We need to talk about excess death

You don’t want to die prematurely, do you? You don’t want your friends and family to either? So, why are you ignoring the signals?

Some important things have happened this week.

One of the most important was the suspension of MP Andrew Bridgen. It’s important because, like many of us truthers over the last couple of years, he has simply become the latest victim of censorship…

… The other important thing is el gato publicly humiliating the ONS.1Office for National Statistics, UK. He has diligently re-analysed their “vaccine effectiveness” data to show that the vaccinated were already dying proportionally more than the unvaccinated up to May last year when the ONS callously stopped reporting…

… yet, when presented with the irrefutable evidence that, in the six months after the mass injection of the population with an experimental medical treatment, the excess mortality signal is at least as high as when the deadly pathogen emerged, the government and media don’t even so much as want to talk about it but they have to shut up anyone else who dares to try.

The data is only in for the first half of season 2022-23 but at 90% higher than the 2018-19 lowest early season, it’s not looking too good either, is it?

I am deeply saddened that the majority of people are still completely unaware of the situation we face.

I am even more saddened by the continued apathy of those who are aware but still choose to do nothing about it.

But we must persist. For the sake of our children.

I might be wrong. Andrew might be wrong. But we sure as hell won’t ever find out what’s right if we muzzle those who ask questions….

Laurence Fox can see it…

Why can’t you?

Joel Smalley

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    Office for National Statistics, UK.

Stop The Shots case in limbo

Jan 12 update: the urgent court case being taken in South Africa by the Stop The Shots group 1Dr. Faan Oosthuizen, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Riekie Erasmus, Dr. EV Rapiti, Fahrie Hassan, Adv. Sabelo Sibanda, John Taylor … which I’ve previously posted about should have started on Tuesday.

But it is now in legal limbo.

Also seems the group were threatened with costs if they don’t withdraw the case.

See Shabnam Palesa Mohamed’s update.

Why did they launch an urgent court case?


… foetal exposure during pregnancy… if it’s not authorised for babies, how can pregnant mothers be taking it? It doesn’t make any sense.

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (at 29:24, next video)

More details, Dec 22:

Dr. Rose’s slides can be found on her Substack. Other references provided by Children’s Health Defense:

Continue reading Stop The Shots case in limbo
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    Dr. Faan Oosthuizen, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Riekie Erasmus, Dr. EV Rapiti, Fahrie Hassan, Adv. Sabelo Sibanda, John Taylor … which I’ve previously posted about

Gotcha! Gleeful Tories knife Andrew Bridge

It appears that the political establishment has circled its wagons and decided it will make a stand against any and all who voice questions regarding Covid vaccine.  No gradual rolling back on vaccine efficacy or safety, but a doubling down on the dishonest propaganda that espouses the importance and essential need for the vaccine and ongoing vigilance, and acceptance of Government as the only source of truth for future emergencies (e.g. catastrophic climate change).

The expulsion of Andrew Bridgen is a shot across the bows of any other MPs who might consider raising their heads above the parapet. The claims of vaccine safety and effectiveness will be amplified, false data re-asserted as truth, and opposition quelled by any means.

This is authoritarianism coming out into the light, ready to use its recently found power over our lives. Over the last three years it has taken control over almost all aspects of our lives, and now it has decided it is going to go on the offensive to cement its position of dominance over the shaping of all our futures, and it will not be forced to relinquish its grip without drastic action by us, the electorate.

John Hale

Kathy Gyngell, editor at The Conservative Woman added:

Continue reading Gotcha! Gleeful Tories knife Andrew Bridge

The OpenVAERS Story – with Liz Willner and Jessica Rose

You take publicly-available, official data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)… and present them in a user-friendly format: OpenVAERS.com… you get smeared…

… and then relocate your family for safety.

An educational conversation


Josh Guetzkowon on CDC safety signals1See also Professor Norman Fenton

OpenVAERS.com | MedAlerts.org | JessicasUniverse.com

v-safe data

SPARS Pandemic Exercise


RoundingTheEarth.substack.com | RoundingTheEarthLocals.com

Landmark Lawsuit Against Legacy Media

It’s about more than censorship.

The Trusted News Initiative decided to shut independent people and groups down.

Now they’re facing an anti-trust suit.


‘Trusted News Initiative’ Antitrust Litigation
Dr. Mercola Website – Mercola.Com
Sovren.Media: Premium Video + Social Media
Truth In Media | Investigative Journalism With Ben Swann
The Truth About Cancer 
The Truth About Vaccines
The Gateway Pundit
Creative Destruction Media
The Echo Project
Tapper Chiropractic
Trial Site News
JW Howard Attorneys

Children’s Health Defense

Watch on: Children’s Health Defense | Rumble

Proven again: ivermectin 72% effective in prevention of Covid-19 infection

The study conducted in 399 participants [all unvaccinated1See press release here.] met its primary efficacy endpoint with a reduction of 72% of COVID-19 infection in the group treated with daily oral administration of ivermectin compared to the placebo group 


Might this tempt Alex Berenson?

Continue reading Proven again: ivermectin 72% effective in prevention of Covid-19 infection

Jack Last died as result of AstraZeneca vaccine – coroner

Amazingly, that’s a mainstream headline.

Jack Last, 27, from Stowmarket, was vaccinated on 30 March 2021 and a week later was admitted to hospital after experiencing headaches and sickness.

A scan on 10 April revealed a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) and he died 10 days later.

Senior coroner Nigel Parsley… said: “Jack Last died of a blood clot to the brain, caused as a direct result of his body’s reaction to the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination which he had received on March 30, 2021.”

Speaking after the two-day inquest, the solicitor working on behalf of the family said they would be pursuing a clinical negligence case against the hospitals involved in Mr Last’s care…

BBC, 13 December 20221One of several archived shots of this article.

BBC couldn’t say ‘coincidence’. So instead…

Cases of clots following vaccination are considered extremely rare. A major UK study said the risk of complications was dwarfed by the risks of the virus itself.

BBC, 13 December 2022