Young Canadian doctors dying

All shortly after the jab

Some in clusters.

But officials, experts and fact-checkers say they died from other causes, not the shots. So nothing to worry about.

What a relief!

Plus, anecdotes like these prove nothing.

A fair, logical point.

But if we apply that logic in the other direction…

Continue reading Young Canadian doctors dying

Seven simple questions for the unenlightened

COVID mostly affects the over 65s.

So what would you expect to see when you look at younger age groups and compare

  • excess deaths1As a certain number of deaths are statistically expected each week/month/year ‘zero’ excess deaths means people were dying in normal numbers. So, below the zero line indicates fewer deaths than expected, above indicates more than expected. in 2020 (when COVID was ‘new’) with
  • excess deaths in 2021 (when the miracle shots came into action)?

Why is the “vaccine” year so much higher than the virus year and where is the declaration of a public health emergency?

Joel Smalley

His charts, explanations and resulting questions are worth the five minute read.

  • 1
    As a certain number of deaths are statistically expected each week/month/year ‘zero’ excess deaths means people were dying in normal numbers. So, below the zero line indicates fewer deaths than expected, above indicates more than expected.

The Trusted News Initiative

After recent posts on media lies and misdirection, it seems relevant to remember this BBC initiative exists, what it does and who is involved.

It is NOT a group of conspirators though.

It is merely a coincidental partnership between entities aligned around agreed goals.

Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone are two of many who have looked into it:

Continue reading The Trusted News Initiative

33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago

All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”

… I’m a conservative talk show host who has warned LOUDLY of the dangers of the vaccine since day one. So, my friends are overwhelmingly conservative and unvaccinated too. Yet the few friends I know who did choose to vaccinate are almost all dead or ill.

Just think about those percentages. The ranks of my few vaccinated friends are decimated like a platoon of Marines shredded by an enemy ambush, who came home in body bags.

Wait, here’s the clincher. Among my friends and family who are unvaccinated, not one of them has died or been sick since my wedding eight months ago.

Wayne Allyn Root

His Twitter account is suspended at the moment. Probably just a coincidence though.

Coincidences mean nothing.

Haslemere, England…

  • 2017/8: scene of an asymptomatic Patient Zero in the BBCs data-gathering virus simulation programme “Pandemic”
  • 2020: first official case of COVID in UK.

Lots of other amazing prescient coincidences around this programme and presenter Hannah Fry. (Of course, as mere coincidences, they are not evidence of conspiracy nor would they have had any effect in conditioning viewers for real life situations).

Tracking apps, data gathering, masks, distancing, school closures, limiting gatherings, isolation, responsibility, vaccines… oh, and the programmes mathematical team1… with Neil Ferguson in the near background and their work were involved in, and influenced UK national policy in the ‘real’ pandemic!

The following two videos lay it all out:

Continue reading Coincidences mean nothing.
  • 1
    … with Neil Ferguson in the near background

Dr. Mike Yeadon with Maajid Nawaz

Former Global Head of Respiratory Diseases and drug designer with Pfizer dismantles The ScienceTM and exposes key COVID lies in an understandable, common sense way.

Lots of bombshells. For example:

[The Diamond Princess cruise ship highlights that because our immune response wanes with age]…

They don’t work! Vaccines don’t work in elderly people…

I’m depressed. I mean, I came from this industry.

Dr. Mike Yeadon (from 45:15 on)

Who is Maajid Nawaz?

A double-jabbed, former UK call-in show host who was once an Islamist revolutionary, trained in ideological warfare – how to deconstruct a country so as to destroy it from within. In-depth interview with Joe Rogan here.