The ‘pandemic’s wrongest man’ sued.

So now he’s back on Twitter.

Alex Berenson joined the July 22nd VSRF weekly update to discuss his free speech lawsuit.

He also explained why he disagrees with (and was confronted by) Dr. Pierre Kory on the importance of ivermectin. Watch from 56:00 on. Great to see more debate!

Original source of the Brook Jackson tweet about 16,136 vaccine-related disability lawsuits.

Informed Consent and The COVID-19 Vaccines

Just how informed were / are you?

Did your Doctor, nurse or other COVID injection provider inform you of their own biases… and… all the deaths and neurological, vascular, reproductive and other injuries in the trials and post-release data?1Only published because of a Freedom Of Information Act request and a court deciding the FDA must release that data this year – not spread out over 55-75 years.

Slides from this informative (!) video are here.2Video opens with a snippet from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance “Stop The Shots” video

Dr. Kory also wrote about an informed consent discussion he had with a patient. He talked them through…

Continue reading Informed Consent and The COVID-19 Vaccines
  • 1
    Only published because of a Freedom Of Information Act request and a court deciding the FDA must release that data this year – not spread out over 55-75 years.
  • 2
    Video opens with a snippet from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance “Stop The Shots” video

Coincidences mean nothing.

Haslemere, England…

  • 2017/8: scene of an asymptomatic Patient Zero in the BBCs data-gathering virus simulation programme “Pandemic”
  • 2020: first official case of COVID in UK.

Lots of other amazing prescient coincidences around this programme and presenter Hannah Fry. (Of course, as mere coincidences, they are not evidence of conspiracy nor would they have had any effect in conditioning viewers for real life situations).

Tracking apps, data gathering, masks, distancing, school closures, limiting gatherings, isolation, responsibility, vaccines… oh, and the programmes mathematical team1… with Neil Ferguson in the near background and their work were involved in, and influenced UK national policy in the ‘real’ pandemic!

The following two videos lay it all out:

Continue reading Coincidences mean nothing.
  • 1
    … with Neil Ferguson in the near background


By now you’ll have heard of the new wonder <snigger> drug approved for use with COVID. Especially as it didn’t help Dr. Anthony Fauci recently and his COVID rebounded.

Effective and safe, so approved for us by the same experts who said…

  • lockdowns worked (but they didn’t, plus did colossal damage);
  • masks didn’t work (until suddenly they did, so we put them on and they did nothing);
  • vaccines would end the pandemic (but they didn’t, so we need more and more of them)1Quadruple-injected US President Joe Biden is the latest to demonstrate their effectiveness!

… and thankfully kept us safe from useless, dangerous interventions like ivermectin.

“The Uncensored Citizen” collated some sources on Paxlovid.

The Forbidden Debate

He was only supposed to present audience questions. But Del Bigtree saw an opportunity.1at The Better Way Conference opening evening, May 20th

So, finally, we got a public discussion about vaccines!

His follow up with Geert Vanden Bossche2… scroll to 1:06:27 is equally educational.

Official episode page.

Before you inject a child…

  1. Children are at extremely low risk from Covid-19
  2. They are not drivers of transmission
  3. The vaccines use completely new technologies
  4. Serious and fatal adverse reactions have been reported
  5. There is no medium or long-term safety data
  6. The vaccine manufacturers have zero liability
  7. Natural immunity is safer and more effective
  8. There are safe and effective treatments for Covid-19
  9. Past emergency use vaccines have caused harm
  10. The Covid vaccines do not prevent spread or transmission

Sacrificing Science… and children?

Looking at their respective ACIP1Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and VRBPAC2Vaccine and Related Biologics Products Advisory Committee decisions, the CDC and FDA seem to be.

The Jaxen Report (52:40-1:42:10) in this June 23rd Highwire episode has recordings of their data-less decision making processes. The exposé by the ‘hero mother’ Kelley can be found here3… and here’s her interview with Tom Woods.

While watching, remember… there will never be enough high-quality study data to persuade the FDA and CDC support early treatment with ivermectin or similar protocols… yet a brand new injectable gene therapy can be endorsed! with hardly any data from weak, unblinded studies-!!

More clips on the official episode page.

  • 1
    Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
  • 2
    Vaccine and Related Biologics Products Advisory Committee
  • 3
    … and here’s her interview with Tom Woods

US Congress Members Letter to FDA

June 23rd Del Bigtree aired his talk with Congressman Louis Gohmert (21:05- 48:50) about a letter he and other Members of Congress sent the FDA on June 8th.

The letter contained 19 questions. You can read them all on Robert Malone’s Substack.1Background to the letter available on Congressman Louis Gohmert’s site. PDF of the letter available on Congressman Bill Posey’s site. Or here’s a copy I downloaded for safe-keeping.

Then ask why they are not being answered.

More clips on the official episode page.

On “Trusting The Science”

In his well-documented June 26th episode double-jabbed1but not taking any more for reasons of conscience. Maajid Nawaz[ spoke with two HART members.

First, retired clinical psychologist Dr. Gary Sidley discussed how compliance is being engineered. Scroll back to the start to catch him. Because…

… I set the video to start with pro-vax, diagnostic pathologist Dr. Claire Craig exposing the poor quality data the FDA used to endorse injecting young children.2She also highlighted these issues on The Highwire, June 23rd

So poor it is actually a gift to truth tellers!