If they were interested in truth…

… wouldn’t they ask her how she came to believe what she believes?

December 2021. Remember the furore back then about this clearly racially-motivated attack by two white supremacists?1Sarcasm. Me neither.

Perhaps news of the outcry and the valiant efforts to protect this victim of racism never made it into my echo chamber?

Watch it here.

But before you do… this November 2021 video2Hugo Talks will clue you in for when she mentions Waterford, Ireland:

The Irish disinformation board

Following up my “Truth is in trouble” post with a piece from Gerry O’Neill about the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) branch in Ireland.

Given the complicity of academic institutions in fostering the rise of totalitarianism – by silencing dissenting voices1Like Mark Crispin Miller (here’s his Substack). and facilitating woke and cancel cultures2Some examples in these Jordan B. Peterson compilations: August 2021, April 2022, it’s hardly surprising to see somewhere like Dublin City University involved.

Continue reading The Irish disinformation board

Truth is in trouble

So are those who seek it and speak it.

But if you’ve not looked beyond mainstream media.,Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook etc you wouldn’t know. Because they are deciding who – and what – you get to hear, see and understand.

This limits your ability to reach a sound conclusion or make an informed decision. Not just about lockdowns or Covid injections. But about anything. Anything. Past, present or future.

Continue reading Truth is in trouble

The West Is In Crisis

or “The Age of Emotionality”

Professor Julie Ponesse lectured in ancient and political philosophy and ethics at a Canadian university – until her sacking last September for not complying with campus Covid mandates. Yet in her conversation with Zuby she sounds calm, tolerant and genuinely keen to understand what’s going on.

Despite it being somewhat dated (eg the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy had yet to be crushed by authorities when they spoke), conversations like this give me hope.

Watch below. Or listen here.

Underwear doesn’t stop a fart

But some people think a mask stops a virus.

Steve Kirsch is not one of them. So much so that he’s offering $250,000 to MIT, Harvard and Stanford Universities to produce convincing evidence.

I’d be willing to make a $250K grant to MIT if there is a MIT faculty member (you can field as MANY as you like) who can convince Professor Norman Fenton and Stephen Petty that there is scientific evidence that shows that masks reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Steve Kirsch

Cartoon by Bob Moran