Byram Bridle: 1,000 days dangerous

Apparently to protect some of his colleagues, the University of Guelph have kept the viral immunologist1archives out of his laboratory and office for 1,000 days now.

But he’s free to go everywhere else on campus.

(It doesn’t have to make sense. Because it’s Covid Logic.)

Here’s his April 20th Substack article.

An Unwelcome Milestone

I have been locked out of my laboratory and office for 1,000 days

Continue reading Byram Bridle: 1,000 days dangerous

What ambulances show us

Here are four authors presenting ambulance call out data which show (yet again) that the official COVID narrative is flawed.

1. Oisín Page – about Dublin

Dublin City Council ambulance datasets show:

  • 2020 was a quiet year, despite a ‘deadly’ virus rampaging amongst us. You may remember the media announcing death tolls for months on end that year. With that much death attributed to COVID-19 why do the Dublin ambulance statistics show less call outs during that time instead of more?
  • things seem to be worsening since Quarter 2, 2021. Particularly striking for me is the change in seasonal patterns – with Summer and Autumn Call Outs reaching Winter levels.

The graph above shows the total Call Outs, per month, for all categories of “Criticality” combined:

  • (A) Alpha = Non serious or life threatening
  • (B) Bravo = Serious not life threatening urgent
  • (C) Charlie = Serious not life threatening immediate
  • (D) Delta = Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest
  • (E) Echo = Life threatening Cardiac or respiratory arrest
  • (O) Omega = Minor illness or injury
  • Null / Not Classed

I won’t flood you here with graphs for each of those categories – especially as the changes in most are not all that remarkable.1If curious, you can explore them in my spreadsheet (.ODS, 60MB). But one category stands out:

From Autumn 2021 onward “Life-threatening Cardiac or respiratory” Call Outs are generally above normal seasonal levels… and the jump up for December 2022 is remarkable.

Oisín: the Aug-Sept 2016 jump may be due to reclassification of type D call outs which show an unusual drop at that time. That, plus other oddities in the pre-2016 datasets, suggest those older datasets are less reliable. So they were discounted.

What happens in January 2023?

The datasets I found contained 2 or 3 years in each document. If Dublin City Council keep that publishing pattern, we may have to wait until 2025 to find out what happened in 2023 and 2024.

My spreadsheet (.ODS, 60MB) | Dublin City Council ambulance datasets

2. Patrick E. Walsh – about Ireland

The ‘Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Register’ (OHCAR) reports annually to the National Ambulance Service of Ireland on cardiac incidents measured as per their annual report…

The highlights are as follows:

  • 2021 EMS Cardio Incidents are 21.2% up on 2020
  • 2021 EMS Cardio Incidents are 13.3% up on 2019
  • The rate per 100k population has increased accordingly
  • Interestingly, the median age in 2021 has fallen to 67 after 4 years at 68…
Patrick E. Walsh

Full article here.

3. Byram Bridle – about Alberta

If COVID-19 Was so Horrific and the ‘Vaccines’ Were so Effective, This Should Show Up in Emergency Medical Services Data, Shouldn’t It?

I drew red lines over the years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 to indicate the mean call volume for each. I only focused on emergency calls (the black bars) since they are the ones that people are most concerned about. Once again, the call volume for emergency medical services dropped in 2020 and then increased in 2021-2022. This is further evidence that contradicts the idea that paramedics were busier than ever in 2020, but then relieved of the excessive workload once most people were coerced into getting COVID-19 shots.

Dr. Byram Bridle

Full article here. Also articles here and here.

4. Jessica Hockett – about New York

… Contrary to the impression given to the public, emergency department visits dropped by as much as 60% in this period (Figure 4); ambulance arrivals to hospitals decreased by 29% (Figure 5)…

… 5,300 additional deaths occurring at home … are corroborated by a 285% increase in patients pronounced dead at the point of ambulance dispatch pickup (Figure 7). Most of this increase was heart-related deaths– an inevitable consequence of telling people to stay away from hospitals for anything that wasn’t potentially a severe symptom of Covid.

Full article here. See also her discussion with JJ Couey and presentation to PANDA.

The Distraction Files and Leaks

Recently The Twitter Files revealed US officials were pressing Twitter to censor on their behalf. Then the US Dept. of Energy endorsed the lab leak story, followed by Woody Harrelson being allowed describe1Mathew Crawford wrote a follow up to his first take the insanity on the Saturday Night Live TV show.2More perspectives: Mark Crispin Miller, Kate Wand, Gerry O’Neill, Dr. Peter McCullough, Alex Berenson

Now The Lockdown Files leak shows UK officials orchestrating public fear and more. Dr. John Campbell feels disappointed about the revelations. while Dr. Byram Bridle cautions that verification is needed and el gato malo finds them astonishingly unastonishing

… all neatly distracting from…

… falling birth rates, excess deaths and…

the WHO’s power grab.3See also

What The WHO Is Actually Proposing

Prevention and Early Treatment Guide for COVID-19

from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance

Although I am a vaccinologist, I recognized early on that there were effective alternatives to vaccines. What brought this to my attention most was the emergence of incredibly poorly designed clinical trials that started to counter the promising evidence. These trials appeared to me to have been designed to fail. That prompted me to do a deep dive into the literature…

 I was impressed with the work that many talented physicians had done in repurposing arrays of largely generic drugs and supplements into prophylactic and early treatment strategies…

… preventative and early treatment strategies have become highly refined over the past several years. In the interest of promoting optimal health for my readership, I am pleased to share with you the CCCA’s highly refined “Prevention and Early Treatment Guide for COVID-19”…

A high-quality seven-minute video can be found here.

Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Watch on Rumble

Download the guide here.

June 2022: Moderna CMO believes spikes from the mRNA vaccine get to the heart

But Dr. Paul Burton still has his job.

In contrast, after this short May 2021 radio interview…

… and publishing a Parent Guide to COVID-19 Vaccination

My life exploded into a storm of harassment, accusations, and censorship…

… fact checkers claiming that I did not know what I was talking about…

An open letter was written by a large number of my colleagues at the University of Guelph, none of whom are vaccinologists.1Context: Dr. Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. All of them accused me of spreading misinformation…

My career has suffered what will likely be irreparable damage. I am still not allowed to access my office or laboratory… 

I wonder if the naysayers will listen to the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ manufacturers as they now confirm this 1.5-year-old message.

Dr. Byram Bridle