The Battle to Ban the Jab

The First Domino Fell

Lee County, Florida: local Republican Party group passed resolution to ban the jab. Not a powerful group. But…

Last night on February 21 we had our first Republican Executive Committee (REC)meeting since the election. On the agenda was my Ban The Jab Resolution.  Resolutions are one of the most important things we can do as executive committee members. Resolutions put pressure on elected officials while at the same time providing cover for them to take action. Resolutions also motivate voters and give them a reason to support the REC financially and otherwise. They also reveal the frauds in the local party. Powerful resolutions give voters a reason to vote…

There were a few people repeating the false narrative that this issue was about freedom of choice and the right to buy a product. It was kind of like arguing that I have a right to buy coffee that I don’t know is poisoned…

Eventually, the vote came up and the two thirds vote required was smashed and it was a landslide victory on the resolution…

Does it matter?  

Well, the intention of this resolution was to call out every politician in the state of Florida to tell the truth about these bioweapons and take action. It appears that other REC’s across the state will be taking up this resolution or similar ones. This may be the beginning of a statewide revolt from the bottom up within the Republican Party of Florida and the beginnings of a campaign against the genocide. Hopefully, this will spread beyond Florida. In short, this may be the first domino to fall. At the very least there is an open discussion about whether these bioweapons should be on the market or not rather than being mandated.  

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Military Countermeasures with Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt

Why the COVID vaccination roll out is not stopping… why it’s all still an emergency… why regulators are not regulating…

Latypova’s Stockholm talk

COVID-19 countermeasures: Evidence for an intent to harm

More context: Dr. Robert Malone’s Stockholm talk

Fifth Generation Warfare and Sovereignty

The full Stockholm conference

Sasha Latypova | Katherine Watt | Sean Morgan

Why Anger towards the Unvaccinated was Intentional Psychological Manipulation

March 2022, Naked Emperor took a look at a Yale study of ways to increase vaccine uptake.

The study began in July 2020 to explore “how persuasive messaging affects COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions”. It wasn’t published until October 2021… after most people had been injected.

Quite revealing. Worth reading. But if you are short on time here’s a few takeawats:

Continue reading Why Anger towards the Unvaccinated was Intentional Psychological Manipulation

Never Again Is Now Global

‘Never Again Is Now Global,’ a five-part docuseries directed by holocaust survivor Vera Sharav highlights the parallels between Nazi Germany and global pandemic policies, will premier exclusively, for free on CHD.TV beginning Monday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. EST.1Midnight in Ireland

Holocaust Survivors, featured in the docuseries explain how Nazi interventions — including the suspension of freedoms, imposition of lockdowns, coerced medical procedures and identity passports — are similar to modern-day dictatorial constraints on citizens worldwide.

We sat down with Vera at her home… to discuss the docuseries + the importance of disobeying the totalitarian continuum…

Children’s Healh Defense

Populations wouldn’t go along today, surely?

They just did. For similar reasons as they did then.

Fear. Pseudoscience. Propaganda. Censorship. Coercion. Othering…

Read Filipe Rafaeli’s The Day I Understood The Good German. Snippet:

Continue reading Never Again Is Now Global

US Federal Aviation Authority has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal

On October 24, 2022, the FAA quietly, without any announcement at all, widened the EKG requirements necessary for pilots to be able to fly.

The PR (a measure of heart function)1Helpful info & graph here. used to be in the range of .12 to .2.

It is now: .12 to .3 and potentially even higher.

This is a very wide range; it accommodates people who have cardiac injury. Cardiologist Thomas Levy is appalled at this change:

We discuss his article Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common.

Basically, the vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who get the shot. So 7M Americans now have hearts damaged by the COVID vaccine. He admits the number could be over 100M. The fact that the FAA *quietly* changed the EKG parameters for pilots suggests that the vaccine is causing a huge number of pilots to fail their screening. This is a tacit admission of a huge problem.

Swiss study of 777 people post-vaccine

Continue reading US Federal Aviation Authority has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal

Children’s Health Defense defeats New York State healthcare workers COVID mandate

In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept. of Health lacked the authority to impose such a mandate as this power is reserved to the state legislature. Furthermore, the court found that the mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” as COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission, vitiating any rational basis for a mandate.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) financed this lawsuit on behalf of Medical Professionals for Informed Consent and several individual healthcare workers…

Children’s Health Defense, Jan 13

Children’s Health Defense | Defeat The Mandates

In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Symposium V

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