

This was not just about inconvenience or embarrassment. It was about fertility.

Mary Beth Pfeiffer

The headings convey so much

In the shadow of Napoleon’s Tomb, at the Hôtel National des Invalides in Paris, a sign at a rally to protest fertility issues related to the covid vaccines reads “Hippocrates, not hypocrite.” (Mary Beth Pfeiffer)

“This is what it looks like…

… The real shit.

When a person is not obfuscating...

When you grasp the scope of the problem and you do not flinch and you are not protecting your station or your internal fiction that you tell yourself to make everything “fit” some story.

Thank you, Dr. Mike.1Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-President and Head of Respiratory Allergies of Pfizer

Thank you, Brave Michelle.2Whistleblower, Registered Nurse “Michelle from Fresno” (Michelle Gershman)

Thank you, Sasha

Thank you Dr. Bhakdi.3Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Sage Hana

  • 1
    Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-President and Head of Respiratory Allergies of Pfizer
  • 2
    Whistleblower, Registered Nurse “Michelle from Fresno” (Michelle Gershman)
  • 3
    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Sudden Death & Turbo Cancers

Canadian Doctors Speak Out

Doctors Charles Hoffe, Stephen Malthouse, Christopher Shaw + guest doctor William Makis… discuss the mysterious sudden deaths of 80+ Canadian doctors and the rapid turbo cancers they are seeing in patients… deleted death data, smear campaigns, case studies and more.

Good Morning CHD, Nov 111CHD = Children’s Health Defense


  • the Vax Justice Bus tour
  • how many people know a vax injured person
  • Trudeau’s lawyer having a stroke mid-testimony2Quick overview here by Mark Crispin Miller
  • the strange ways the young doctors are dying
  • politics, censorship and
  • the emerging “pandemic of the vaccinated” affecting Canada’s hospital and ICU admissions.

Children’s Health Defense

How Australia Became Totalitarian – Topher Field

Topher Field is one of Australia’s leading and most recognised libertarian political commentators and human rights activists. He is the director of the multi-award winning and internationally acclaimed documentary ‘Battleground Melbourne’, as well as the winner of the Australian Libertarian of the Year award in 2022 and 2016. His participation in ‘illegal’ protests during Melbourne’s prolonged lockdowns led to his arrest and charges of ‘incitement’.


A big problem with the way history is taught is people learn WHAT happened and WHEN, but not HOW and WHY on any deep psychological level…

Nobody wants to imagine they would have been the bad guy in the story. Everyone thinks they would have been the rare hero.

Zuby |

Some want a ‘Pandemic Amnesty’

October 31 Professor Emily Oster called for amnesty in The Atlantic.1Also archived here. Because, apparently, she and others were in the dark and didn’t know.

But she could have known, couldn’t she?

Cartoon by Jerm

Plus, she never says

  • what wrongs were done
  • who perpetrated them
  • what reparations will be made or
  • how we can prevent anything similar happening again.

So it hasn’t gone down well

  1. Rep. Andy Biggs
  2. Emily Burns
  3. Chris Bray
  4. Igor Chudov
  5. Mark Crispin Miller
  6. Jimmy Dore
  7. el gato malo2… and here.
  8. eugyppius3… and here.
  9. Sage Hana
  10. Justin Hart4author of the new book: “Gone Viral: How Covid Drove the World Insane” from Regnery Publishing
  11. Erich Hartmann5Describes witnessing Oster arguing for opening schools, then backtracking.
  12. Jessica Hockett
  13. AJ Kay
  1. Brendon Marotta
  2. Joseph Mercola
  3. Ian Miller
  4. Maajid Nawaz
  5. Vinay Prasad
  6. Brittany Sellner6Author, Austria
  7. Michael P. Senger7attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World.
  8. Madhava Setty M.D.
  9. The Highwire8Also on Rumble.
  10. The Unty Project9via Robert Malone
  11. Paul Joseph Watson
  12. Sheldon Yakiwchuk

… to name but a few.

Canada: The Dying Doctors

Now there are 90.

10 more identified since his letter of October 15.1Featured in my previous post

Dr. William Makis discusses his findings – plus the censorship, smearing, coverup and denial he’s seeing from the CMA2Canadian Medical Association and some of his medical peers.

Watch on |