- Children are at extremely low risk from Covid-19
- They are not drivers of transmission
- The vaccines use completely new technologies
- Serious and fatal adverse reactions have been reported
- There is no medium or long-term safety data
- The vaccine manufacturers have zero liability
- Natural immunity is safer and more effective
- There are safe and effective treatments for Covid-19
- Past emergency use vaccines have caused harm
- The Covid vaccines do not prevent spread or transmission
Linkedin limits
David Thunder’s latest censorship experience shows LinkedIn is a “safe, trusted and professional network for everyone”… except those who dare question.
Continue reading Linkedin limits… Do not share content that directly contradicts guidance from leading global health organizations and public health authorities; including false information about the safety or efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines…
LinkedIn Professional Community Policies
Sacrificing Science… and children?
Looking at their respective ACIP1Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and VRBPAC2Vaccine and Related Biologics Products Advisory Committee decisions, the CDC and FDA seem to be.
The Jaxen Report (52:40-1:42:10) in this June 23rd Highwire episode has recordings of their data-less decision making processes. The exposé by the ‘hero mother’ Kelley can be found here3… and here’s her interview with Tom Woods.
While watching, remember… there will never be enough high-quality study data to persuade the FDA and CDC support early treatment with ivermectin or similar protocols… yet a brand new injectable gene therapy can be endorsed! with hardly any data from weak, unblinded studies-!!
More clips on the official episode page.
- 1Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
- 2Vaccine and Related Biologics Products Advisory Committee
- 3… and here’s her interview with Tom Woods
US Congress Members Letter to FDA
June 23rd Del Bigtree aired his talk with Congressman Louis Gohmert (21:05- 48:50) about a letter he and other Members of Congress sent the FDA on June 8th.
The letter contained 19 questions. You can read them all on Robert Malone’s Substack.1Background to the letter available on Congressman Louis Gohmert’s site. PDF of the letter available on Congressman Bill Posey’s site. Or here’s a copy I downloaded for safe-keeping.
Then ask why they are not being answered.
More clips on the official episode page.
- 1Background to the letter available on Congressman Louis Gohmert’s site. PDF of the letter available on Congressman Bill Posey’s site. Or here’s a copy I downloaded for safe-keeping.
On How To Get Better
UK GP Dr. Sam White was sanctioned by the General Medical Council for speaking out against the COVID narrative. But the High Court ruled the GMC were violating his human rights.
July 3rd he talked with Maajid Nawaz about his initial questions, resignation, suspension, kangaroo courts, evidence submitted to the police – and Integrative / Functional Medicine as a better form of health care.
The Radical episode on Midazolam.
Dr. White’s December 2021 testimony to the Corona Investigative Committee.
On “Trusting The Science”
In his well-documented June 26th episode double-jabbed1but not taking any more for reasons of conscience. Maajid Nawaz[ spoke with two HART members.
First, retired clinical psychologist Dr. Gary Sidley discussed how compliance is being engineered. Scroll back to the start to catch him. Because…
… I set the video to start with pro-vax, diagnostic pathologist Dr. Claire Craig exposing the poor quality data the FDA used to endorse injecting young children.2She also highlighted these issues on The Highwire, June 23rd
So poor it is actually a gift to truth tellers!
- 1but not taking any more for reasons of conscience.
- 2She also highlighted these issues on The Highwire, June 23rd
On Where Do Rebels Go?
Maajid Nawaz speaks to Vikki Spit – whose partner and bandmate’s death was found by the coroner to have been caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. How she has been treated by authorities, media and the public since Zion died reveals the extent of our inhumanity.
Then from 58:35 he talks with Right Said Fred who have been challenging vaccine mandates openly. They explore why musicians aren’t rebelling anymore.
The crushing power of the pharmaceutical industry
Deeper with Desmet
Does History Repeat Itself?
In this lengthy, thorough and fascinating conversation Bret Weinstein challenges, and applies the evolutionary biology perspective to, Mattias Desmet’s mass formation analysis.
Areas of agreement and disagreement emerge. Nonetheless respect pervades their interaction as they go deep into many areas including, (but not limited to):
Continue reading Deeper with DesmetPathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects
Video Transcript | Video link | Article as PDF1Generated by Mercola.com, July 17th
End of June Dr. Ryan Cole, an anatomic clinical pathologist with a subspecialty in skin pathology and postgraduate Ph.D. training in immunology, spoke with Dr. Joseph Mercola about the COVID injections effects and some possible remedies.2Their conversation was then embedded in a Mercola.com article entitled “Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects” on July 17. Given Mercola’s policy of removing content within 48hrs, I’m reproducing that text here, guided by his Citation Policy.
Continue reading Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects- 1Generated by Mercola.com, July 17th
- 2Their conversation was then embedded in a Mercola.com article entitled “Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects” on July 17. Given Mercola’s policy of removing content within 48hrs, I’m reproducing that text here, guided by his Citation Policy.