Toward a real Grand Jury.

Doctor, Physicist, Actor & Lawyer, Dr Richard Fleming tells Maajid Nawaz about his

But the Grand Jury only happens if enough of “we, the people” demand Attorneys General conduct it.

So tell people about this initiative. Especially US citizens. |

Previous interviews with Dr. Andrew Huff are mentioned. Here they are.

Continue reading Toward a real Grand Jury.

Oct 15: UK Doctors Conference

All health professionals welcome!

Dr. Steve James, Dr. Tina Peers, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. David Cartland, Patrick Holford, Dr. Ros Jones, Dr. Anna Forbes, Dr. Peter Chan, Dr. Sarah Myhill, Dr. Julia Wilkens, Dr. Stephan Becker, Dr Rob Verkerk, Dr Mohammad Adil and others will discuss the future of the NHS,1National Health Service, UK health consequences of the C-19 chapter, medical ethics, and how to empower excellent health for all.

Better Way Conference
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    National Health Service, UK

Are the kids ok?

A heartbreaking new video released October 5th by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation shines a light on the growing number of children diagnosed with myocarditis after taking the Covid-19 vaccine.

Ethics Warning: contains adverts that imply

  • it’s morally ok for society to ask its children risk their well-being for others and
  • if those children are hurt by a medical product while taking that risk, the same profession whose product caused the damage can save shows not all are saved. Also the second ad ignores the life-threatening heart damage that is myocarditis; and the fact that before the jab rollout young people never experienced myocarditis or other issues at rates that warranted public-reassurance ads like this one. Or this one by the British Heart Foundation.

Tweeting about being in it got Dr. Peter McCullough Banned From Twitter.2Here’s what’s left of his tweet. Here’s his account. Oddly, Twitter still haven’t suspended Dr. Pierre Kory or others for retweeting it.

the video | the press release

  • 1 shows not all are saved. Also the second ad ignores the life-threatening heart damage that is myocarditis; and the fact that before the jab rollout young people never experienced myocarditis or other issues at rates that warranted public-reassurance ads like this one. Or this one by the British Heart Foundation.
  • 2
    Here’s what’s left of his tweet. Here’s his account.

Two Doctors on Tuesday

Doctors File First Lawsuit Challenging California Law That Seeks to Punish Physicians for COVID ‘Misinformation’ (Children’s Health Defense)

September 30th, Governor Newsome signed a new Californian law – under which doctors who share unapproved medical information could lose their licence.

So California patients can no longer trust their doctor is sharing everything relating to a condition or treatment.


Dr. Mark McDonald, a Los Angeles psychiatrist, and Dr. Jeff Barke, an Orange County primary care physician are successful.

Two doctors on Tuesday became the first to file a federal lawsuit to stop a new California law that subjects the state’s doctors to discipline, including the suspension of their medical licenses, for sharing “misinformation” or “disinformation” about COVID-19 with their patients.

Children’s Health Defense

(Some of) the V-safe data is out

Over 10,000,000 people submitted health reports to the app after their Covid-19 vaccination.1From which the CDC only recently released some of the data when forced by court order (after “463 days and two law suits“).

From those 10million users:

  • 33% reported at least one adverse event
  • 25% needed time off work or school
  • 7.7% needed medical care
The ICAN V-safe dashboard, page 1

BUT… they were only shown…

… a measly 18 adverse events… as opposed to the over 25,000 MedDRA PT codes (25,592 to be precise) used in the VAERS context of which over 14,000 have been reported in the context of the COVID-19 injections… And just to be a bit facetious, as per Pfizer’s own list of adverse events of special interest that lists 1291 adverse events, this leaves 1,273 adverse event types unavailable for use.

Jessica Rose

… and…

The information captured in free-form fields has not yet been produced and ICAN is still litigating to obtain that information.

Informed Consent Action Network

So… v-safe has more to tell us.

As will today’s October 6th Highwire episode. Livestream or replay on Rumble.2Promo on Rumble.

ICAN | Mark Sharman3Former Sky News executive, Director of Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion | Dr. Jessica Rose

Justice For The Vaccinated

The Vax Justice Bus

… will finish its 10-day public tour of British Colombia tomorrow outside the College of Physicians & Surgeons in Vancouver.

After which it will be much harder for Canadian doctors (who seem to be dying in unusual ways and clusters these days) and their governing body to, credibly, say they didn’t know.

Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Stephen Malthouse – two of many Canadian vilified for upholding the Hippocratic oath and warning about the Covid injections, are on the bus.

Along with VaxJustice co-founder Cris Vleck, they gave an interview on about their journey – and why they’re doing it.

… the Covid-19 pandemic and the related vaccination program represents the biggest crime ever foisted on the people of this world.

It is such a vast conspiracy that it defies credulity, which is in large part how they were able to execute their plan. | |

Is Not Science

… my dad… suffered a cardiac arrest and a sudden cardiac death at home…

… extra 14,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in 2021 versus 2020, so, post vaccine rollout…

… my own social circle, at least half-a-dozen people unexpectedly suffered sudden cardiac death within weeks to months of having the vaccine…

… the original Pfizer trial… there is a smoking gun… there were four cardiac arrests in the vaccine group versus one in the placebo…

… people aged between 16 and 39 there was a 25 per cent increase in either heart attacks or cardiac arrests.

… my duty is to patients and to scientific integrity, and to the truth.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

Jon Rappaport: ‘Starve The Swamp’

… Logicians… have a reputation for being pensive, detached, and a bit reserved. That is, until they try to train all of their mental energy on the moment or the person at hand, which can be a bit uncomfortable for everyone.

Sage Hana

Despite being aware of the AIDS hoax, ‘no virus‘ concept and decentralised understanding of sickness I was still discomfited by Rappaport’s logic in this conversation.1Realising I’m still harbouring some illusions about myself and others. You might be too.

… mass formation… is the easy way out… each person CHOSE to fall under the spell… there’s a moral choice involved… at some level all of these notions of mass whatever, negate the idea of free will and individual freedom.

Jon Rappaport

Starving the swamp…

… turning the oil tanker of culture… will take time, personal action and accountability. | |

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    Realising I’m still harbouring some illusions about myself and others.