Pfizer Exec Concedes COVID-19 Vaccine Was Not Tested on Preventing Transmission Before Release

Just like the FDA said in December 2020

At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.


So why did those officials who knew…

  • remain silent while ‘the lie’ was propagated and/or
  • actively participate in spreading it?

To paraphrase Dr. Mike Yeadon… I don’t know. It’s not my crime.

Rob Roos’ question to Janine Small…

… can be seen at 15:21:30. But, be warned. You may find this hearing painful.

The dodging, sophistry and framing-to-suit-vaccination were staggering… and speed-because-there’s-a-pandemic1Speed of ScienceTM seems to be the coverall excuse.

Then again, this was a “lessons learned” hearing. So it was always likely to take a ‘how can we get better at what we’ve just done?’ approach.

But there are signs several members know the extent of the rot.2e.g. Christine Andersen and C. Terhes and F. Donato from 16:01:45 Sadly, Irish representative Deirdre Clune does not seem one of them3c. 15:40:10 Nor is K. Lucke who doesn’t like his ‘far-right’ colleagues putting on a show and being disrespectful.4c. 17:09:10

BTW, this is the same hearing Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla pulled out of. | |

  • 1
    Speed of ScienceTM
  • 2
    e.g. Christine Andersen and C. Terhes and F. Donato from 16:01:45
  • 3
    c. 15:40:10
  • 4
    c. 17:09:10

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