Are the kids ok?

A heartbreaking new video released October 5th by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation shines a light on the growing number of children diagnosed with myocarditis after taking the Covid-19 vaccine.

Ethics Warning: contains adverts that imply

  • it’s morally ok for society to ask its children risk their well-being for others and
  • if those children are hurt by a medical product while taking that risk, the same profession whose product caused the damage can save shows not all are saved. Also the second ad ignores the life-threatening heart damage that is myocarditis; and the fact that before the jab rollout young people never experienced myocarditis or other issues at rates that warranted public-reassurance ads like this one. Or this one by the British Heart Foundation.

Tweeting about being in it got Dr. Peter McCullough Banned From Twitter.2Here’s what’s left of his tweet. Here’s his account. Oddly, Twitter still haven’t suspended Dr. Pierre Kory or others for retweeting it.

the video | the press release

  • 1 shows not all are saved. Also the second ad ignores the life-threatening heart damage that is myocarditis; and the fact that before the jab rollout young people never experienced myocarditis or other issues at rates that warranted public-reassurance ads like this one. Or this one by the British Heart Foundation.
  • 2
    Here’s what’s left of his tweet. Here’s his account.