14.7 million views since Nov 21 premiere

I prefer calmer presentations. Like Anecdotals or Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion.
But so many seem beyond the reach of calm logic. Refuse to even consider the mere possubility – despite multiple, plausible mechanisms of action – that these injections actually might be killing and maiming people…. destroying nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive and immune systems.
So perhaps a dramatic approach is warranted? Maybe, to borrow a pro-lockdown/mask slogan: if it saves just one life, it’s worth it?
In a post-fact culture, it’s nuanced
As evident from this Dec 21 chat between Christian Morris, Greg Moffitt, John Waters and Thomas Sheridan:
Mark Crispin Miller says:
Continue reading The “Died Suddenly” Movie… watch it as soon as you can—it’s a little over an hour—and share it far and wide. Although it makes some trivial mistakes, it is a very solid piece of work…
… this film will open many people’s eyes, which is (of course) why I am recommending it. The BBC has joined me in that expectation—which has impelled them… to try to kill it, with this attempted takedown by one Rachael Schraer….